The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 920: Sorry, the cooked title mother also flew away today

In fact, things are very simple. There is a raven gang in Lu'an, a gang organized by punks. They usually gather in their warehouses for gambling and drinking. Because of the existence of the Guerrilla Association in Lu'an City, these gangsters dare not do anything extraordinary, but occasionally they still cause a little trouble to the citizens and passing travelers.

When Huang Quan and Kagura first arrived in Lu'an City, they couldn't help but visit, and accidentally walked to the site of the group of punks. Needless to say, Huang Quan and Kagura are young and beautiful, and Fina and Leia are even more beautiful as the Gemini goddesses. These raven gangsters usually dare not even the citizens approach them. Have they ever seen so many tall people? The beauties of the level immediately got a crooked mind and stepped forward to molested her.

Although they are all molesting girls, their flirting skills are undoubtedly worse than Lin Luo's hundreds of levels. Lin Luo molesting girls can make people blush and play arrogantly, but they molested their girls, and the girls want to kill with a knife.

Anyway, Huang Quan just couldn’t hold it back. When the Lion King came out, if it weren’t for Feinaria’s kind heart, let her not hurt others, the Raven Gang would probably be removed from Lu’an City, but even so, the gangsters would have been. Suffered a lot.

Of course, after this incident, Huang Quan and the others didn’t suffer any losses, but the gangsters spoiled their interest in playing, and they didn’t want to stay in Lu’an anymore, so they left Lu’an and walked towards the northern seaway. One is to beat the little monster to vent the unfinished anger, and the other is to go to the beach to relax.

From time to time, there will be some monsters on the sea. Huang Quan and the others did not go far, and suddenly they heard a noise. They stepped forward and took a closer look, only to find that several children were forced to the edge of the cliff by a group of monsters, waiting for them to see At that time, the children had already stumbled and fell off the cliff.

Although the cliff is not very high, the current is very rapid, and there are also prominent rocks. If it really falls, the chances of the children's survival are very slim. Huang Quan and the others saw that they couldn't sit idly by, and immediately expanded their speed to rescue the children before they fell into the water.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Kiku, Koros arrived out of breath, and happened to see this scene.

After the two parties merged, Huang Quan and the others learned that these children were from the nearby orphanage, and they would occasionally go to the beach where there are no monsters to play. It’s just that I didn’t expect that a few monsters appeared in the shallows this time. Although they were not violent and would not actively attack people, the children were frightened. They ran away in a panic, and then they met. The monster that will really attack people.

Kross also lived in the orphanage, knew about it from Kikku, and hurried over immediately. Although it was a step late, the children were fine, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Kross was grateful to Huang Quan and the others for their life-saving grace, so they invited them to the orphanage, and the few people readily agreed to get along with each other, and they would get acquainted after a while.

Because the orphanage is not large enough to accommodate too many people, Huangquan and Kagura were led to live in the dormitory in this village under the introduction of Kross, while Fina and Leia like children, The children got close to them, but they were left in the orphanage.

Lin Luo stayed in Jisi for a few days, and they also stayed here for a few days. Fina and Liya often took the children to the nearby beach to play, while Kross went to the village to visit Huangquan every day. Talking about some interesting things in daily life with Kagura, after going back and forth, they have become good friends who can talk about everything.

... indeed

"Brother, can we stay here for a few more days?" After saying that, Kagura suddenly looked at Lin Luo pitifully, and she had hurriedly said goodbye to Yani Lasdida before, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. , This time it is rare to make another good friend. She really doesn't want to leave immediately. After all, this time we don't know when we will meet again... It is even possible that she never sees again.

Lin Luo didn't answer immediately. He glanced at them calmly and found that not only Kagura, but also Huang Quan and Kolos had a little expectation, so they nodded, "Well, then we are in this village. Continue to stay for a few days and wait until I finish my business."

"Yeah, great!" Kagura cheered suddenly and blinked at the next Kross, who smiled slightly.

Compared with Kagura's Lotte, Huang Quan looked much more attentive and couldn't help asking, "What else do you have business?"

"Well, it's about that piece of jade..." Kross was beside, Lin Luo couldn't elaborate, but just clicked casually. Although the Jade of the True Four Souls has been reorganized, there are still many secrets that have not been answered. I don't know if it is an illusion. He always feels that this jade of the True Four Souls has something to do with the lunatic Hatsune said.

Originally, he planned to find the secret of the Jade of the True Four Souls while on the road, but since Kagura and the others want to stay here, they can simply stay here. Anyway, this thing is the same no matter where it is done, as long as Just don't be found out.

