The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 890: The title mother fights the arena again and asks who in the world is fighting

In the world of weapon races, it has been five years since Lin Luo left him last time. These five years have been more or less than less, but it has been a huge change for Aidylu Garden.

Although Shia is a queen, she basically doesn't care about things. She just planted flowers and trees every day, praising the preciousness of life. The political affairs and construction of the country fall almost entirely on President Greaz and Secretary of Defense Harouou.

Xia is very kind to people, but after all, she originally had the name of the CIA, and coupled with the strength that can match the Qihuang treasure tree, although people around her feel that she is a lot more kind, they dare not to be presumptuous, in case she accidentally angered her. When she became the CIA again, it would be terrifying.

Of course, these are only people who have a little understanding of Xia. Since Lin Luo's great purge, the population flow of Aidiru Garden has also become a lot more open. A large number of residents from other areas have been introduced. After five years With development, 50% of the humans in the Aidiru Garden are foreigners, and they get along fairly well.

Moreover, only a part of the people in Aidiru Garden knew about the existence of the CIA. Ninety percent of those people have been eliminated. Even if they knew it, they would not say that. Now, they know that the current queen is the former CIA. Not many, so Xia had a very comfortable time in the Ediro Garden.

A queen like Xia who ignores state affairs will definitely lose power after five years, either being treated as a puppet or being usurped and killed. But then, Lin Luo's original cleansing was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, not to mention that five years could not erase their psychological shadow, even 50 years would be impossible, and Lin Luo obviously said that he would come back again. If someone seizes power, he still has to be in fear every day. What is the point of such an emperor doing it?

Secondly, both Greaz and Harou are not the kind of people who have the desire for power. One of them is a musician and the other is a passionate teenager. They value life and feelings more than power. Therefore, although they have nothing to do with national affairs Not slacking off, but never thought of seizing power.

Moreover, recently, they even took the initiative to hand over part of the political affairs to Xi Ya to handle. If she does not do it, then her planting of flowers will be hindered. This combination of soft and hard means is to enable her to become a real queen. , To take on the future of Aidiru Garden.

The reason Greaz and Haruou would do this is because of the difference in lifespan between humans and holy war angels. After all, when Lin Luo came back, he said that although the two of them are still young, they are afraid that they will return to the West in 50 or 60 years at most, and it is safe for Xi Ya to live for thousands of years.

The two of them certainly have no idea of ​​seizing power, but that does not mean that their descendants or successors will not have such an idea. Facing a queen who has no desire to manage, anyone with a little bit of ambition will have an idea. …If a similar situation happened decades later or hundreds of years later, and Lin Luo would come back at that time, it would be unimaginable.

It was precisely in order to avoid this situation that they made the next move, but Xia had no talent for handling political affairs, and it has always made them very embarrassed. At this moment, it is undoubtedly a blessing for Lin Luo to come back here again. They knew that as long as this person was there, no one would dare to think about it.

But what made them depressed was that Lin Luo was also a "delicious lazy" guy like Xia. During the three days of living in the Aidiru Garden, he asked about it carefully at the beginning, and then he just ignored it.

Of course, for Lin Luo, as long as he knows the good and the bad, since the Aidiru Garden is developing well now, he naturally does not need to intervene... Just like in the ancient wars, the experienced generals have already The strategy has been arranged. You, the emperor who is personally conquest, have no combat experience at all, yet you still want to point out that changing the original strategy is not seeking a dead end?

However, Greaz and Haruou are under great pressure. Although they know that Lin Luo is right, they still hope that he can share some of the pressure, and always find time to spit on him, such as financial constraints and frequent natural disasters. , The population is overcrowded, and so on.

Lin Luo didn't care about their bitterness at first, but when he heard the words crowded, he couldn't help but found out when he asked: I don't know what's going on in recent years, the water level of the whole world is rising. Many low-lying continents were submerged by sea water, and the habitable land suddenly dropped a lot.

Xia is kind-hearted by nature, and he has received many displaced people from the surrounding area. Although many people have been saved and the reputation of Aidiru Garden has increased, it has also indirectly caused the country's congestion and financial tensions.

"Okay, I have taken note of this matter, and I will find a way to solve it."

