The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 755: Lead singer highly recommended, strong debut by Yimiao

In the early morning of the next day, he fought against the angel headquarters.

"Then, I will simply tell you what I have now." You Ion hovered in front of the commander's platform, rubbing his chin and said to the elite members next to him, "I got it from the computer in the Angel Realm yesterday. According to the information, it can be judged that the angels develop their own abilities just like us, and the method of making weapons is the same as we do."

"What's going on?" someone asked aloud quickly.

"I haven't confirmed this yet, but..." Having said that, You Ion didn't say any more, walked to the window and looked at the school outside, but her eyes were already lost in thought.

Angels must use the same methods as us to fight. Why are they not empowered by God, why they need to create themselves? The conclusion drawn from this point is also the worst setting... God does not exist at all!

Sitting in the position, Yu Ion is no longer as relaxed and leisurely as before, with unprecedented heaviness on his face... The purpose of their SSS group is to defeat the gods, to resist the unfair fate, but if the gods do not exist, then they exist. What is the significance here? Who should they fight with?

Therefore, God does not exist such a thing, she does not want to admit it, and she will never admit it!

I'm sure... what You Ion said completely eliminated the last trace of doubt in Lin Luo's heart. He can now be sure that Lihua Music is not an angel, but a human like them!

Lin Luo originally planned to tell the story about Lihua Musical after confirming today. Even if they cannot be convinced, even if the SSS group and Lihua Musical cannot turn their enemies into friends, it can at least slightly ease the tension between the two parties. atmosphere of. But through yesterday's incident, Lin Luo had to suppress it.

After all, there is still a dangerous enemy hidden in a place that the SSS group does not know. Now that enemy does not know that he has found him, and he is working on a plan to deal with the SSS group. To disrupt, it is inevitable to startle and startle the snake.

Just imagine, if the SSS group ceases to be an enemy of the angels, but becomes an alliance instead, the two strongest forces are united, who else can rival the entire world after death? No matter how strong the hidden enemy is, it is impossible to beat the terrifying force of the Angels and the SSS group.

Lin Luoke didn't think that there would be any idiot who would be so stupid to face the SSS team and angels at the same time.

Therefore, in order not to startle the snake, he can only temporarily conceal the situation of Lihua playing, otherwise, if the hidden enemy is vigilant and lurks, God knows when and what month he can make him appear.

"Yuri, I have something to tell you." At this moment, Asami Iwasawa, who was sitting on the coffee table, said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" You Ion said faintly, her expression seemed a little absent.

"Well, that's the case, I want to temporarily quit GDM, so I will mention it to you."

"Quit GDM, no problem... Hey! What did you just say?!" Halfway through, Yu Ion suddenly changed his face and stood up abruptly, looking at Mami Iwasawa in shock.

Not only her, but all the members present, including Lin Luo, were stunned... Asami Iwasawa wants to quit GDM, it's no small thing!

GDM is the name of the band formed by Mami Iwasawa and three other girls. The position on the front line is the induction troop. As one of the few elite members of the SSS group, Mami Iwasawa has no combat effectiveness, but she has played a role. But its role is very important, and its position in the entire front can be ranked in the top five.

But now she actually said that she would quit GDM, which is undoubtedly an immeasurable loss to the frontline.

You ion instinctively wanted to refuse. After all, once Iwasawa withdrew, the induced troops were almost in name only, but as far as she knew, Iwasawa was not the kind of person who didn't know the general, and Iwasawa, who was known as a cold beauty on the front, Although there are not many opinions, they must be put forward only after careful consideration on such a major matter.

"Retire...Is there any reason?" You Ion doesn't know why Iwasawa made such a sudden decision. As far as yesterday's concert was concerned, although Iwasawa did not sing the passionate music according to her instructions, he got But the results were better than she expected, and she did not blame it, but gave a lot of praise.

Iwasawa smiled indifferently, "I didn't say that I would retire. I sang with everyone in GDM for so long. If I really want to retire, I will not bear it. As for the reason for temporarily quitting, I just feel that I am now myself. It’s still far from a real musician, so I want to practice for a while...Of course, I will come back immediately when I make a breakthrough."

"So that's the case." You Ion breathed a sigh of relief, but she could accept it just to practice, but, "Where do you want to practice?"

"In the nearby mountains, through yesterday's singing, I know that I still have great shortcomings in some places. If I go to the deep mountains to practice for a while and integrate nature, it may bring me a big breakthrough."

