The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 935: Icarus leaves the customs, the tech girl expresses to show off

In this world, Lin Luo and Shana did not stay for too long. By the morning of the third day, they were ready to say goodbye to Will Amina...Although Lin Luo deliberately took the maid over, Shana didn’t want to take it. She was involved in the battle of God, Lin Luo didn't force it.

Regarding Lin Luo and Shana's "communication", Will Amina held a very complicated attitude, both happy for Shana, but also a little sour. In short, she looked at Lin Luo's eyes with all kinds of complicated.

Of course, Lin Luo didn't see such complicated eyes for long. After a few goodbyes were over, he left with Shana who was reluctant to leave. After a while, he found a sparsely smoky place to open the Avenue of Stars. Return to the Ming world.

The Red World, where Shana was originally in, was once the battlefield of God's War, and the time ratio with Ming Realm was exactly the same. After this time, Ming Realm had also passed nearly two days.

"You don't need to send me off, the next host should have come out yesterday, huh!" Shana looked at Lin Luo who was behind her, and said faintly, then she shook her head and walked up proudly.

Lin Luo stopped at the top of the stairs, shrugged, and contacted the maid of the Sky City.

I learned from the maid’s head that, as Shana expected, the host had already left the gate yesterday. After getting the location of the opponent, he immediately rushed over...the city of the sky, a huge garden surrounded by waterfalls, here Growing all kinds of vegetables and fruits, of course, this is a vegetable garden.

When it was just built, Lin Luo gave this vegetable garden a very interesting name-stay away from You Youzi. This vivid name with deep meaning has been spit out by many people. Since Mei Dou Chang Shiliuye appeared, he is going to change the name... After all, Kouguanye is here, can You Youzi still be far away? In case she sees herself squeezing her out so much, she won't swallow herself in one bite!

What is the periodic table of the dictionary? The great Yuyuko-sama can eat it!

However, these maids are very dedicated and opinionated. They think that a person’s name is a life-long event and cannot be changed. The same is true for the vegetable garden. They have been taking care of it for so long as their own children. Can I change the name?

Therefore, Lin Luo had to compromise, and if You Youzi really came here in the future, he would feed her before she became stubborn... As for what to feed, pure men understand, and evil women understand.

Lin Luolai's vegetable garden is not to pick vegetables, but to find a host.

Although the vegetable garden is very large and has seven floors, Lin Luo quickly found the figure of the host in the watermelon field on one of the floors...Short pink hair, majestic breasts, and two small wings on the back , Squatting on the ground stroking the watermelon in front of him, with a natural expression on his face, it was Icarus.

For those who like to stay in this watermelon field, there seems to be no one else besides her.

Icarus also seemed to feel someone coming. When Lin Luo looked at her, the wings on her back trembled slightly, but there was no other movement besides that.

Lin Luo walked up to her and said jokingly, "It seems that the charm of watermelon is bigger than me."

Hearing his voice, Icarus didn't turn his head, but he already knew who came, and he asked aloud while stroking the watermelon, "Master, do human beings feel heartache, right?"

"...Of course." Lin Luo didn't know why she asked this question without a second answer. She was taken aback for a moment, and she answered truthfully.

Icarus asked again, "So, will there be artificial angels too?"

Lin Luo nodded, "As long as you have an autonomous consciousness and soul, no matter what kind of creature, if you encounter sad things, you will definitely feel heartache... Yes, no matter who is the same."

Icarus finally turned around to face Lin Luo, his confused face seemed to be answered, "So, I am an artificial angel with self-consciousness and soul?"

"Of course." Lin Luo suddenly understood a little, and laughed, "Whether artificial angels, humans, or other monsters, even if the function of life is different, there is one thing that any creature with self-awareness can do. There is one thing in common—feelings."

"Congratulations, Icarus, you will no longer be an artificial angel, and you will no longer need to call me master. You will be an independent body." Lin Luo smiled and pulled the girl from the ground.

The master of the artificial angel and the master of the mechanical maid have two different meanings. For the artificial angel, the master is the only existence that transcends their own meaning. As an accessory to the master, if they lose the master, they will treat themselves. I feel at a loss.

In Lin Luo's setting, for the mechanical maids, the master is just an existence for them to respect. They have their own consciousness. If the master treats them well, they will adore the master more. If the master treats them badly, Their feelings for their masters will also decline... This all shows that the mechanical maids are complete and independent individuals, and do not need to be attached to someone's existence, but only act on the feelings in their hearts.

