The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 921: The recent headlines are getting harder and harder to serve

"Koros, are you going back already?" Lin Luo stepped forward and said to the girl.

"Yeah, it's getting late, and there is still something to do in the orphanage." Kross smiled slightly, and then hesitated, "That..."

Lin Luo could see what she was hesitating and waved freely, "Ah, just call my name directly. If it is too formal, I will be embarrassed." When chatting in the village before, Ke Luo Si used honorific words to him, which made him somewhat unaccustomed. In comparison, he prefers the kind of unfettered communication with Yanilasi, although it is a bit uncomfortable to be called Xiaolinzi by Yanilasi.

"Then I would be disrespectful." Kross was not a rigid person, and immediately accepted with a smile.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded and suggested, "Since you are going back, I will send you a ride by the way. It is still a bit dangerous for you to be a girl walking in this sea lane where monsters are infested."

"This is not so good, and there is Koku to protect me." Koros wanted to refuse. When she came before, Huang Quan and Kagura also said to send her off. She didn't want to trouble them, so she declined.

"There is nothing wrong with me, anyway, I have nothing to do, just treat it as a relief." Lin Luo said with a smile, he did not deny that he wanted to chat with the girl for a while, but the bigger reason was for the safety of the other party. I don’t know if it’s because of the jade of the four souls. He could feel the aura of the surrounding monsters suddenly become stronger. He said that the group he met just now was not much weaker than the monsters in the Amber Tower, even Yanilas The kind of regular guerrillas are under great pressure and dare not go alone. Although Kross knows magic and swordsmanship and is not weak, if he is really attacked by a group of monsters, it is also dangerous.

"Well, then I will trouble you." Seeing Lin Luo's resolute attitude, Kross nodded and accepted.

While they were talking, the two were already walking towards the orphanage. After a moment of silence, Koros suddenly said, "That...Thank you for today's affairs."

"Thank me?" Lin Luo was taken aback, but she didn't understand what she did to thank her.

Kross smiled slightly and explained, "Because of some special reasons, except for a few friends at school, I have never had friends of the same age around me. It is rare to become good friends with Huangquan Kagura. It should be very uncomfortable if you part, so I'm really happy that you can let them stay...Although it may only be a few days."

"It turned out to be this. In fact, you don't have to thank me. I stayed for a reason."

As they walked, the two said that the atmosphere was still harmonious. Although there were occasional beasts attacked by Lin Luo, they were all shocked by Lin Luo, but although the eighth spirit shocked the beasts, it couldn't shock the beauties. Kross's attitude is not stern, but the words still protect a little distance.

"By the way, Lin Luo, which type of girl do you like?" After a while, Kross asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Lin Luo was stunned, and looked at the girl next to him in a puzzled way. Could it be that the other party was really shocked by his arrogance and wanted to throw him in his arms? But the attributes are a bit wrong.

Kross guessed that he was thinking too much, and smiled embarrassedly, "Don't get me wrong, I have no other meaning, just a little curious... You have a very close relationship with Huang Quan and the others. Kagura calls you brother, but it seems It’s not like brothers and sisters, so I thought you should be dating one of them, so I just asked casually. Of course, it’s okay if you don’t say it, when I didn’t say anything.”

"This is nothing, but the girl I like..." Lin Luoto pondered for a while with his chin, then looked at the girl and said seriously, "In fact, I prefer girls with princess temperament."

"Ah!" Kross was startled instinctively.

"It's best to be the kind of princess that is not known to the public, while hiding the identity of the princess and disguising as an ordinary person, while being confused and vacillating between the two identities of the princess and the ordinary girl."

"..." Koros' eyes widened, with an incredible expression.

She really only asked the question out of curiosity and caring for her friends. She didn’t expect Lin Luo to answer, but she didn’t expect that the fire she had lit would burn herself... Lin Luo said Isn’t she the same type of princess?

Koros finally understood that curiosity can kill not only a cat, but also a princess.

Although Kross is just an ordinary student at the Royal College, it is a disguised identity, and her real identity is Kolotia von Oséres, which is a small national power but very advanced in science and technology. The princess of the Libel Kingdom, and the first heir to the throne, in other words, the future queen.

Lin Luo knew this, so he could say that on a whim. Of course, Kross is not Bianilasi, Yanilas has a big nerve, it doesn't matter how you make a joke, but if you overstate Kross, Then it really becomes a sexual harassment, so he sneered, "I'm just telling a joke, there is no such kind of princess in this world, are you right?"

