The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 753: The soul of music plays the most moving melody

The song that Mami Iwasawa sang today still maintains her previous style. The passionate melody makes people listen to the blood boiling, the look of full-heartedness, the sweat on her face, and the strings plucked to her heart. It is the best proof of the full release of youth... Not only the audience below gave enthusiastic applause and cheers, even Lin Luo, who was leaning outside the stadium, couldn't help but hum to the melody.

"It's a girl who has the soul of a musician. She made the atmosphere so soon, but..." Lin Luo praised it but frowned slightly. Although Mami Iwasawa sang very well today, it is not inferior to the past. It is better than before in tone and passion, but he always feels that there is not enough.

Is the dedication not enough? Still not enough?

neither! As a singer, at this moment, Iwasawa Mami's status has reached full marks, but for Iwasawa Mami, she still lacks something... Lin Luo thinks so, but he can't know what is missing. I learned that, after all, he is not a musician, but has such a faint feeling.

At the end of the song, Lin Luo had no time to appreciate Mami Iwasawa's songs, nor did he have time to think about where it was not enough, because the angel and the school teacher had already appeared in front of him.

If it’s just an angel, Lin Luo is relatively easy to deal with, whether it’s lip service or force, but it’s a bit troublesome to add the school teacher. After all, members of the front cannot use force against ordinary NPCs. In this way, Lin Luo Bian can only use mouth cannon.

"Hey, what are you guys doing? Get out of me!" Before Lin Luo tried to kill, one of the burly teachers saw him standing at the entrance of the gym, blocking their way, and immediately shouted.

Lin Luo remembered that he was teaching physical education, and smiled bitterly: "No, teacher, I actually want to walk away, but my feet are numb, and I can't walk if I want to go. Why don't you wait for my feet to recover. How about going in?"

"Asshole! Do you think I'm an idiot? No one will get numb when standing!" The physical education teacher didn't believe Lin Luo's words at all, and he reached out his hand to try to force Lin Luo away...After all, the NPCs In terms of emotions, they are actually the same as human beings. He also knew that Lin Luo was one of the group of "bad students". The purpose of standing here was obviously to stop them, so there would be room for discussion.

"Look there, there are monsters over there!" At this moment, Lin Luo suddenly changed his face and shouted, pointing behind them.

Except that the angel didn't make any movements, the teachers and the student union who came with it subconsciously looked back. Of course, they didn't see anything.

"Are you kidding us? Get out of me quickly!"

"I didn't lie, look?" Lin Luo stretched out his fingers. When the voice fell, a sky-shaking explosion suddenly sounded on the school playground, and then flowers of brilliant fireworks flew toward the sky, illuminating the entire night sky.

"Damn it, what the **** are you guys doing!" The teacher scolded, without even thinking about it, the only "bad students" who would set off fireworks in the school in the middle of the night. Immediately looked at the angel, "President of the student council, you ask the people of the student council to stop them, it is getting more and more lawless!"

The fireworks on the playground attracted even the angel's eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but due to the responsibility of the student council president, she asked the vice president to bring half of the student council members to stop it.

"Teacher, your trouser belt is loose." Just as some people in the student union left, and before the rest of the people started to take the next step, Lin Luo suddenly pointed at the waist of the physical education teacher and laughed.

Feeling the cold and swish of the lower body, the physical education teacher instinctively looked down and found that his pants had fallen to the ground at some point, and he hurriedly lifted it up, only to see that the belt of the sports pants had been broken in two, and There are obvious cuts.

He tied his belt casually, his gaze fell on Lin Luo's right hand Taidao, and he suddenly cursed, "You guy is so bold, do you want to be confined?!"

Lin Luo looked innocent and said, "Teacher, I didn't do anything."

He didn't do anything, just taking advantage of the time when everyone was not paying attention, using an invisible sword drawing technique to cut off the opponent's waistband...Although the frontline has regulations not to use force against NPCs, he just cuts the waistband. Not breaking the rules.

Of course, after speaking, he took a careful look at the angel. If the angel thought he was using force, it would be terrible. If it was directly opposed to the angel’s force, he would have no time to stop the teachers and other student council members... Unless TK and Dashan can make the fireworks more gorgeous.

Fortunately, the angel only glanced at him, and didn't do anything. Probably because Lin Luo didn't have the intention to fight, or because he didn't want to use force in front of the teachers.

