The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 891: The **** of wind, brings vitality and hope

The Far East is the place where the jihadist angels of the dream race originated. No one knows where it is, and no one knows where it is. Not to mention ordinary people don’t understand it, even the royal family Qihuangbao tree among the jihadist angels. No idea about this.

Regarding this place of origin, it has been submerged in history a long time ago, and there is only one thing that can make the holy war angels once again evoke the impression of the place of origin...that is, as the three Qihuang treasure trees that lifted the limiter. When gathered together.

Lei's limiter has long been unlocked, not only can switch freely, but can even help other Qihuang Treasures to lift the limiter. Lanzhu and Mingyin don’t have a strong desire for power, especially Mingyin. As long as she spends every day peacefully and happily, and can sing freely, she is satisfied, but this does not mean that they have no curiosity. Qihuang Treasure Tree's limiter is not only themselves, but the strongest bloodline sleeping in the body is also trying to awaken them.

Lei helped them lift the restrictor without any side effects. She could stop it in time, even if there was any accident. With this guarantee, Lan Zhu and Ming Yin had no need to hesitate.

But the moment they unlocked the limiter, the mutation happened. It was the profound memory sleeping in their bodies, and suddenly awakened from them. Even Lei was a little erratic under the impact of this memory, not that. The power of the memory is too great, just because of the instinct of the Qihuang Treasure Tree.

Xia lost consciousness directly because she was just an ordinary holy war angel.

"You must go to the Far East." When Lei woke up from the impact of that memory, she only said one sentence. Lan Zhu and Ming Yin agreed with this. Although Xi Ya was a little worried, she still said this. Knowing that this is a major event for their jihadist angels, it is likely to directly affect the life and death of the jihadist angels, even if she is worried, she can't object.

Where is Lin Luo? Of course he will not object.

So, this matter was settled. Xia originally wanted to go with Lei, but as a queen, although she does not need to worry about state affairs, she can't go to an unknown place at will, even Lin Luo Opposed to her trip this time, Xia had no choice but to stay in the Ediro Garden.

Lan Zhu is one of the few remaining seven-colored treasure trees, and she is also one of the initiators of the incident. It is logically going to go, but recently, natural disasters have also visited the surrounding areas of the Aidiru Garden. , In order to prevent accidents, there must be a big master. And her fellow associate was Harou, and Harou obviously couldn't leave. Even if she went alone, it would be of no use, and she stayed like Xia.

Mingyin’s associate is the former president who died five years ago. The two have the same father and daughter, but although she is young, she understands the righteousness. She did not hate Lin Luo for the death of the former president. Qihuang Baoshu's Lei relationship is very good, but since then, she has never looked for a new fellow.

And the holy war angels who don't have the same contract, even the Qihuang Treasure Tree are weak.

In the end, only Lin Luo and Lei went to find the Far East.

Although there are far-reaching memory guidance, it is not easy to find a place that no one knows in such a huge world. For more than ten days, Lin Luo and the others just took the ride from the Aidiru Garden. The flying ship swayed around in the sky, but failed to find a specific location or even a clue.

On the way, they came to the village where the sisters Lilia and Lazarati lived, and said to each other the joy of reunion. After resting at the sisters' home for one night, they continued their journey the next day.

Finally, I finally found the Far East on the twentieth day.

It was a place far away from people and covered by ice and snow. As soon as the flying boat reached the white snow field, it froze because of the cold weather and couldn't fly anymore.

"It's no wonder that no one knows where the place of origin is. Even the flying flying ship can freeze. Ordinary people don't dare to move forward when they get here." After getting off the flying ship, Lin Luo was a little bit stunned. The temperature here is already It is extremely low, even a holy war angel might not dare to step into it easily. If the origin of the holy war angel is really here, then obviously few people can know it.

Only people like him or well-prepared can ignore this climate.

But Lei suddenly shook her head with a solemn expression, "No, here... From my memory, this place should have been a very warm place. The reason why no one knows it is because ordinary people can't see it. That place, but now..."

"is it."

Lin Luo didn't say anything, but just nodded and walked forward with Lei. Although the environment and climate here are a bit harsh, there is no difference in peace for the two of them. Soon after, passing through the dangerous place, what the two people saw was the huge gate connecting the two canyons.

This door is tens of meters high, and it is located between a cracked canyon, and the canyon spreads around, covered by layers of snow, just like a wall.

