The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 769: It turns out that you guy is the real god!

Hearing Lin Luo said that Hyuga and the mouse are dead, Yu Ion and the others are no longer as simple as changes in their complexions... Whether you are embarrassed or not, I am embarrassed anyway!

"Hey, what do you mean Hyuga and the mouse are dead?"

Lin Luo spread his hands, "It means literally."

"..." Yu Ion gritted her teeth. The mouse is too terrible. She didn't want to look at it. She directly pushed to the generals under her. But she herself went to the sofa and carefully observed Hyuga's pulse and breath. After a while Can't help exclaiming, "Really dead?!"

The breathing was gone, the pulse stopped, and he was obviously too dead to die.

"How is this going?"

"Turn your minds a little bit, what did you do just now." Listening to everyone's questions, Lin Luo felt very speechless... Such a mentally handicapped question would also be asked.

Even if you are an idiot, you still have a brain. Soon, everyone’s eyes fell on Asami Iwasawa... Just now they only listened to Iwasawa’s songs, but those with earplugs were fine, and those without earplugs were fine. Dead, it is obvious that there is a problem with Iwasawa's song... Of course, Lin Luo and Angel are different kinds, they are very scientific not to die.

"Is it... it's me?" Iwasawa pointed at himself, already dumbfounded.

Lin Luo nodded, "Because the children’s abyss demons want to grow in the fastest time, parasites are indispensable. They will never come out before the parasites die. You said before, wolves. It is after listening to your lullaby that you can escape, and then the abyss demons also come out of the wolf group, but this is not in accordance with the survival law of the abyss demons. If the wolves are only asleep, the abyss demons will not come out……"

Speaking of this, Lin Luo's expression immediately became serious, "Therefore, there is only one possibility that I can think of. The wolves all died after listening to your lullaby, but this is too far-fetched, so I I caught this mouse to do an experiment. As for Hyuga, by the way, I will try to see if it will be effective for humans... And now it seems that your lullaby should be called a calming song."

"This..." Iwasawa was speechless, her face turned pale. She was planning to use music to save others, not to kill people with music, but now, her lullaby has become Murder song.

Everyone can't take care of Iansawa's inner contradictions for the time being. A question they are more concerned about now is...Why does Iansawa have such an ability?

You ion asked this question, and the subject of the question was naturally Lin Luo.

In an instant, everyone's eyes, including Yanze, were on Lin Luo.

"Well, about this, there is more or less my reason..." Lin Luo scratched his head, his face was a little confused, but still said, "If I guessed correctly, Iwasawa should have used it. My power...No, she uses my power to transform her own specialties into unique abilities. That's probably the case."

"Huh? What's that?" Everyone was even more dazed, and there was a hint of "what the **** are you" in Lin Luo's expression.

"Forget it, time is running out, I'll check it on the spot." Although Lin Luo had a general idea in his mind, it was only a guess before there was evidence, and in order to verify the true or false of this guess, he had already come to speak. Behind Iwasawa, ignoring the stunned so many people present, he directly stretched his arm around the girl's slender waist, while the other hand was placed on the girl's forehead.

"Hey!" This scene almost shocked everyone's jaws. As for Iwaze, her entire face was red to the root of her ears, but she was completely speechless with her mouth open.

How thick the barriers of the dimension are, Lin Luo’s face is indestructible, so he completely ignored Iwasawa’s shyness and Yu Ion’s humiliation, and only said “Don’t make a noise, I’m doing business”, and then I felt the body of the girl in my arms wholeheartedly...These two words may be a bit inelegant, but they really need to be sensed through the body.

Seeing that Lin Luo didn't have that wretched and evil expression on his face, You Ion and Sister Super also temporarily suppressed the urge to shoot and draw a knife...Of course, if there is no reasonable explanation later, they don't mind letting Lin Luo die. once.

After a while, Lin Luo finally felt the place where Iwasawa was connected to him. Following the vague feeling, Lin Luo's gaze stayed behind Iwasawa's neck. He saw a moon-shaped mark. Exudes a faint light.

Lin Luo was stunned for a while, and then some familiar but unfamiliar information slowly flowed into his mind through this mark.

When all this information was played back in his mind like a revolving lantern, Lin Luo was completely stunned...It turned out to be such a thing, should I say lucky or unfortunate?

After letting go of the girl in her arms, Lin Luo sat on the sofa next to her, looking at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression.

Everyone first looked at Lin Luo, who was like a philosopher, and then at Yanze, who was still blushing and hot and steaming, and their minds were full of question marks.

