The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 934: I am dating your child for the purpose of getting married

As far as Shana is concerned, participating in the battle of the gods does not have a big impact on her, it is nothing more than entering another larger battlefield from the original battle, and there is no difference in essence. It’s just that she is still more or less nostalgic for the original world, and the one she can’t let go of is the person who nurtured her, educated her, and trained her into an excellent fire-mist fighter-Will Emina .

Shana didn’t want to involve Will Amina in this battle that the opponent didn’t need to intervene, so although she missed it, she didn’t even think about going back, but... if she just went to see it, it didn’t seem to be the case. No, after all, I haven't seen it in years.

So, with such thoughts, Shana and Lin Luo boarded the Avenue of Stars.

The place where the Avenue of Stars is located is not Misaki City, but near the coast. Shana closed her eyes for a while and looked at the sea, with a hint of remembrance in her tone, "There is the sinking place of Tiandao Palace."

Tiandao Palace was the place where Shana lived when she was a child, and she became a Fire Mist Warrior there, condensing her most memories. Afterwards, the Tiandao Palace was destroyed, and she went on a journey alone to lead a wandering life chasing murderers.

"Bring us to this place. Could it be that Will Amina is in the Heavenly Dao Palace in the sea?" Lin Luo asked jokingly, and met Shana's serious gaze, suddenly laughed, and said, "Well , This kind of thing is impossible to think about."

"Nonsense!" Shana gave him a blank look, then closed her eyes and carefully searched for Will Amina's place... She knew the breath of Will Amina better than anyone else, if it was the previous one, she might do it. It is not possible to search for a person in the whole world with the induction of aura, but now she can be found soon as long as the distance is not too far.

"Found it." In less than five minutes, Shana opened her eyes, with a trace of excitement in her eyes, and looked across the sea, "Europe five hundred kilometers away."

"..." Lin Luohan had one, just closing his eyes so that he could find someone five hundred kilometers away. This kind of search ability is really a bunker.

The distance of 500 kilometers is not very far, at least for Lin Luo and Shana, even if they did not advance at full speed, they rushed to their destination within 20 minutes. It was a villa-style house. Although it was not large in size, it made people feel exceptionally fresh. A red-haired woman in a blue and white maid costume was sprinkling water on the flowers and plants in the yard... The fire-mist fighter known as the hand-Will Emina.

Shana stared at each other in a daze, and the other side quietly watered the flowers without noticing the arrival of Shana and Lin Luo. It was not until half a minute later that Shana couldn't help but speak, "Will Emina!"

Will Amina turned her head sharply and saw Shana at a glance.

Before Wilmina could react, the next moment Shana had already swooped up and slammed into her arms, crying with joy, "Will Amina, I finally saw you..."

Even though Shana has become a powerhouse beyond the norm, she is only a minor girl after all. The excitement in her heart is inevitable when she sees the person closest to her... With monster-like power, she will not have it. A monster heart, this is a symbol of a person.

"Why?" Will Amina, who was held tightly by Shana, showed confusion on her face.

"Of course it's because of being able to see Will Amina again. Isn't Will Amina unhappy?" Shana raised her head and said naturally.

"Of course." Although Will Amina didn't know why, seeing Shana's expression, she still held her in her arms, with a slight smile on her face. As a goalist, she is still able to speak less and able as always, and at the same time has enough tenderness and care for the girl in front of her.

"Oh, meeting for the first time." At the moment when the relatives were moved by the reunion, an untimely voice suddenly came in, it was Lin Luo. As he walked forward, he smiled and waved to Will Amina, who was looking for reputation, "Hello, my name is Lin Luo, I am Shana’s boyfriend. I am currently dating her for the purpose of getting married. Here, it is to visit you as a parent, I hope you..."


"Don't talk nonsense! You fool!"

Before Lin Luo had finished speaking, Shana had already jumped out and punched her. Just the wind of the fist had already caused a violent turbulence in the air, but Lin Luo had been prepared in advance and had her palm in time to block her. fist.

Compared to Shana’s outrage, Will Amina is full of question marks, "Shana?"

Although Will Amina was Shana’s guardian, she never named Shana. Even after Shana became a fire-mist fighter, she was only called "you", "she" or "scorching bruiser". At the moment Lin Luo said Shana, she naturally did not understand.