You Ion felt quite speechless. She was obviously a musician who was going to practice deep in the mountains. It was not a Panasonic 5th dan... It's really funny. She had never heard of music that has something to do with nature.

"But it will take a lot of time for you to go here. What do you do if GDM is missing?" Since Iwasawa is only going to practice, Yu Ion is not easy to refuse, but it is a bit difficult to induce the troops, and there is no rock. Ze, relying on the other three people can't constitute an inducement at all.

"Don't worry, I have found someone to replace me." After Iwasawa Mami finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at the door, "Yui, come in."

"Hey, here comes!" A vigorous young girl's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and then the door was pushed open, and a petite girl walked in from the outside holding several musical instruments.

Ah, it turned out to be this one!

Lin Luo immediately recognized that this girl was the one who was torn by her own tail last night, and she was an avid fan of GDM. Although he felt that the other party's singing should be good, he didn't expect to be taken as his successor by Iwasawa... But it seems Not very reliable, can it really work?

"My name is Yuyi, please give me your advice." Yuyi is still lively and cute as always. As soon as she came in, she put down the musical instrument in her hand and greeted everyone with a kitten posture.

There was a brief silence in the room, no one was cute by her, but everyone was embarrassed and unable to speak... As for Youyi, she was stiff in place like a fossil.

After a while, everyone finally spoke.

"Who is this guy?"

"She will be the lead singer of GDM?"

"Iwasawa, are you kidding me?"

"GDM is a powerful rock band, do you want to turn it into an idol group?"

Obviously, Yuyi’s cute appearance did not win the trust of everyone present. In fact, this is a matter of course. After all, to be the lead singer of GDM, you must have considerable strength, otherwise it is impossible to attract ordinary students who are NPCs, and Yuyi looks on the surface. Unlike a singer at all, he is at best a star chaser, compared with Iwasawa in terms of temperament...or it should be said that it is totally incomparable.

"Strike..." Yui Lai obviously should have been told by Asami Iwasawa before. Hearing everyone's words at this moment, his expression immediately darkened, and his momentum dropped by 99%.

Asami Iwasawa stood up from the coffee table, patted Yui on the shoulder as a comfort, and said to everyone: "This kid has been serving as our assistant in GDM. Although he is still a newcomer, he is very talented in music. I I think she is enough to take over my position."

Others may not be able to see it, but she is very aware of Yuyi's potential, which is definitely a good rough stone. As long as she is well polished, her future achievements may not be inferior to her. Moreover, Yuyi's personality is very lively and active. In comparison, More suitable for rock music than her.

Of course, this is just the sharp vision of a musician. If you are not a musician, you can't discover Yui's potential, so Mami Iwasawa never thought of persuading everyone with just one sentence, but said, "Since everyone has nothing to do with Yui. Confidence, let her sing a song first, and then make a decision."

For this proposal, everyone did not refuse, after all, Yanze's face still had to be given.

And Yui himself is also very motivated, and immediately turned on the speaker and picked up the instrument, "I won't live up to the expectations of Senior Iwasawa. You can judge after listening to my song!"

Then, singing sounded.

Yui sang a song that Mami Iwasawa often sang, and it is also her favorite. She knows the lyrics and tunes well, so she sings very smoothly, except for the different voice and lack of the charm of Iwasawa. The other places are very good, but... the girl who was too vigorous finally made a mistake because of her excitement, and almost hanged herself by the wire.

"It's really a lively girl. It's completely the opposite of the glamorous Iwasawa." Seeing Yuyi who fell on the ground and panted pale and panting, Yu Ion seemed a little speechless.

As for her words, Asami Iwasawa smiled without saying a word.

"As the lead singer of GDM, it's a bit unsuitable."

"And there is no feeling of hitting the soul yet."

"I don't think she can do it."

As for other people's poor evaluations of Yui, they can't be blamed for being too picky. After all, after listening to Mami Iwasawa's nearly perfect score, then listening to Yui's only tangible but not godless cover will definitely feel insufficient.

"Hey! As a die-hard fan of Iwasawa-sen, I'm trying my best to sing, and I've already finished singing it, but because of that ambiguous idea, you are about to veto a promising newcomer. You are also considered seniors like this. Is it?!" Hearing everyone's head shaking and sighing, You Yi jumped up from the ground and roared.

"It's really noisy."

"Fire it."

"Well, let's fire it."

"Huh! Why is this?!" Yuyi wanted to cry without tears.

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