The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 933: Go take a look, the girl we loved together all those years

During the time she was trained by Yaoyao, Shana's progress may not have been the fastest, but her change was definitely the biggest. Of course, what she changed was not her personality, but her cognition of certain things.

The original Shana also thought so. Sometimes to win, certain sacrifices are inevitable, otherwise she would not risk her own death to start the world breaking the world... In essence, she and Lin Luo did not It's too different, it's just that the things they want to protect are a bit different.

Shana wanted to guard the balance of the world, while Lin Luo wanted to guard the daily lives of the people around her.

It’s just that Shana’s point of view began to waver after experiencing that magical battle, because although Lin Luo successfully defeated the enemy and saved everyone’s lives, the daily life he expected did not occur, instead making the atmosphere more tense and more intense. Bad, of course, and sad.

At that time, she realized that Lin Luo's approach was stupid.

Then she inevitably contacted herself, her own point of view was equally stupid.

Is there no happiness without sacrifice? wrong! It's just because you haven't worked hard enough. The happiness in exchange for sacrifice is just an escape. The real happiness can only be achieved by living!

It is because of the so-called deep love and responsibility. It is precisely because of this that Shana will say coldly to Lin Luo, and even lose her temper. Not so much hating Lin Luo, it is more accurate to herself. Rejection...Of course, her own arrogant character also determines that her approach this time is not accidental.

However, this does not mean that Shana has already fallen in love with Lin Luo. Her feelings for Lin Luo are far from liking, and she has not even reached the ambiguity... If the kiss is considered ambiguity, you can ignore this. Segment words.

Shana has only two words about Lin Luo's feelings-approval!

At the beginning of the fourth battle, she knew that she was weak and the enemy was strong, but she was still unwilling to listen to Aristol’s advice to find Lin Luo. Instead, she was preparing to fight alone. It can be seen that she was at that time. He didn't agree that Lin Luo was his comrade-in-arms and companion at all.

Even after getting acquainted, her attitude was not much better, she was still so cold.

This is not about Lin Luo's strength, but her own cognition.

It was also at the moment when Lin Luo and the enemy died together that she saw her shadow from Lin Luo, and then as her cognition gradually changed, her perception of Lin Luo also reversed... other emotional aspects first. Not to mention, at least, in terms of comrades-in-arms, he is already impeccable.

"Say it in advance. I have to agree to sign a contract with you only because of my position. It's not because... I accept you, and if I want to be crooked, I will hack you, huh!" Shana who has returned to black hair Standing in front of Lin Luo, holding his arms around his chest, said arrogantly.

"Yes, yes, it's just a pure position, nothing to do with others." Lin Luo waved his hand with a helpless expression. If only because of the pure position, would someone so awkward with Shana sign a contract with him? Just kidding! But the other party is arrogant, just let her be a little bit, otherwise it will be yourself who will suffer in the end.

"Woo...what's your attitude?" Looking at Lin Luo's appearance, Shana couldn't help frowning, but then she turned her head proudly, disdain to care about it, "Forget it, it's better to make a contract quickly. I don’t have to face you, a disgusting person. So, what kind of freedom or touch media do I need? If you need help, don’t be polite. After all, this is for my own consideration.”

"What kind of freedom and touch media?" Lin Luo looked at her strangely.

Shana cast a stranger look at him, "Could it be that the contract only needs to be agreed verbally? Some procedures are always needed!"

Lin Luo was embarrassed and finally understood what she was talking about, and couldn't help asking, "You have been in the Ming Realm for so long. Haven't you heard of the contract ceremony from other hosts at all?"

"Huh, why would I care about that kind of thing!" Shana replied categorically.

Lin Luo scratched his head, feeling a little bit tricky. After hesitating for a moment, he still told the truth, "You are half right. Contracts do require procedures, but they are not free or catalysts. You just need to kiss."

"Oh, it turned out to be kissing. That's simple... Huh?!" Shana suddenly woke up, her face changed drastically, "What are you talking about! Kissing?"

Lin Luo spread his hands, "I shouldn't say that I will take over."

"Go to hell! You pervert!" Listening to his ridiculous tone, Shana remembered the scene of being strongly kissed before. She was ashamed and angry, and immediately flew up and kicked Lin Luo's calf.

This guy is really getting more and more violent... Lin Luo burst into tears with pain, but he still felt grateful that if Shana kicked his lifeblood with this kick, then he probably wouldn't be able to do sports for a long time.

"Any thief! Shameless! Indecent! I've been thinking about these lustful things all day long, why don't you die twice!" Shana flushed with anger, and opened her mouth again.