In the past, Icarus was an artificial angel, and she followed the same rules of survival as any artificial angel, but now she has clearly formed an independent personality, no longer an accessory to anyone, but truly free. The presence.

"Yeah." Icarus smiled slightly, but stared at Lin Luo the moment he got up, "Although I don't need to be attached to the master anymore, I still want to call you the master, and I still want to be with the master all the time. Not the obligation of being an artificial angel, but... my own feelings from Icarus."

While she was speaking, the girl's arms were already wrapped around Lin Luo's neck, she moved her face and closed her eyes, and kissed Lin Luo's lips. Between his lips and tongue, the intoxicating fragrance came to his face, Lin Luo instinctively held the girl in his arms, being tightly pressed by the perfect figure, giving him a feeling of blood swelling.

at the same time…

"The contract of the heart is launched, and the contract mode is launched."

Icarus suddenly burst into a dazzling light, those two tiny wings spread out in an instant, sprinkled with colorful feathers, and even more amazingly, countless pure rays of light suddenly appeared on her body. The condensed silk threads extend outward, connecting the sky and the ground, as if closely connected with the world.

"The agreement is completed, the current contractor and the contractor have reached a journey together, the current contractor has obtained the proof of binding-the verdict of the sky, and the current contractor has obtained the proof of the binding-the bond of light."

Contractor Lin Luo: The Walker (LV3)

Body strength: S

Mental strength: S

Comprehensive strength: the peak of the spirit stage

Level promotion: Three more appointments need to be completed.

Contractor: Icarus

Body strength: SS

Mental strength: SS

Comprehensive strength: advanced level

Proof of Constraint: The Fetters of Light

Seal of the Guardian: Goddess of Light

The Heart of the World: The Heart of Light (No. 29, the shape is empty like a mirror, melting the heart)

When the contract was completed, Lin Luo still hugged the girl in her arms and kissed her cherry lips, and Icarus did the same, her hands wrapped around Lin Luo's neck, as if the whole person was hanging on the other person, and responded fiercely. The kisses of old and new Lin Luo seemed to release all the feelings.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that Lin Luo reluctantly left her mouth, stretched out her hand to lift her pretty face, and asked softly while stroking, "Want to go back to your world?"

Icarus did not agree or object, but replied, "I listen to the master."

Lin Luo thought for a moment and said, "Then we will go again next time."

"Yeah." Icarus closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed Lin Luo's touch.

Lin Luo doesn't know much about the world view of the heavenly things, but it is undeniable that the world is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Icarus had the strength of the elementary level when she did not get the special ability of the Heart of the World. Although she is the strongest man-made angel, the queen of the sky can only have this strength, but the other ones are inferior to her, no matter how weak. , There should also be a peak of spirit rank.

For example, Astria, whose melee ability surpasses Icarus, judging from her domineering queen when she debuted, it is absolutely impossible without the peak of the spiritual stage... Although her IQ is not even 9, Qilu Nuoduo can stand in her waist to express her superiority over her IQ.

In the world of comics, Astria is extremely brain-dead, and even more stupid than Cirno. The combat effectiveness of the peak of the spiritual stage is completely unavailable, and every time he fights, he will be caught by the side of the road. The stone stumbles, it is no different from the scum with only five combat effectiveness, but!

After all, it's just a comic, it's just a funny way to put it bluntly, if it is put in reality...A strong man at the peak of the spiritual level will be tripped by a stone when he is preparing to fight with all his strength? Unless the stone was changed by a master above the ground level, there are only two words-nonsense!

Moreover, there are not only one or two powerful angels in the world of the heavenly things, there is even a mysterious goddess of the sky, and the goddess of the sky seems to be sealed...Icarus is a ground level, Therefore, assuming that the goddess of the sky is an intermediate level, then the person who seals her must be at least an advanced level.

Lin Luo wasn't sure whether there was a strong man with high ground in that world, but he couldn't rule out.

Although there is also a high-level Icarus on his side, there is no need to take this kind of risk. You can go back later. He has destiny to do sparring. Traveling to one more world and one less world will not affect him much. .

Therefore, Lin Luo decided to at least reach the quasi-celestial rank and go with absolute crushing strength. At that time, regardless of any accidents, he can easily resist.

"Master, there is good news." At this moment, a mechanical maid suddenly ran up and said to Lin Luo excitedly, "Miss Chao Lingyin has come out, and the law weapon..."

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