The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 768: Could this be the power to defeat the Abyss Demon Race?

As the saying goes, a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier. Similarly, a walker who does not want to be a **** is not a good walker. To be honest, before his death, Lin Luo didn't have much interest in becoming a god. Although he had decided to fight against any enemy at that time, he would definitely be happy to accept it if he suddenly said that he would stop fighting with gods... in general, He still has a little bit of thinking about eating and waiting to die.

But now, he has abandoned all that slack feeling.

Nothing is more at ease than grasping it in your own hands. Whether it is power or life, you can only control it by yourself, blindly letting others have the final say, even God will never allow it!

Eat and wait to die? After becoming the strongest, no one can threaten him!

As the old saying goes, Sun Zhongmou should have a son, and he should be Cao Mengde-this is a correct answer!

After returning to school, Lin Luo found that there were many people on the huge playground, not students, but young construction workers wearing construction clothes. Fortunately, his eyes were not bad, and he immediately distinguished that these people belonged to the front of the world after death. Member of Guild.

And under the construction of these people, the flat playground has completely changed its appearance, and almost has the embryonic form of a military base. It has to be said that the members of Guild still have a good set. However, it is a bit surprising that the teachers did not come out to stop such a huge illegal project.

It is estimated that Yu Ion used Thunder to suppress it, not bad.

Lin Luo said to himself, with appreciation in his eyes. In view of the power gap between the two sides, Lin Luo also has plans to establish a defensive base. He originally planned to discuss with You Ion, but now it seems that this kind of trivial matter himself does not need to intervene.

While thinking about it, Lin Luo glanced at Lihua behind him and found that she was also looking at the construction on the playground, but she didn't step forward to stop it except for a little hesitation in her eyes.

If you want to fight the Abyss Demon Race, you must have enough combat power, but if it is a lack of combat power, then it is necessary to rely on the right time and place, and Li Huazou obviously knows this.

"Speaking of, Xiaozou, when did you discover the Abyss Demon Race?"

"The first day of return."

"Then do you know how they got in?" Lin Luo frowned and asked. The chaos of the abyss demon clan made him feel strange. It is reasonable to say that the world after death can only be entered by the dead, and the walker is a special case, but the abyss demon clan is neither dead nor led by the walker. Although the abyss demons are a kind of existence that breaks the rules, they can't even invade the school when they are only in the form of infants. How can they break the rules of the afterlife world and enter in chaos?

Regarding this question, Lihuazou couldn't answer, after all, she had never really intervened in the battle of the gods, and it was pure fluke to know about the abyss demon clan.

Lin Luo didn't force her to meditate alone... The day Lihua played his resurrection was also the day he died. At the same time, the Abyss Demon Race came to the afterlife world. There is a certain connection between these three, but Lin Luo did not agree. I don’t think that my own death caused the invasion of the Abyss Demon Race. After all, the world does not revolve around me. I am not so important yet, but!

What else happened when I died?

The disappearance of the avatar of the destiny god, the return and the war with the proxy god.

If God manages all the rules of the world, will the death of God lead to the destruction of the rules?

The war between the surrogate gods may have separated the result, and the result of this result is that the insulation between the various worlds and even the various planes has been broken... Well, the heart of the world seems to be able to break the rules of insulation. , Such as Hatsune's actions, but the Abyss Demon Race did not appear at that time.

Moreover, as far as one's own feeling is concerned, the walker and the abyss demons are opposites, and they are incompatible with fire and water. However, the evil king and the walkers who implement the big shuffle plan can use the abyss demon...This is a bit wrong, as the first person under the heavenly ranks, they can't use the abyss demon, why can they?

Unless it is a proxy god!

Abyss Demon Race...Walker...Heart of the World...Heart Code...Agent God...Rules...

"No?" Suddenly, Lin Luo had a very bad premonition in his heart, faintly feeling that there is an inevitable connection between these things, as if it were a whole system. If a system is missing a connection, then the entire system will collapse...

Thinking of this, Lin Luo's face suddenly became heavy.

Regardless of whether my guess is correct, it seems that things have become troublesome.

"What's the matter?" Lihua Music could not help asking, seeing the strangeness on Lin Luo's face.

"No, it's nothing." Lin Luo didn't want her to worry too much, and shook his head to indicate that it was all right.

No matter, it is useless to think about this now. After the King of the World's ability is reactivated, I will ask about my return. That guy must know a lot of things...The premise is that she is still alive!