These problems are very troublesome for Greyaz and the others, but for Lin Luo, it can't be solved more easily. How much money and supplies does he need, and people in this country have no place to live? It doesn't matter. Can you move to Mingjie? Is a big house of 200 square meters per person enough?

However, although Lin Luo has a solution, he did not immediately explain that he is not a philanthropist. He would not be stingy if it was just a rescue after a catastrophe, but he would need to go through investigation if he wanted to live in his own world. He didn't want some people with bad character to harm his own world...Although he couldn't do harm, he would be disgusting when he met.

Secondly, he also needs to explore the ability of the world gate for a while, if one month is not enough time for him to open the world gate, then it is no use to say it.

After talking about these trivial matters with them, Lin Luo headed to the Queen's Palace. In that quiet and elegant place, not only Lei and Xia lived, but also two other Qihuang treasure trees...Halou's partner ice attribute Lan Zhu, and the beautiful little girl Mingyin who likes to sing like an angel with the same ice attributes.

Along the way, Lin Luo saw many excellent jihadist angels hanging around the Queen's Palace. It is estimated that they also live in this place. After all, if only three people live in a big Queen's Palace, it would be too lonely.

Looking at their backs one after another, Lin Luo suddenly thought: Since humans can be connected to the Ming Realm, then it seems that there is no problem with the holy war angels, right? And speaking of it, jihadist angels are too sad in this world, because jihadist angels are only women in this race, and only humans can fall in love with them and give them spiritual sustenance, but the life span of humans is too short compared with them. After a few decades, their lover has died, and they themselves have to endure thousands of years of loneliness alone.

But if you go to the Mingjie, it’s different. If the living conditions of the Mingjie are based on the cultivation novels, it is a world with extremely sufficient spiritual energy. Even the most ordinary human beings can live a hundred years old if they cultivate. To a certain extent, it may not be shorter than the life span of the jihadist angel.

Moreover, the most indispensable thing in the Ming world is non-humans. The holy war angels will not be racially discriminated there, let alone be hunted by humans. It is simply the most suitable world for their survival!

Thinking of this, Lin Luo immediately started to move. Of course, he could not decide this kind of thing alone. Although he could take all the holy war angels away, there was no difference between such a method and a human trafficker, and Lei definitely did not. Will agree.

Therefore, bringing the jihadist angels over needs to be established on the premise that both parties agree. This matter must be discussed with Xia and the others. By the way, the problem of crowding is also solved.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo stopped lingering and immediately speeded up and walked towards the innermost palace... In fact, at this time, he still had some confusion. Since the holy war angels are a race with only women, how did they multiply? In theory, they should be fewer and fewer, but in fact, after the devastation N years ago, the number of holy war angels dropped by more than 70%, but now, although they have not recovered By the time of the initial prosperity, the number was already quite large.

What is the reason for this?

If combining with humans can give birth to holy war angels, then the power of blood will be weakened accordingly, right? Is it possible that the jihadist angel is like the daughter kingdom, who relies on eating pregnant water to give birth to children? Or is it like my king and Morgan? In addition, who Lei's parents are has always been a mystery.

Lin Luo thought arrogantly, but the speed at his feet did not slow down in the slightest. After a while, he had come to the resting place of Xia and Lei, but that was a woman's boudoir after all, and three of them were not his women. , So he didn't break in presumptuously, but told the maid who was guarding outside to report.

However, before he could contact the maid, the house where Xi Ya lived suddenly made a loud bang, and saw an extremely bright light burst through the roof and rushed directly into the sky.

Ringing! ! !

This sudden change shocked the entire Ediro Garden. Almost every suspended city sirens sounded. This was the first time in five years. Some people even thought that the Royal Palace was attacked and immediately sent troops to rescue them.

"That's..." You Lei was in the Queen's Palace. Lin Luo almost didn't need to worry about knowing the danger, but looking at the soaring light, the doubts in his heart became more and more serious.

At this moment, he didn't care about any etiquette, he rushed over at the fastest speed, opened the innermost door, and saw...

In that room, Xia had fallen to the ground and seemed to have fainted, while Lei, Lan Zhu and Ming Yin were suspended in the air, intermittently spitting out long-distance and ancient words from their mouths.

"Long time... Race continuation... Colorful sacred tree... Life is exhausted... Far East... Save my race..."

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