The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 869: The child of the world, the head of Brother Cheng, the sword of Yan Ye...Kouhu!

At the moment, Altria is wearing a pajamas. The pajamas are very spacious. There is no sign of her belly getting bigger. The only drawback is that the fabric is too thin. If it is close to the body, it will appear translucent. It's a bit fleshy...This is to increase the fun. Lin Luo specially gave her the **** pajamas. Sometimes you have been naked for a long time. Wearing this pajama has a certain chance to extend the absurd time.

It’s just that Altria was wearing **** pajamas this time, but it was not for absurdity. During the check-up just now, she put this dress on her body to facilitate her activities. Then, after learning that she was pregnant, she didn’t have time to change it, and directly Ran out in pajamas.

After rushing out of the house, she ran to the opposite side of the enchantment non-stop. Since Lin Luo didn't want to destroy the child, she used the hands of the Abyss Demon to destroy the child in her stomach... She thought so, but now Lin Luo's The strength was already above her, and the moment she rushed out, the late shot stopped in front of her.

Seeing her look resolute, Lin Luo wanted to persuade her again, but before he could speak, Altria struck her sword. Lin Luo didn't evade, but changed the trajectory of the sword with the power of the heart and eyes, making her cut through the air with this sword, and then took advantage of the trend to seize the sword of her king.

This sword is too dangerous, and it cuts iron like mud. Fortunately, Altria didn't use the sword to chop herself at herself, otherwise the trouble would be big.

However, the two often practiced against each other. Altria had already understood his abilities very clearly. After the attack failed, she even cut off the sword at her belly without blinking her eyes.

"Damn!" Lin Luo's expression changed, but she didn't expect her worry to come true, let alone she would be so cruel. The flow of energy was changed again, the sword of the king just wiped her clothes across, but it was not over yet. Altria failed to attack herself, but she turned her sword at Lin Luo again and stabbed out mercilessly.

Lin Luo was so depressed that he vomited blood, so he had to use his heart and eyes to resolve it, and Altria did the same thing again, just like that, the two of you came and went and fought in a strange way.

For Lin Luo, this was an extremely difficult battle, because he could not attack, and his attack would only bring convenience to Altria. At the same time, he can't defend. Once he defends, there will be a big gap for Altria to take advantage of. He can only use the power of his heart and eyes to change the flow of energy, but in order to avoid hurting her, he can't use too much force... Even if his current strength is much better than Altria, it still gives him a feeling of restraint. For a moment After that, I was tired and sweating profusely.

Of course, the movement of the fighting here aroused other people, first of all, the Lihua Music played the game on the second floor. She had been playing well. The soft girl looked like she was about to overthrow the final boss enchantment queen. Suddenly she felt the anxiety in Lin Luo's heart, and immediately rushed out of the room, but she was stunned when she came outside to see the fighting parties. Because of her emotional intelligence, she has no idea what to do.

Then came Gui Daisy and Fuji Lin Xing. They also felt like Lihua played in their hearts. Originally thought that the barrier had failed prematurely, the Abyss Demon Race rushed over to make Lin Luo so anxious, but they went to the scene to take a look. Although they are neither stupid nor stupid, they still can't understand the situation in front of them.

There were two people fighting, and only Altria was swinging the sword, but the target she attacked was not only Lin Luo, but herself. And Lin Luo didn't attack or defend. He just changed the flow of energy with his heart and eye so that the sword would not touch anyone's body...what the **** was going on? Is there such a strange fight in the world? Is it training Lin Luo's mind and eye power?

"Hey! What are you doing?" Fujibayashi and Gui Daisy were at a loss, but they could not help asking, seeing that the two on the battlefield did not look like they were discussing each other.

They asked anxiously, but Lin Luo and Altria didn't seem to hear them, they didn't hear anything outside the window, and they were still focused on continuing their battles.

Altria wouldn't say anything, but the arrival of Fujibayashi and Katsura Daisy was a good thing. As long as she behaved a little bit cruel, the two might join the battle group, and then she would have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Lin Luo doesn't know how to answer. He doesn't have time to make up a lie now, but if he tells the truth, the already messy situation is likely to become more chaotic. Then he really doesn't know what to do. Yes, so I can only keep silent. Moreover, Altria's attacks were getting more and more swift and violent, as if facing the killing of her father and enemy, making him indifferent.

Fujibayashi and Gui Daisy saw Lin Luo sweating profusely, and also saw that Altria had murderous in every move, and even murderous intent. They looked at each other and realized that it was not good, and they immediately rushed. past.

Fujibayashi is good at long-range throwing attacks. Before anyone arrives, a dictionary has already flown over. The target is the back of Altria's hand and wants to knock her sword off.