Lin Luo glanced over Shana's body, poked his head out, and smiled hippiely, "Shana is the girl in front of you, her new name. We are going to get married in three years, and then have two children. The boy is Yimei and the girl is Yuji. , I hope you will take care of it..."

"Don't talk nonsense, give me Sinai!" Shana had been accumulating anger when Lin Luo spoke. Hearing him talk more and more, she finally couldn't help it anymore and grabbed Lin Luo's wrist directly. Kongjue threw him out, and then pulled out the Zhidian in an instant, with a blushing face and threateningly, "Dare to say something messy, be careful I hacked you!"

With a clatter, Lin Luo lightly landed on the ground, helplessly spreading his hands, and said to Shana in a voice that Will Amina couldn’t hear, “Didn’t you tell me to find a reason to fool her? That’s why I said that. ."

Shana didn't want to involve Will Amina in a dangerous battle, and also didn't want the other party to know that she was in a battle, and then worry. So before coming here, she had discussed with Lin Luo, because she couldn't think of a good way, she hoped that Lin Luo could help her think of a suitable reason to fool Will Amina over, and let the other party know that she was doing well. ,but!

"What's the reason?!" Shana asked in the same voice in a deep voice.

"This is the most scientific reason. After all, you brought a man back. From the perspective of parents, the probability of being a boyfriend is as high as 99.99%. I can't say that I am your envoy? , And I want to marry you from my sincerity." Lin Luo said frankly, and added another sentence at the end, "Actually, I think we might be able to give birth to a dozen, and it is a very troublesome thing to think of names."

"Ka!" Blue veins burst out of Shana's forehead, wishing to slash Lin Luo, but for some reason, she could only endure herself... She knew that Lin Luo also knew that she would not hit him hard, so To be so unscrupulous, really a shameless man!




Go to hell!

Shana cursed in her heart like venting, when I was a pig? A dozen still alive!

Looking at the "loving couple show" between the two, Will Emina tilted her head, her face was full of curiosity and doubt: The girl she raised has a name, called Shana? Well, the name is pretty cute, but what's the matter with the man in front of you? In a relationship? For the purpose of marriage? Ugh! This is real? !

Will Emina suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

On the opposite side, Shana no longer wanted to mess with Lin Luo, she directly summoned Aristol and ordered him to watch Lin Luo here, while she walked towards Will Amina so that Lin Luo could destroy her. Moved to meet again.

With Will Amina's strength, I couldn't see the Q version of Alastor, I could only see Shana walking towards him, and was about to ask something, but Shana had already been pulled into the house.

"Will Amina, let's go talk inside, ignore the scumbag over there."

Seeing that the two of them disappeared, Lin Luo had no choice but to sit in the yard, poking the red lotus fire next to him, "Actually, take a closer look, you are pretty cute too, Xiao Q."

"..." Aristol was speechless, "Are you bored?"

"Is it boring to be with you?" Lin Luo continued poking.

"Can you stop poking again?" Aristol couldn't help it at last.

"Well, even in the Q version, I respect you very much." Lin Luo retracted his hand, but what he said almost made Altos vomit blood...if he could vomit it.

Aristol was depressed for a while, and suddenly took the initiative to open the topic, "Although you were very unscrupulous just now, I can see that you still have some sincerity, and Shana will ask you in the future."

"Hey, what do you mean, Tuogu?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

"It means something like that."

"Are you kidding? Shana is immortal, and the devil is immortal, do you need Tuogu?" Lin Luo thought his words were ridiculous.

However, Aristol said solemnly, "Sana is my contractor. I always treat her as a daughter, but the father doesn't have to be with my daughter all the time. I will leave after fulfilling my obligations. Find my own meaning."

"What do you mean by yourself?" Lin Luo still didn't understand.

"for love."

After Alstor said three words, Lin Luo felt horrified, but then he suddenly thought...Alastor has a lover, it is his former contractor, Matilda, who is known as the husband of the female middle school. The strongest in the Middle Ages, the two are both comrades-in-arms and lovers, loving each other deeply. But later Matilda died in a certain war because of using the sky to break the earth, which separated the two of them from yin and yang.

At this moment, Aristol said for love, is it...

"Do you want to find Matilda?" Lin Luo frowned and asked.

"I didn't expect you to even know this." Aristol's tone was a little surprised, but didn't mean to hide it, "Sana has grown rapidly during this period, and I am also fortunate to see more things, turning the impossible into possible. Call her back once, this is the love of the devil!"

Alastor said decisively, without a trace of confusion.

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