The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 870: Xiao Lu is happy, big one hurts his body, strong one is wiped out

Alaya talked with Osmanthus Daisy, Fujibayashi, Altria, and Lihua in the room for three hours, while Lin Luo waited outside for three hours. He didn't know why Alaya appeared at this time. She should have no such leisurely mind. He also didn't know what Alaya would say. If she is "nonsense", should he consider it? Save a file first?

Unfortunately, the book of contract has everything, but there is no archive system.


With the sound of the door opening, Altria and the four girls have already walked out. Seeing that their faces were not good, Lin Luo seemed to be blackened and turned into a hatchet at any time, feeling a little suspended in his heart, and asked cautiously. Said, "Where's that... Alaya?"

"Already gone." None of the other three answered, only Lihua played in a good mood, and said lightly.

"Oh." Lin Luo replied. Although he didn't want to speak much, it was his own business after all, and it was useless to drag him. He had to bite the bullet and asked, "How's the matter?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill this child." As Altria spoke, the feeling of dying and seeking life was no longer in her tone, but a bit more of a woman's gentleness. After speaking, she turned and walked in. The house.

Lin Luo didn't seem to be perfunctory, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. It was just a little strange. Her attitude was so determined just now. Why did she suddenly change? She couldn't help but ask, "Alaya tells you the truth. What's up?"

"You don't have to know it!" Fujibayashi said coldly, and turned to leave.

Although I don’t have the need to know, I just want to know... Lin Luo secretly slandered himself. Although the dictionary emperor’s tone is bad, there is no sign of blackening. It seems that he has accepted this fact. This makes Lin Luo feel more at ease at the same time. Surprised, I couldn't help but look at the person next to him, "Daisy..."

"It's okay for you to continue to be happy alone." Gui Daisy interrupted him as soon as Lin Luo called a name, her tone was not lukewarm, and then she also walked into the house.

"..." Lin Luo was speechless at once, how could he be happy to be alive by himself and take a plane?

"Small, what happened just now?" Seeing that the other three ways were blocked, Lin Luo had to attack Lihua. The angel was well-behaved and obedient, and would tell him.

"Xiao Lu is happy, the big one hurts his body, and the strong one is wiped out." Lihua played calmly, and finally closed the door with a slam.

Lin Luo was stunned outside, speechless for a long time.


Alaya is a good man, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who rescued the sufferings. He did not know what method he used to solve a huge crisis for Lin Luo, and as the abortion storm passed, the days gradually calmed down...Of course, calm. It's just that the atmosphere between these men and women, and the death of the Abyss Demon Race are still in progress.

A few months later, under Lin Luo's frenzied attacks, the number of Abyssal Demon Races has been significantly reduced. Although the original neutral prowlers have also joined the battlefield, the strongest power of these prowlers is only LV3 demons. Degree, and with Lin Luo and their current strength, the four people work together to kill an LV3 Abyss Demon Race is still very easy.

Especially after these months of fighting, Lin Luo's mind and eyes have almost completely mastered, and even the power of the mind and eyes has been comprehended. As long as a period of time passes, his LV2 experience value may be able to fill up.

Fujibayashi Apricot and Osmanthus Daisy have also made huge breakthroughs in their strengths. After reaching the intermediate level of the spirit level, they immediately sprint towards the advanced level of the spirit level. Although they have not yet been realized, they have already touched the path of the rules, and it is only time to improve the state problem.

In addition, during this period of time, the restraint seal of Lihua Music has become a heavy one. Her potential is truly stimulated, and her strength is no less than that of Fujibayashi Xinggui Daisy, and she has a unique life cycle system, in terms of endurance. The power is far above the others.

It is worth mentioning that Altria, since she no longer thinks about killing her child, her instinct as a female has been revealed. Put down the armor, the long sword, and the king's responsibility, just as a future mother to care for the unborn child. Even when eating, he is no longer unrestrained, but chooses foods that are good for the baby.

With that meticulous look, it is hard to imagine that she was desperately trying to get rid of the child a few months ago.

Lin Luo recalled what happened at the time, and suddenly realized that there were many violations in that matter... If Altria really wanted to destroy the child, why would she bring it up in front of him? Wouldn't it be better to know that you would stop it?

Or she didn't have the idea of ​​destroying the child, she just wandered between the king and the woman, making her unable to choose for herself. After all, she is King Arthur, and this responsibility cannot be abandoned. She cannot give birth to her own will. That child, even if he can persist in giving birth, I am afraid he will not feel happy.

Then, all she can do is ask others to stop her as the king.