Altria saw it, but suddenly moved upwards. The dictionary that had only hit the back of her hand hit her belly straight.

Fujibayashi could not use all his strength, but it would definitely not be a powerless attack to hit Altria's sword. If this dictionary hits her stomach, it is hard to say that the child will not be able to keep it.

Lin Luo had no choice but to change the trajectory of the dictionary, but he could take care of this side but not the other side. Altria leaped to the ground quickly, and the blade pierced Lin Luo's neck.

She attacked with an absolute will, and she couldn't see that she was cheating at all.

"What are you doing!" Before Lin Luo counterattacked, Gui Daisy had already rushed to kill, Bai Ying slashed diagonally, trying to block Altria's attack, but she was shocked just as soon as she made a move. Usually exclaimed, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

The moment Gui Daisy shot, Altria had already deflected the sword, and the blade gently slammed on Bai Ying, with a clang, Bai Ying's attack trajectory was forcibly changed, cutting her belly.

Gui Daisy’s sword skills are now few people can match, at least in this world who can defeat her with swordsmanship, I’m afraid I can’t find one. Her sword power can be sent and received as desired, but that is only in ordinary battles, but ... The fact that the opponent will actively direct her attack to her own body is beyond her common sense.

She had never encountered an opponent who would "see her own way", and she had never imagined it, and this person was still Altria. When she saw it, she was instinctively shocked, and as a result, her reaction speed was slightly slower, and it was too late to accept the move.

She is less than 0.1 second slow, but she has been able to cause an absolute change.

Lin Luo is about to collapse. He still had a chance of winning a single fight with Altria. Although he would be a little tired, now Fujibayashi and Gui Daisy joined him, but he couldn't bear it...Although they were here to help him It’s a good job, but it’s undoubtedly unhelpful to help.

This kind of electric beam speed can't be stopped by ordinary methods. Fortunately, Lin Luo's heart and eye power can exceed speed. The flow of energy is changed when his mind moves, and Bai Ying is uncontrollable. Sliding outwards, finally failed to cut into the meat, but cut off a piece of the pajamas, revealing the snow-white skin.

Fujibayashi and Osmanthus Daisy had sharp eyes, and they immediately saw Altria’s slightly swollen belly. They knew the physiological characteristics of King Arthur and felt a little strange in their hearts, but at this moment it was not the time to think about this question, but to ask in a panic, " What the **** is going on with you?"

"Don't ask, help me stop her first, don't use weapons, seize her sword first!" Lin Luo didn't have time to explain, and could only speak to the two in a way of soul communication.

The two didn't know what happened, but it was definitely not without a reason for this situation. If you want to figure it out, you must first subdue Altria.

"If you use a weapon, she will hit it by herself, right? Then this is fine!" Seeing Altria's "killing her own" tactics just now, Fujibayashi guessed something in her heart, shaking her hand and pointing. A few silk threads appeared in between, and Altria's left arm was immediately hung up in the flow of crashing.

Lin Luo took advantage of this opportunity to suddenly improve the power of his heart and eyes, and Altria's sword style suddenly stopped.

Osmanthus Daisy is a master of swords. He not only knows what kind of posture can exert the greatest power, but also knows how to knock down the enemy's weapon at the fastest speed. He immediately clasped Altria’s right wrist and placed it heavily on the back of her hand. Knocked, the sword of the king suddenly dropped.

Before landing, Lin Luo stretched out his hand to catch it, then threw it far outside, followed by Lihua's play.

Although Altria was strong, she could not stand against the seamless combination of three people, her hands were clasped, and she was powerless no matter how hard she struggled.

Lin Luo finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she was finally honest, but at this moment, Altria suddenly said, "I won't give birth to this child. If you want a child, you will find them both. I’m fine, I don’t mind."

"Uh!" Hearing these words, Rao Lin Luo's expression also changed.

"What! Child?"

"Whose child?!"

Gui Daisy and Fujibayashi were taken aback on the spot, looked towards Altria's abdomen, and finally understood what the slight bulge was. Then, their eyes instinctively fell on Lin Luo... There was only one man here, and it was clear who that child was.

"What the **** is going on?!" They asked this sentence again, and there was a sharp edge in their tone.

"..." Lin Luo didn't expect that Altria could have a black belly to such a degree without plucking her dull hair. Just one sentence would completely disintegrate the union between them. How should he explain? Even if the child is out, how to explain it is useless.

"Let me talk about this."

Just as Lin Luo was embarrassed, a voice that hadn't been heard for a long time suddenly sounded next to him... Alaya!

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