The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 770: Turn this world into my hall of heroes

"Then, let's analyze the difference in combat power between the two sides first." For the Demon Warfare Headquarters, Lin Luo stood in the original position where You Ion stood, facing everyone present, "In terms of quantity, as far as I have seen, The enemy is far better than ours, and there are other hidden animals. The worst setting is: we have as many enemies as there are animals in this world. Of course, theoretically this should not be possible. But it is undeniable that our enemies must be thousands or even ten thousand times more than ours. Therefore, ordinary methods will definitely not work. We must adopt an elite strategy!"

"Elite strategy?" Everyone looked blank, what kind of elite can fight against the devil? Angel? He was indeed an elite, but wouldn't he still be able to defeat high-level demons?

"Wait a minute to discuss, let me finish first." Lin Luo motioned everyone to be quiet, and continued, "From the known information, we know that there are two kinds of demons, one is a normal-level baby demon. This kind of opponent can deal with it. It's easier, but the problem is that they will grow, and the result of growth is the second type of demon we have to face... for now, let's call it the second demon."

"Middle... Middle 2 Devil?"

"Yes, the second demons cannot even be dealt with by angels. We can see its power."

"I am not an angel." Lihua played calmly.

"Don't care about the details." Lin Luo waved his hand and said sternly, "If we face the second demons, our elite strategy will not work, but now we have a quick path for the elite, that is, heroism! It’s great to say that everyone is dead."

"Hey, hey, what is it that everyone is dead?!" Everyone was upset.

But Lin Luo, who has a dimensional face, completely ignored their eyes... This time to come back from the dead, in addition to giving him a high starting point and a chance to start again, it also made him abandon some domineering Negative emotions that are not needed on the road, such as confusion, hesitation, and...shame.

He who is reborn will surely collapse Taishan without changing his color.

At first, Lin Luo guessed that Mami Iwasawa probably possessed some special abilities, but didn’t know that she would become her own hero. However, since she has the ability to turn dead people into heroes, she must use it well, otherwise It's too violent.

It's just that there are two more serious problems: First, what exactly is the signing of the Heroic Contract? Second, Iwasawa is an incomplete hero. If you want her to use the strength of the hero, you must complete it. So what should we do?

Lin Luo is somewhat distressed. If these two basic problems are not solved, the elite strategy cannot be implemented, but... it is not entirely without opportunities!

As far as the heroic spirits of the Moon World are concerned, there are two reasons why the heroic spirits cannot be completely transformed. One is that they are influenced by the magician who is a human, and the strength of the heroic spirit is determined by the magician's magic power. Regarding their strength, there is no Holy Grail War here, and he will not suppress the strength of the heroic spirit, so...the problem should be with him and the heroic spirit.

His incompleteness as Gaia is the cause of the incompleteness of the heroic spirit. There should be no doubt about this. But if this is the only case, the heroic spirit will not know that he is a heroic spirit. The incomplete recognition must be a heroic spirit. My own reason...lack of a destination!

"Just like a baby is born, a family needs parents and relatives, otherwise he won't know who he is, and the heroic spirit is the same. If there is no family, the heroic spirit will not know that he is a heroic spirit." Lin Luowang Xiang Iwasawa Asami smiled slightly.

"Woo!" Iwazawa's face flushed suddenly, and his eyes dodge subconsciously.

"What do you mean by the hero's house?" You Ion couldn't help asking.

"Of course it is the Hall of Heroes." Lin Luo calmly said, "The Hall of Heroes is a must for the Heroes. Turn this world into my Hall of Heroes, and Yanze will know that he is a Hero with a probability of over 90%."

"Why not 100%?"

"Because there is never an absolute thing, 90% is infinitely close to the absolute."

"Then, turn this world into your Hall of Valor..."

"Yes!" Lin Luo looked straight, and said Lang Lang, "To defeat the **** of this world and hold the world in our hands, this is a great weight for us to fight against the devil!"

"..." Everyone was taken aback, and then someone complained, "Although your statement is very burning, but where the **** is, and even whether there is a **** in this world is still unknown."

Facing the complaints, Lin Luo didn't change his face, "I really don't know whether there is a **** in this world, but there is a **** program that can master this world. As long as you get that program, everything is not a problem."

"God's program?!"

Seeing everyone's puzzled and shocked expressions, Lin Luo did not explain, and directly stretched out his hand on the table and slapped him, sternly said: "Next, the SSS regiment will execute the Guild descending battle-the battle of the gods!"