"He...hehe, you are really joking." Kross smiled awkwardly, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Soon after, Lin Luo sent Kross to the orphanage, and greeted Finalea, and then went to collect souls in the wandering area of ​​Lu'an City.

These monsters are also blood molds that have fallen for eight lifetimes. When they encounter a evil star like Lin Luo, if it is a guerrilla encirclement and suppression, they will be able to escape even if they can't fight, but facing Lin Luo...don't say fight, just keep your eyes on it. Once the force is released, they can't even escape, they can only obediently become food for the jade of the true four souls.

For several days, the ferocious beasts near Lu'an City or even a little further away were almost wiped out by Lin Luo. Although the True Four Soul Jade was still not full, it has changed a little, at least Lin Luo can see it. At the center of the jade, there is a light red arrow looming.

"It seems it's time to leave." Seeing the arrow, Lin Luo knew how to go next.

In the past few days, not only did the jade of the true four souls make him gain, but the relationship with Kross was much easier than at the beginning. At least he was no longer so restrained when speaking, and occasionally made jokes... …In Huang Quan's words, it is an adulterous relationship, but in Kagura's words, it is a friend or less than a lover.

In Lin Luo's words: We are just a pure relationship between men and women.

"Although I have known that this day will come, I still feel a little bit reluctant." Upon hearing the news that Lin Luo and others were leaving, Kross hurried over from the orphanage and said regretfully while smiling, "Our school The academy festival is about to be held, and it happens to be a stage play. Because of the lack of actors, I thought that Lin Luo and Huang Quan would be suitable, but now I’m afraid it’s hopeless."

"Forget about the stage play or something." Lin Luo was ashamed.

Of course, Lin Luo knows the stage play that Koros said. It is mainly about a love triangle between a noble knight, a commoner knight and a pure white princess. Although it is a very common plot, they will not be able to make a difference in order to be different. It's as ordinary as ordinary drama, the real thing lies in... the men's and women's cross-talk.

In other words, the girl plays the knight and the boy plays the princess. Koros said that Huang Quan is very suitable. After all, Huang Quan is brave and brave. He is indeed a knight, but it is really stressful to say that he is very suitable for the role of the pure white princess Cecilia.

Princess Cecilia was originally played by Joshua, and there was no need to grab his role.

"In this case, I wish you all the best, and I hope to see you again in the future." Koros just said casually, knowing that they have their own business to do, and did not want to stay, because this time she was prepared. Although it was a little regretful, there was not much pain of parting, but he said goodbye with a smile.

Both Huang Quan and Kagura nodded, "Well, I will see you again."

Finally, in the farewell between Koluos and Kiku, Lin Luo and his group of five people pointed down the arrow in the Jade of the True Four Souls and continued to go north.

"Oh, I almost forgot one thing. I can't favor one another." After walking for a while, Lin Luo suddenly slapped his forehead and looked up, only to see Kiko still hovering in the sky to see them off.

Seeing this, Lin Luo immediately took out a small box from his arms and threw it towards the white falcon in the air. Kiku's eyes were quick and his claws were quick, he grabbed the box, squeaked a few times, and flew towards Kross.

"Brother, what did you give Kiko?" Kagura asked curiously.

Lin Luo smiled slightly and said mysteriously, "Courage and encouragement." Although he is not interested in saving the world, he is still within his power to give a little help to his friends.

On the other side, Kiko flew back to Kross. Kokus saw it clutching a small box. Hearing Kiko said that Lin Luo gave it to it, he took it curiously, and was surprised to find after opening it. Inside it turned out to be a ring and a letter.

"It's a pity that I don't have time to attend the Queen's birthday. I don't expect to have the chance to see the princess enthroned as the Queen. It's a pity that I can only give a present...the ring of courage. I hope the princess can borrow this ring. His courage cuts the fog of happiness and becomes a qualified queen as soon as possible."

"Ah! So... he already knew it?!" Kross couldn't help holding the letter and ring in a daze, staring at the direction Lin Luo and others were leaving for a while, although she knew that they were not ordinary people, she didn't. I thought that even my identity could be seen through.

After regaining consciousness, Koros received the letter and placed it solemnly in her pocket, and the ring... She wore it on the little finger of her left hand at first, but after hesitating for a moment, she took the ring off again. Come down and finally wear the **** of the left hand.

"The ring of courage, I hope it can really bring me courage." The girl smiled slightly.

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