"You misunderstood, Nana, this is not my problem!" Lin Luo explained quickly before she called up again, "I can't resist the kiss agreement set by the book of contract. If I can, I will. I hope to complete the contract with verbal agreement, so that it will be a lot easier on my side."

After listening to Lin Luo’s explanation, Shana still feels dissatisfied, but her attitude has improved a lot, "Huh, how do I know what setting, maybe you made it yourself... Also, I have said it many times. Don't call me Nana, it's disgusting!"

"Well, if you don't call, you don't call, but the contract still has to be signed, right?"

"Uh..." Shana couldn't help frowning. She had already agreed to sign the contract just now. It's not easy to go back, but it was a bit unacceptable to let her kiss Lin Luo.

What a stubborn arrogant girl, I have even done such a fierce tongue kiss just now, and now it's just a lip sex. Is it that difficult? Lin Luo couldn't help but complain, but on the surface he suggested with a smile, "Otherwise, if you treat me as a piece of wood or a pineapple bag, you should feel better in your heart."

"Huh...?" Shana closed her eyes and thought for a while, although she was still reluctant, but since kissing is a must, she was just a waste of time to toss, and in desperation, she nodded and agreed, "I just As if you were kissed by pineapple bread, but you stood there for me, no one was allowed to talk, no one was allowed to do anything, otherwise I would chop you!"

As she spoke, she stared and waved a knife to signal a threat.

"Well, everything depends on you, I can close my eyes."

Lin Luo really closed his eyes and stood as straight as a javelin. In fact, the contract between him and the host is just like the marriage of a couple in the 21st century, because marriage must be agreed by the woman, and the man will naturally be obedient before getting married. If you let you kneel on the keyboard, you can’t kneel on the washboard, but after marriage... …How do you say that? The cooked duck has already been eaten in its stomach. Does it need to be fed?

Shana now is like a cooked duck. Before Lin Luo eats her into her stomach, she has to settle for everything, otherwise she will flap her wings and fly away.

"Huh." Seeing Lin Luo's upright gentleman's posture, Shana also breathed a sigh of relief. After calming down for a while, she walked towards him with difficult steps, and then she seemed to have gone through countless reincarnation choices, finally Take up the courage to take a bite... bite it!

"Wow!" It was the first time in my heart that I was bitten while kissing. I screamed in conditioned reflex, but thinking that the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again, I immediately held back the pain and activated the contract of the heart.

"The contract of the heart is launched, and the contract mode is launched."

The red lotus fire flew out of Shana's body, and the stunning red hair immediately danced, sprinkling dazzling fire light, and the unparalleled heat burned the world into red, warm and intense.

"The agreement is completed, the current contractor and the contractor have reached a companionship, the current contractor has obtained the proof of binding-the fire of destruction, and the current contractor has obtained the proof of the binding-the flame of destruction."

Contractor Lin Luo: The Walker (LV3)

Body strength: S

Mental strength: S

Comprehensive strength: the peak of the spirit stage

Level up: Four more appointments need to be completed.


Contractor: Shana

Body strength: SS

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: advanced level

Proof of Restraint: Flame of Destruction

Seal of the Guardian: Shattered Heaven's Punishment

Heart of the World: Heart of Flame (number thirty-four, form aggression like fire, melting heart)


Finally signed the contract, Lin Luo also let go of a big stone in his heart. Originally thought it would take a long time to contract with Shana, but now it seems that although she is arrogant, she is also very righteous... The bite is too heavy, it hurts!

Lin Luo touched the bitten lips, somewhat melancholy, looking at the small red lotus fire next to Shana, and suddenly said, "No wonder I haven't seen you, you really have become a guardian beast. , Alastor."

The red lotus fire pulsed slightly, and a vigorous voice came out, "There is a problem with your speech. It is not the guardian beast, but the body appears."

The **** of punishment, Aristol, by virtue of the contractual bond with Shana, not only integrates Shana's power derived from the inner world, but also becomes the seal of protection in one fell swoop, and can reveal the body to the outer world without any sacrifices. In... This group of little red lotus fire is the cute Q version of Alastor.

And Aristol can appear in this world. In other words, Shana alone is equivalent to two high-level powerhouses, and both have the power of destruction!

This group of combat power cannot be said to be unfrightening.

"Let's go, Alastor." Now that she had signed the contract, Shana didn't want to stay here anymore, she turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Luo quickly took her hand.

"What are you doing!" Shana opened her eyes.

"We still have things to do..." Lin Luo reminded her seriously, "Don't you want to meet? The maid we loved together in those years."

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