The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 754: Is this a confession? In front of so many people

In order to help Mami Iwasawa complete this concert, Lin Luo has used force to stop the teacher and the student union, and may even directly become an enemy of the angels... This does not mean that Mami Iwasawa is above the angels in his heart. It's not that I have any wrong thoughts about Asami Iwasawa.

He doesn't deny that he has a great affection for Iwasawa Asami, but most of the reason is because the other party's tragic life while alive made him feel sympathy, and then pity, and instinctively wanted to help her. Especially when the other party is singing with her soul at the moment, Lin Luo is sure that for Mami Iwasawa, it is an extremely important song, and it is also a very important moment, whether it is a companion on the same front or because of his heart He must help her for that pity.

This matter has nothing to do with affection and love, and it has nothing to do with interests and right or wrong. It is just a mind that is purely for the sake of others. Life is alive, always do one or two good things to make others happy, but I get nothing...Although he is dead.

The school teachers and the students in the student union were all stunned there, without a step forward, but their eyes seldom stayed on Lin Luo, and more of them looked at Asami Iwasawa in the distance.

That's it... Seeing this scene, Lin Luo couldn't help but laugh at himself, and then put the Demon Blade Village away.

The reason why these people didn't rush in was not her own threat of force, but Mami Iwasawa's songs. Her songs not only moved the audience under the stage, but even spread to everyone's hearts.

But even so, he would not let go, because there was an angel.

"Why?" The angel looked at Lin Luo with a faint gaze, and suddenly asked.

"what why?"

"Why are you helping her? She violated school rules."

"School rules? Maybe. For students, school rules are very important. After all, no rules can't make a circle. But, a small melodrama, sometimes many things are more important than rules. She found what she wanted. What she did found the meaning of life, and it was my duty and my promise to let her accomplish all of this."

"Promise to whom?"

"There is no promise to anyone, just my own promise, nothing more." Lin Luo said indifferently, but the decision in his heart will not be shaken. Even if this promise has not been said to anyone, as long as he has said it before, then It must be done, perhaps...this is also the meaning of his existence.

"Really..." The angel said two words, and no longer made any movements. He didn't step forward to stop or leave. He just stood there silently looking at Asami Iwasawa on the stage, with a faint sigh and relief in his eyes. .

Looking at her, Lin Luo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Then he focused on the stage, but he was very puzzled by the look in the angel's eyes just now. For some reason, suddenly there was a kind of disagreement in his heart. Good foreboding, as if something is about to be lost...

There was still soft music on the stage, as well as the melancholic but hopeful singing of Asami Iwasawa. This singing was not only heard by the people present, but through the broadcast opened by Yuza, it was heard by everyone in the school. Almost none of the people who heard this song did not stop their work.

A big school, only the singing of Asami Iwasawa.

At this moment, she really touched everyone with her singing.

But Lin Luo feels something is wrong...The world after death, the miserable life, the joyful look of the angels, the SSS group that wants to resist the gods, the Iwasawa Mami who cursed the unfair destiny, the Iwasawa Mami who found the meaning of life, Qi Asami Iwasawa, who is doing everything to sing, and the throbbing in her heart that seems to be losing something...Connect all of these, isn't it? !

To disappear! Asami Iwasawa is going to disappear!

From the little information, Lin Luo still couldn’t know what the world meant to those who died, and there was no basis for it. After all, under their “common sense”, only regular classes would disappear. But for some reason, Lin Luo had a thought that Mami Iwasawa was going to disappear.

And once this idea came into being, he couldn't stop it, and he didn't even have the ability to refute it, because he seemed to have seen Asami Iwasawa who had finished singing, leaving only the guitar that once accompanied her disappeared in front of everyone.

He had never seen that scene before, but it was so clear in his mind!

The dead disappeared from this world, whether they will be reincarnated, or will become microbes, or disappear completely, he also discussed a topic with everyone in the SSS group. Lin Luo didn't know what kind of Iwasawa Mami would be, but even if Iwasawa Mami found her meaning in life and stopped rebelling against God, then reincarnated, would that be really good?

Lin Luo didn't know.

He only knew that, no matter what, he didn't want Mami Iwasawa to disappear like this.

So, when that idea came up in his mind, he didn't even think about it, and immediately rushed forward, squeezed the crowd forcefully, and ran towards Mami Iwasawa on the stage.

At this time, the singing had come to an end, but Lin Luo and Asami Iwasawa still had a long way to go.

Damn it! It will be too late!