Huang Quan didn't ask any more, Kagura wasn't interested in it, and Koros didn't deliberately inquire about it, so the topic was revealed. After chatting for a while, Lin Luo told the office to leave beforehand.

After leaving the village, Lin Luo felt a little bit, and walked directly in the direction where the aura of monsters was strong. After a while, he found a group of fierce monsters. These monsters screamed at him as soon as they found him.

Lin Luo thought together, the power of the heart and eyes was activated, and he immediately fixed these monsters in place, but he did not deprive them of their lives, but took out the True Four Soul Jade from his pocket.

Although I can’t use this piece of jade, it’s already intact, and some induction can be done. Since it will be activated instinctively after reorganization, then theoretically speaking, if it can really store the soul, this function is also possible. I don’t need to take the initiative to turn it on...

"Whether my guess is right or not, now is the time for the anger to be revealed...Go on, baby ball!"

Lin Luo shouted, and when he strangled one of the monsters with the power of his heart and eyes, shaking his hand, he threw the Jade of the True Four Souls towards that monster.

The jade of the four souls hit the dead beast with a bang, and then fell to the ground, nothing happened.

"Strange, is the guess wrong?" Lin Luo waited for a few seconds, but there was still no imaginary scene on the other side, frowning, "No, maybe my method is wrong, so how about trying this?"

Lin Luo collected the True Four Soul Jade and threw it to the other monster again, but this time he did not kill the monster beforehand, but waited until the moment the Four Soul Jade hits the monster before killing the monster. , But unfortunately, the result is still the same as before.

"That's not right. If this thing can really absorb souls, it can't be unresponsive..." Lin Luo wants to understand the secrets of this true jade of four souls, so he can only start with its function, but if even this method is used If it doesn't work, then with the repulsion of the True Four Soul Jade, he won't have any way to understand it.

"That's right!" Suddenly, Lin Luo thought of some spirit treasures in Xianxia novels. Suddenly, there was a heart movement. He picked up the true jade of the four souls on the ground and threw it towards the third monster... It hit the monster's head, and under the impact of huge power, the latter immediately died.

Then, at the moment when the beast died, the lid of the jade of the four souls, that is, the bead of Tida, suddenly broke out, and at the same time, a ray of green light drilled out from the forehead of the beast, and was instantly sucked in Within the jade of the four souls, then, the jade of the four souls and the beads are once again integrated into one.


Seeing this scene, Lin Luo suddenly realized that he had guessed right. The spirit treasures in some fairy-xia novels are very tricky. Although they absorb the power of creatures, they only absorb creatures killed by their own hands. This piece of true jade of four souls also has similar properties. For the monsters killed by Lin Luo It dismissed it, but the creatures killed by it were able to absorb their souls.

Although the killer was still Lin Luo, in nature, it was the jade of the four souls that killed the monster.

After that, Lin Luo took the jade of four souls in his hand. Although it had absorbed the soul of a monster, it did not seem to have changed at all. Lin Luo estimated that the fragile soul was nothing but Canghai. Su, Lin Luo had no choice but to continue aiming at the remaining monsters.

Killing monsters and absorbing their souls is very inhumane, but from another perspective, it is not much different from people's usual killing of chickens and ducks. The same is killing. The Blue Wing Bat King **** people to death, and what is the difference between Exterminating Master Tai Yijian slaying people to death?

Moreover, these monsters are extremely violent creatures, and they will attack as long as they see human beings. Therefore, Lin Luo's pressure is not great.

Soon after, all the ferocious beasts in this area were soaked up by the jade of the four souls, but the jade of the four souls remained unchanged, just like an ordinary jade.

"Oh, it seems that the concentration of the souls of these monsters is too low, not enough to stuff their teeth." Lin Luo couldn't help sighing, knowing that he wanted to understand the secret of the jade of the true four souls and had to feed it enough souls... It's a wicked thing, no wonder Hatsune doesn't want it.

There are actually a lot of monsters in this area, but those monsters are relatively mild-tempered and will not attack people at will. Lin Luo couldn't be embarrassed to take them, so he had to change locations to find the ferocious monsters.

"Squeak!" Not long after he left, Lin Luo suddenly heard a slightly familiar cry from the sky. Looking up, Bai Falcon Koku was hovering in the sky not far away.

Since Kiku is here, then...

Lin Luo moved in his heart, ran forward a few steps, and saw the beautiful and elegant girl with purple hair on the nearby sea channel.

Kross obviously felt someone approaching, and when she looked back at Lin Luo, she smiled cordially.

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