As long as someone can stop her, she can completely let go of the king's responsibility and treat the unborn child as a woman and mother.

This is her own struggle, and it is also the battle between Altria and King Arthur.

The appearance of Alaya was the turning point of the incident. Although Lin Luo didn't know what she said at the time, it was precisely because of her that Altria was able to defeat King Arthur and thus let go of the king's responsibility.

Perhaps what Alaya said was very simple, Lin Luo faintly had some clues, after all, there were not many things that could make Altria let go of her persistence and at the same time appease Xia Teng Lin Xing and Osmanthus Daisy.

However, although Fujibayashi Apricot and Osmanthus Daisy did not entangle Lin Luo with that matter again, they were still a little unhappy after all, so that their performance during this period was no longer so affectionate, and rarely appeared to be jealous again.

Since the 9th month of pregnancy, Altria has hardly gotten out of bed. She spends at least 20 hours in bed every day, either sleeping or reading prenatal education books...Lin Luo couldn't help but think of the way she looked at her. After Reimu, I wonder if Reimu was like this before giving birth to a child?

With Reimu’s delicious and lazy character, pregnancy is probably a good thing for her. After all, she has enough reasons not to work. She just needs to drink tea in a daze every day, but it is probably a good thing if she wants her to have a good pregnancy. Extravagant hope... It is said that there are only lazy women and no ugly women in the world, but Lingmeng is too lazy to get moldy but is still so watery, wondering if she becomes more charming after becoming a young woman?

After thinking about it, Lin Luo began to change his mind, and missed his "wife" and daughter in the distance.

The rest of the fetus continued to rest, the entangled continued entanglement, time went by little by little in this state, and gradually, the day of Altria's production finally ushered in.

"It seems that this thing can only be done by me, alas!" Fujibayashi sighed while making preparations. Among the people present, no one has experience in delivering babies. To say who is the most suitable for delivering babies, she is the only one who can act as a kindergarten teacher, and she also has a dictionary of knowledge, how to find a way to deliver babies... Even some time ago, how The fetuses were all dictated by her.

It's just that her mood is very complicated. After all, the object of her delivery this time is a child born to a man she likes and another woman. You make her a beautiful girl... cheating!

But the entanglement comes down to entanglement. She will still do this job seriously. After all, it is a life... Even if the father does something wrong, she can't vent her anger on the child.

"Apricot, I beg you." Lin Luo was somewhat embarrassed when he said this.

"Even if you don’t say anything, I’ll try my best, but don’t think I’ll let you go so simply. If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation in the future, I must pull off your third foot. Tuck it into your ass!" Fujibayashi made a vicious declaration and turned and walked into the "delivery room."

Fujibayashi's language violence is still as sturdy as before. Lin Luo's third foot is still on his body, and he can't help but feel pain.

Originally, he was thinking of helping Altria deliver the baby with Fujibayashi. After all, his mind and eyes control the flow of energy can still help to a certain extent. As for the evasive, he doesn't care at all, and it is not that he has not seen it. .

It's just that there is one more important thing besides delivery.

"Abyss Demon Race has begun to attack the enchantment, as well as the Prowler." A figure suddenly appeared beside Lin Luo and said in a deep voice, she was Shiina.

"Sure enough, the final battle is about to begin." Shiina said something very serious. Lin Luo didn't have any surprises. Not long ago, he felt that the barrier had become thinner, and the energy on both sides had begun to flow into each other. The demons rushed over sooner or later, but I didn't expect the time to be so coincidental.

Altria was unable to participate in the battle, Fujibayashi was responsible for delivering the baby and couldn't leave. He lost a lot of combat power at once. Fortunately, he had the foresight and summoned the heroic spirits one step ahead of time. Otherwise, he would really suffer.

"In any case, they must not be allowed to attack!" While speaking, Lin Luo had already walked out.

Before the enchantment, Gui Daisy stood holding the knife, her right hand was already pressed on the hilt, Iwasawa Asami stood 100 meters away from her right side, her index finger pulling the strings. Above, Yuri Nakamura stood proudly, with countless knives, guns and artillery around her, while on the other side, Lihua flapped her wings, and hundreds of feather arrows flashed coldly.

As Lin Luo and Shiina stepped forward, facing them, the countless enemies had already begun to make a violent impact on the barrier, shaking the sky.

"The barrier cannot be destroyed, take the initiative!"

Lin Luo gave an order, rushed forward like lightning, and entered the enemy group before everyone else, the sword of mist and rain began to exert its due power!

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