The crowd was too dense, even if Lin Luo wanted to forcefully squeeze onto the stage, it would take a lot of time, which was obviously not enough for him to "save" Asami Iwasawa, because the other party was already pulling the last string.

While cursing secretly in his heart, Lin Luo no longer cared about shocking the world, he sighed, jumped directly into the crowd, and then stepped on the shoulders of the audience and quickly swept towards the stage...

"Mami, don't disappear!"

When the singing ended and Asami Iwasawa closed her eyes slightly and moved her fingers away from the guitar, Lin Luo finally rushed to the stage, holding her hand and shouting loudly.

Caught up, finally caught up!

Feeling the substantial and warm sensuality in his hands, Lin Luo's hanging heart finally let go, while Iwasawa Asami looked at him in surprise.

"Disappeared? What disappeared?"

"This..." Lin Luo couldn't talk about it for a while, although he felt that Mami Iwasawa would disappear, but what should he say without any basis?

"Do you think I will disappear?" Looking at Lin Luo's embarrassed expression, Iwasawa Asami asked.

"Um... I did feel that way, but it's great that you didn't disappear."

"Haha." Asami Iwasawa smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you tell me that you want me to spread my singing all over the world? I want to try it out, so before I complete that goal, I won't It will disappear, and... I am a little bit reluctant."

"Reluctant? Everyone on the front?"

"Probably so." Asami Iwasawa said noncommittal, then pulled her hand back and smiled, "By the way, I have seen everything you did outside just now. I am very grateful to you, thanks to your help. I can only sing this song."

"That's what I should do." Although Lin Luo said so, his face was a little twitched. He almost fought with the NPC just now. If this matter is known to You Ion, he will have to educate him again.

Lin Luo's sudden chaos did not bring any adverse effects to the concert. As Mami Iwasawa's singing ended, the concert ended shortly afterwards. The ordinary students left the gym one by one after being rushed by the teachers. .

But outside the door, when the angel left, there was a glimmer of brilliance in the eyes of Asami Iwasawa, and she muttered to herself, "Why didn't it disappear?"

On the stage, the girl was packing up her musical instruments. Asami Iwasawa seemed very calm, but the other girls looked at Lin Luo from time to time. Obviously, Lin Luo's behavior just now made them quite concerned... after all, there are so many. People rushed to the stage directly in front of them and said something that was almost indistinguishable from a confession, to say that there was no ambiguity between Lin Luo and Yanze, and they didn't believe it if they were killed!

As a result, the girl's pure heart of gossip immediately flooded into disaster.

"Well, I'll leave first, you guys continue." Lin Luo couldn't bear the look in their eyes, said a simple word, and immediately ran out of the gymnasium.

"She, why didn't she disappear?"

Like angels, Lin Luo also had this question in his heart. He was 100% sure that if he was one second late, Mami Iwasawa would definitely disappear. Then, the reason why she still exists here... is really like her. Did you say that you want to spread the song all over the world, or is it just because you are reluctant to bear everyone on the front?

"Hello, Iwasawa, what is the relationship between you and him?" After Lin Luo walked away, the girls on the stage immediately stopped their work and surrounded Iwasawa Mami. Full of curiosity.

"Iwasawa, shouldn't you be that one?" A certain girl took out **** and compared.

"Senior Iwazawa, that's a perverted thief. Just now, I just moved my feet to Yuyi Meow."

Listening to these people, Mami Iwasawa couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't talk nonsense, he just thought I was going to disappear, so he came to save me. There is no other meaning, and I only need music."

This is what Iwasawa Asami said, but what she thinks in her heart is not known to others, but as far as she is concerned, today’s affairs will not be forgotten, because she met for the first time, and someone helped like this. She... Lin Luo helped her stop the determination of the teacher and the student union. For some reason, she felt very clear.

That is a kind of pay without asking for return.

Perhaps, she was already attacked... Asami Iwasawa smiled bitterly in her heart.

"Hey, Iwasawa-senpai, what is this on your neck?" At this moment, Yui suddenly pointed to Asami Iwasawa's neck and asked curiously.

"Huh?" Mami Iwasawa was taken aback for a moment, and the others immediately gathered around and were amazed, "A sign that looks like a half moon, Iwasawa, this doesn't seem to be a birthmark, right?"

Looking through the mirror brought by her companion, Mami Iwasawa found that there was a strange mark on her neck... the whole shape was half moon, but there was an extra horizontal line in the middle.

She felt baffled. She has no birthmarks, and it is impossible to draw them. Moreover, there is no birthmark before the concert!

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