"It seems to be here." Lin Luo looked at the huge door. Although it was not as majestic as the one in the Hall of Inhibition, it also gave people a spectacular feeling.

"Yeah." Lei nodded, and walked forward first, pressing her hands on the bridge and gently pushing outwards.


The moment the door opened, the two of them were stunned on the spot. They saw a towering colorful tree a thousand meters away, exuding a faint gleam of light, and they could see even at such a distance. The beauty and majesty of that big tree in Qing... Or it was because they were so far away that they could see the whole picture.

"This is the colorful sacred tree related to the continuation of the holy war angel race." Even Lin Luo was a little lost after seeing this tree. The largest and most beautiful tree he had ever seen was the World Tree and Ma Fanliang Academy. The westbound demon in Baiyulou, but compared with this colorful sacred tree, is still a bit different.

If Lin Luo was lost only because of the beauty of this tree, then Lei was in a daze for the tree itself. After standing there for a few seconds, she suddenly floated forward like a breeze, but she was already standing there in the blink of an eye. Under the tree, looking up, the misty eyes gradually came out of those lost eyes.

Lin Luo is also standing under the tree at this moment. Although he can see the whole picture of the colorful sacred tree from a distance, he lacks a trace of magnificence. Now, besides being able to feel the "greatness" of this tree, he also understands this. What exactly is a tree?

Familiar breath of life, crystal clear colorful, and aura of various attributes permeating the space... This colorful sacred tree is undoubtedly the sacred tree that gave birth to the holy war race!

Perhaps, if the union of holy war angels and humans gives birth to a girl, then the girl may indeed become a holy war angel, but the blood is not pure, and the true pure-blooded holy war angel was born from this tree.

The colorful sacred tree shaped like an umbrella has a nuclear stone hung on each branch at the bottom of it, and at the top there are seven distinct branches, each with a nuclear stone, but In comparison, the seven core stones are already bleak, as if they have completely lost their breath of life.

Why is Levli the final lineage of Mezzalans?

Because this colorful sacred tree can no longer make the top seven core stones glow, the branches that could nurture the Qihuang Treasure Tree have all lost the ability to survive, but have been supported by their tenacious vitality. ...Not only themselves, but also support the entire colorful sacred tree!

"The holy war angel is the gift of the world. The colorful sacred tree cultivated by the power of the world was originally designed to make mankind become happier and cherish this land more, but the greed of mankind itself and the overwhelming power of holy war angels , Which fundamentally changed this original intention..."

Standing under the big tree, Lei wiped away the tears from her eyes and said faintly, "Because of the rare and high value of jihadist angels, some humans have begun to capture jihadist angels for violence, because humans regard jihadist angels as props. The jihadist angels who fought side by side with humans became disgusted with humans. Indifference and estrangement occurred between the two originally closest races, and finally an irreversible war broke out... In that war, some humans helped the jihadist angels to fight. Humans, some holy war angels help humans to kill holy war angels, there is no purpose, no hope, just because of the contradiction between the two races."

"The original original intention was changed, and the gift of the world ceased at that time. Relying on the nutrients that were originally preserved, although the colorful sacred tree can still breed holy war angels, ... it's over." Having said that, Lei I couldn't help crying anymore, "I lost hope and the love between the two races. When everything is done in their own interests, the world will abandon everyone."

"Lei." Lin Luo didn't know how to comfort her, just patted her on the shoulder lightly and smiled, "I think it can be rescued."

Looking at the girl’s puzzled gaze, Lin Luo explained, “Did you forget? Who led us to come here? It’s not humans or holy war angels, but this colorful sacred tree, even the world. Both humans and humans abandon it, but it does not give up on itself. It has supported it so strongly that it hopes that one day you can come here and let it evoke the vitality it should have."

"Can the Colorful Sacred Tree really be saved?"

"Of course, you should know better than anyone else, aren't we here for this?"

"Yes, I almost forgot, I'm sorry." The girl finally smiled on her face, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and turned her gaze to the colorful sacred tree, "I am here for the continuation of my clan, absolutely... ...Never let it end like this!"

Although the girl's tone was not loud, it revealed her firm face.

"The God of Breath!"

Suddenly, the girl opened her arms, and a figure that resembled her three or four points and was completely gathered by the wind appeared behind her.

"Take our family home!"

The God of Wind Breath opened his eyes, and the original petite figure instantly became extremely large, and the wind that was like an arm gently wrapped the colorful sacred tree, slowly pulling up...

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