After speaking, Lin Luomo closed his eyes silently...If this world has not been completely invaded by the Abyss Demon Race, and if the plot I remember still conforms to the law of operation of this world, then at this moment, the program should have been activated, although I don’t know if that program will work, but it’s necessary to have a try!

Ignoring everyone’s discussion, Lin Luo opened his eyes and said again: “Because of the threat of the Abyss Demon Race and the possibility of another kind of enemy, this time the people who execute Guild’s descent operations don’t need too many... Do you know how long it will take the Abyss Demon Race to break into the school at most?"

"Three days, or five days."

"Three or five days, the time is a bit tight." Lin Luo rubbed his forehead and said after a moment, "Understood, as long as we move fast, this time is enough. This time the combat personnel decided to help me. , Angel, Iwasawa and... Shiina and Yuri, as for the others, they are responsible for the defense of the school."

"Wait! Why are there only a few of us?"

"Why should I go too?"

"Why did you bring all the girls?"

"You took the angel away. If the devil invades, how can we stop it?"

"Really superficial!"

"..." Listening to the endless questions from the crowd, Lin Luo said he was helpless, and finally calmed the guys down, and explained, "First of all, this time Guild descending to fight may be very dangerous. The fighting power of the angels is necessary. Yes, as for the demons, they will never invade for at least three days. This is the iron rule, don’t worry. Within three days, no matter whether we succeed or not, we will come back."

"Second, Iwasawa is now barely counting half of my heroic spirit. With the connection between us, she will go with me, and the success rate of the Hall of Heroic Spirit will definitely be higher. Third, Shiina used to be able to rival the angels. Fighting power, if she also becomes a hero, then her fighting power is likely to skyrocket several levels. She is an elite prepared and indispensable. As for the fourth swim ion, it is easier, because I need her aura."

"Halo? What is that?" Everyone was stunned.

"Nonsense, of course it is the protagonist's halo." Lin Luo despised the person who asked the question. "As the heroine of this world, You Ion has a strong protagonist's halo, and all her luck is concentrated on her side. As long as she is by my side, my success rate can rise by at least 30%."


As soon as Lin Luo said this, not only other people were embarrassed, but even You Ion himself felt like he had dropped his chin, and... seemed to be a little shy?

"Female...heroine or something, how could I!" You Ion retorted with a blushing face.

"Don't doubt it." Lin Luo patted her shoulders, stared at the girl's eyes, and said earnestly, "Although you seem to be NTR in the story, you have been reduced to the second female protagonist for an instant from the middle stage, but in fact The entire AB line is run through by you, you are the irreplaceable center, whether in AB or on the front, and your scenes are obviously the most, so...Believe it! Believe in yourself, believe in this. You and me, you are the first heroine of this GAL game!"

"Wha...what, nonsense!" Being stared at by Lin Luo like this made You Ion extremely unaccustomed, as if something important was about to be lost, he subconsciously pushed Lin Luo away, blushing and pretending to be angry. "It's messy, I don't understand what you're talking about at all!"

You have to understand, I have a big problem here, because I bet you don't understand, so I can vomit quickly.

Lin Luo slandered to himself, his face kept calm, and he waved his hand, "Then it should not be too late, we will start right away..."

"Ah, yeah, I finally woke up. Saying that Iwasawa, your lullaby is really amazing, I seem to have slept for a long time without paying attention." Before Lin Luo finished speaking, a lazy voice suddenly sounded next to Hyuga. , He finally came alive.

"..." Everyone was embarrassed and speechless, this guy had no idea that he had been killed once.

"What's wrong? You look at me with weird expressions, is there something wrong with my face?" Hyuga said he was confused.

Yes, the originally burning atmosphere was destroyed in this way... Lin Luo sighed helplessly, waved, "Let's go, let's go."

When he walked to the door, Lin Luo suddenly remembered something, and stopped, and looked at the black-clothed young man in the corner who was **** with five flowers and stared at everyone like a palm.

"How long do you have to play? Whether it is the vice president or your brother, how long do you have to play? Everyone here is unsatisfactory in life, but no matter how painful and desperate, no one thinks. I have to deny it, because the painful life is also a part of this person. Even if you are acting as someone, that kind of acting is a kind of life, and the person who lives that kind of life should not be the person you are acting, but you Be yourself."

"In this world that doesn't need a mask, it's not your brother who spends every day, but you. Just like now, it's not your brother who is tied up, but you, isn't it? Naoi Wenren."

"Uh!" The tied young man stared at the door fiercely, but there was no one there anymore.

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