"Get out of the way!" The physical education teacher said while pulling Lin Luo's body.

"Teacher, are you here to stop the concert?" Since comprehending the sword intent, Lin Luo has also gained a little bit of taking advantage of his strength. With the physical fitness of ordinary physical education teachers, he is naturally unable to win him, but In order to delay some time as much as possible, he also had to talk nonsense.

"of course!"

"But everyone is very happy, you see."

"Now it's not a school festival. The gymnasium is not for you to hold a concert, and it's a late break. According to school regulations, all students must return to my dormitory!"

"It won't take a lot of time. It will be over in half an hour at most, so the teacher can be a little bit more accommodating."

"Before we opened one eye and closed one eye, don't take it too far!"

The physical education teacher saw that he could not pull Lin Luo alone, so he had to ask other teachers to join the student union members. Although Lin Luo did not use force, but with the skill of unloading, he was able to "attacks" these people well. It took some time to resolve it...It was a blessing that the angel didn't make a move.

On the other side, Asami Iwasawa and her band have finished singing the second song. The enthusiasm of the audience has been fully mobilized. As for the situation outside the stadium, she can also see it, but without the use of force, she I don't think Lin Luo can block so many people until the end of the concert. Now, she can only hope that these enthusiastic audiences can block one block at that time, but... there are too few people.

If it was the number of people in Operation Tornado, even with the current atmosphere, the teachers could be blocked, but the current number is slightly insufficient. To block the menacing teachers and student unions, the atmosphere of the audience must be thorough. It burns up, and that... must rely on their songs!

What kind of song can fully ignite the enthusiasm of the audience? The passionate rock and blood, the passionate music, are even more exciting... Asami Iwasawa was singing and thinking, but when she looked at the passionate faces of the audience below, she suddenly moved in her heart.

When she was alive, she had no hope and the future was saved by music. Since then, her position in music has not only been a career, but a yearning, and she needs to invest in all her hopes.

Do your best to give and sing. While saving yourself with music, you also hope that you can save others through your own music, but...Is this really what I do now?

Although singing with all his strength, the soul is no longer pure.

She is not thinking about how to ignite the atmosphere of the audience, nor how to make the audience indulge in her own singing. What she wants to sing is music that can move people, so that people in pain can see happiness.

This is the soul of her music for Asami Iwasawa!

"Finally found, the meaning of my life, and the meaning of my coming into this world."

When the third song ended, Asami Iwasawa raised her head, squinted her eyes slightly, her eyes flashed with a gratifying and fulfilling smile, the tears that overflowed from her eyes merged with sweat and flowed across her cheeks. At the same time, her fingers Press on the strings and lightly play a note.

"That's..." Hearing this tone, the three girls in the band were stunned at the same time. They have worked with Asami Iwasawa for so long, and they know almost all the songs they have. Of course the song they are going to sing now is the same, but... this song is not planned. It has been rejected by Yu Ion in the morning. Why does Iwasawa sing this song?

The three of them were puzzled, but they still played with the instruments in their hands as they had professional qualities.

The moment the music sounded, the fiery cheers of the entire stadium fell silent, and everyone's faces showed blank expressions...because the music was not the previous passionate style, on the contrary, it seemed more peaceful and quiet. , Giving people a faint sadness, as if saying something.

And outside the gymnasium, the movements of the teacher and the student union also stopped because of Iwasawa's song. Even Lin Luo stared blankly at the **** the stage not far away... From the moment the lyrics came, he heard that it was a narrative song, and it was singing Mami Iwasawa's own life. !

The shallow sorrow, the faint sorrow, intertwined with the sad melody; the unyielding heart, the fiery love, pour in the passionate beat; the miserable life, the happy world, create the perfect tone; the splendid dream, the struggle Road, played that gorgeous movement.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what the other party was lacking just now, it was the soul! Not only put your enthusiasm into it, but also put your soul and everything into it!

This is Mami Iwasawa, this is Mami Iwasawa's song!

"You Zuo, go and turn on the radio so that everyone in the school can hear her song." Lin Luo said to the walkie-talkie, then turned to face the teachers and the students in the student union, and directly pulled out the Demon Blade Village Masaru and placed it on his chest.

"If you still want to stop, then I will stop you at all costs...Small, even you are the same, at this moment, I will definitely not let any of you in!"

Lin Luo looked at the angel, firm and persistent.

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