"Hey, are you giving an explanation!" Finally, Yu Ion opened his mouth.

"That's right, I'm not letting you go for such a flimsy Senior Iwasawa." Yuyi said with her teeth and claws, but when she spoke, she hid behind Yu Ion, without any power at all.

"Explanation...Let's take a look at the mark on the back of Yanze's neck first." Lin Luo said with an eyebrow twisted, seemingly absent.

"Imprint?" Everyone suddenly came to Iwaze's back and pulled off her collar. Sure enough, they saw a strange mark on Iwaze's neck, "What is this?"

"...That's the proof of the heroic spirit." Lin Luo said with a touch of his head, and then muttered to himself softly, "Strange, how come you have become a heroic spirit, and it seems to be my exclusive heroic spirit, this is not scientific. ."

"What is the proof of the heroic spirit?" You Ion turned into a curious baby and continued to ask.

"Yes, there is no concept of heroic spirits in the world you live in, so let me explain it a little bit." Lin Luo rubbed his aching head and said in detail, "Each world has two types. Great consciousness, one is the consciousness of the world itself, named Gaia, and the other is the sum of human consciousness, named Alaya. The existence of these two great consciousnesses is equivalent to gods, and they can be called the supreme gods of a world... "

"God?!" For the post-mortem world front, there is nothing that makes them care more than this word.

"Listen to me first." Lin Luo waved his hand to stop a group of people from staring at them, and continued, "Whether it is a human, a demon or a son of God, when they die, if they are taken by Gaia or Alaya. , And sign a contract with them, then the dead will be transformed into heroic spirits. Heroic spirits will not die, will not grow old, and have extremely powerful combat effectiveness. Their task is to protect the balance of the world for Gaia, or Protecting the peace of mankind for Alaya, in essence, can be called the thug of Gaia and Alaya."

"You mean... Iwasawa became a hero?!" You Ion couldn't help but change his face. Although he is a fool, Lin Luo has said so clearly. If she can't hear it, she is not stupid enough to describe it.

Lin Luo nodded.

At this moment, not only You Ion and the others were stunned, but Iwasawa was also dumbfounded. The only thing that looked normal was Li Hua.

"Then... whose heroic spirit am I?" Yanze suddenly asked cowardly.

Lin Luo glanced at her and said truthfully, "...mine."

"..." Everyone was stunned again, but after a moment, You Ion blinked, and suddenly thought of a question: the dead will become heroes if they sign a contract with Gaia and Alaya, and Gaia and Alaya But it's a god, so now Yanze has become Lin Luo's heroic spirit, doesn't it mean...

"It turns out that you are the god!" You Ion figured out, and immediately took out his gun and pointed at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo was speechless, and smiled bitterly: "Don't you position me so quickly, can you? I haven't finished speaking yet. Although I can barely count as Gaia's kind of existence, it has something to do with God, but it is in your eyes The gods of "are completely different, and... the reason why I died was also killed by the true gods."

"Uh!" You Ion felt that he was completely confused.

It’s just that Lin Luo is more confused than her... Indeed, before he died, he understood Gaia consciousness and Alaya consciousness, reached the realm of Gaia and Alaya and his own triad, and he also signed a heroic spirit. Qualifications, but now he is back to square one, he has long lost that ability.

Gaia consciousness and Alaya consciousness, like the same origin, have fallen asleep at all.

Well, despite the information obtained from the Heroic Testimony: Although he has lost all his power, Gaia and Alaya have woken up once, even if they fall asleep again, he will be Gaia and Alaya after all... Just like a **** who has fallen into the world, even if he loses all his power, he is still a god.

After losing the power of Gaia Alaya, he still has the qualifications to sign a hero, but the key question is that he doesn't know how to sign a hero, and when did he sign a contract with Iwasawa?

In addition, the heroic spirit of Iwasawa is a bit different from other heroic spirits. For example, Lily and Nero have no evidence of heroic spirits at all.

Because of his special existence, has also made the heroic spirits of his subordinates special?

In addition, the relationship between Iwasawa as a hero and Gaia is also very weak, as if it is about to be broken at any time. Iwasawa didn't even know that she had become a hero, she didn't even know her own treasure!

Because he is an incomplete Gaia, his heroic spirit is also incomplete?

In short, Lin Luo's current thoughts are quite confused, the only thing he knows...this time the starting point is really too high and too high.

It's so high that he can't understand it at all!

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