Lin Luo and Lihua played the two big living men back to school, and they naturally attracted attention. Before they arrived at the headquarters of the battle against the angels, a group of elite members on the front had already greeted them... The survival of their companions and the return of everyone’s heart Joy is inevitable, even if they are used to heartlessness.

"Welcome back." You Ion smiled and stretched out his hand and shook it to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo gently shook the hand, which he had shook many times before, but at the moment he held it with a different experience. He smiled and said: "You have fulfilled your obligations very well. There are not many of them. I am very pleased."

After hearing the words of the two, everyone laughed softly. Even when Lihua played, there was a cheerful expression in his eyes, and the tension before the war seemed to be washed away a lot.

Not the host yet.

Whether it's the two girls who have a certain ambiguity with him, or the girl Iwasawa Asami once confessed to him, they are not attached to the heart of the world. This is not surprising, after all, it is impossible to have so many hosts in a small after-death world, but!

Lin Luo could feel that there seemed to be something faintly connected between him and Asami Iwasawa.

A feeling I have never had before.

After all, there is a strong enemy like the Abyss Demon Race, and there is no need to ask for warmth. After returning to the headquarters of the battle against angels, Lin Luo went directly to the topic, "First of all, my memory has been restored."

"Huh!" Everyone was taken aback.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Lin Luo continued: "Next, let's talk about a few important things. First, about the devil, it is a kind of existence I have known before, and of course it is a hostile relationship."

"A hostile relationship?" Everyone's eyes widened, and their faces were full of disbelief... What Lin Luo said was obviously when he was alive, and the devil was the existence of devouring the world. The living Lin Luo and the devil were Hostile, then, who is Lin Luo who can fight that kind of devil?

"Let’s talk about me later, this is not the point." Lin Luo naturally knew what they were thinking and waved his hand. "The top priority now is the devil. Of course, their real name is the Abyss Demon Clan, and its meaning is there. I've already said it before, so I won't mention it. If I was alive, even if I was an adult, it didn't matter how many Abyss Demons came to, but now my strength is reduced to the lowest point, even this kind of infant body is a big problem. "

"Wait! What adult body and infant body?" Suddenly hearing so many unknown information all of a sudden, Yu Ion and the others are somewhat incomprehensible.

"Well, it seems that I need to explain a little bit..." In desperation, Lin Luo had to tell the story of the Abyss Demon Race in a simple and detailed manner. After listening to it, everyone immediately turned pale. Originally, they only thought that the devil was a unique product of the afterlife world, and 80% of them were thugs created by gods, but they never expected that the devil's backing was so big, but in this way, how should ordinary people like them fight the devil?

"Don't panic, things have not yet reached despair." Lin Luo immediately pacified everyone, "Abyss Demon Race is not an alien. It takes a long time to grow from a child to an adult. It also requires a lot of energy, at least for this. In the post-mortem world, they cannot obtain the energy to evolve into an adult."

"But, even if it's a baby body..." You Ion's eyebrows frowned, and the baby body now has a stronger presence than angels. Once a few days pass, they won't be able to stop it at all.

"I already have a general idea of ​​how to deal with infants, but there is one more thing that needs to be confirmed..." At this point, Lin Luo reached out and snapped, and there was a dark guy on the ground immediately.

"Wow! What is this?!" As soon as they saw the guy on the ground, several girls jumped up, their faces changed drastically, and even some boys couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

"As you can see, it's a mouse." Lin Luo kicked the big mouse on the ground with his feet tied up, and said calmly, "I just caught it from the back mountain. Look, it's full of vitality."

"..." You Ion couldn't help grinding his teeth, "So, what did you catch this thing for?!" The low octave voice was obviously gathering anger.

But Lin Luo didn't care. He flipped his right hand and suddenly there were more than a dozen earplugs on his palm. "Next, I'm going to do an experiment. Everyone plugs their ears first... Well, Hyuga and Iwasawa don't need it."

Although everyone didn't understand what Lin Luo wanted to do, they still took the ear cold. Except for Lin Luo, Lihuazuo, Hyuga and Iwasawa, everyone put on earplugs, and then Lin Luo looked at Iwasawa. "Iwazawa, let's have a lullaby."

"Eh?" Iwasawa was confused, but Lin Luo didn't make a joke, and finally he pulled the guitar and sang the lullaby.

A few minutes later, the song ended, the mouse on the ground was motionless, and Hyuga was lying on the sofa, looking like he was asleep.

Lin Luo motioned everyone to take off the earplugs, then stepped forward and kicked the mouse, and then probed the snort of Tan Hyuga, and finally said, "Very well, the mouse and Hyuga are all dead."


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