The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 648: The former princess? Your Excellency? (20)

   Chapter 648 Former Princess? Your Excellency? (20)

   After chatting with Yaoji for a while, Yao and Xu broke up.

  The three people have different thoughts, Xu Shi is worried that Fu Xing will steal her position as the mistress of the house in the future, while Yao Shi feels the threat from the former princess.

   As for Yaoji, she just admires the Duke, and being able to relax and relax in the Duke's mansion is extraordinarily comfortable.

   Qingfeng Pavilion.

   Sandalwood incense filled the air, and a beautiful woman in white sat at the desk, holding an ink pen in her plain white fingers, her eyes lowered in contemplation.

   A piece of pure white rice paper was spread out in front of him, but from beginning to end, it was pure and flawless, without any ink.

  The servants in the courtyard occasionally passed by the princess's door.

   Inside the open door, the princess in white has a delicate figure, her black hair is like a waterfall, and her slightly thin lips are a red that is softer than a rose.

   "Princess Fuxing has been in this state for a long time." The servant sighed with emotion.

   "I don't know why, the Duke of the State treats the princess very well, but it seems that she has neglected Princess Fuxing recently."

   The man agreed: "Princess Fuxing's food and clothing are all according to the requirements of the prince, but the prince has not been to Qingfeng Pavilion for a long time."

   "Not only the Qingfeng Pavilion, but the adults did not stay in the other ladies' homes."

   I don't know who sighed with emotion: "The adults have always had no desires or desires. Maybe it is just out of compassion for Princess Fuxing to be so generous."

   rather than love.

   The princess in the house shone slightly, and finally put a pen on the paper.

   The voice of the servants came into their ears, and they didn't say the next words, but Fu Xing silently added in their hearts.

  The rice paper is no longer white, and there are four small characters in Qing Dynasty on it.

   Fu Xing lowered his eyes and watched quietly for a long time.

   His black eyelashes drooped, he reached out his hand and slowly folded the rice paper with dried ink, and pressed it under the inkstone.

   Then he spread out a new rice paper. The tip of the pen dipped a little ink and began to draw fine lines.



  The door opened and closed, and the dark guard in black stepped in, clasped his fist toward Yunchu and said, "My lord, this subordinate has something to report."

   The dark guard's voice was hoarse, as if it had been deliberately lowered.

   is kind of weird.

   Yun Chu raised her eyes, she was familiar with the face in front of her.

   "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

   The prince in black and silver thread lowered his eyes, his voice was clear and cold.

  The dark guard paused and replied, "Master Hui, things have been done."

   "Sir, there is one thing..."

   After the words were finished, a crisp sound of drawing the sword came out of the air, followed by the sharp sword tip that pointed to the dark guard's chest.

   Yun Chu was indifferent: "Your disguise is full of flaws."

   Bai Fu would not easily break into the study, unless she called or something urgent happened.

   But the appearance of the other party looks like a nervous and clumsy disguise.

   Not long ago, Bai Fu took orders to get the clothes cut by Fu Xing, even if the other party speeds up, he will not come back empty-handed.

   The other party has done too little homework.

  The Dark Guard was stunned for a moment, raised his hands, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

   "As expected of Duke Yun, the clumsy disguise cannot escape your eyes."

   Yun Chu frowned.

   This person's reaction was too calm, which made people feel a bad premonition.

   "Who sent you?"

   The tip of the sword pushed forward, pierced the clothes, and resisted the man's flesh and blood.

   The dark guard in black frowned, but the smile on his lips deepened.

   He grabbed the sword that Yun Chu had stabbed with both hands and quickly retreated. Yun Chu was carried by this force and went straight to the door of the study.

The sword in   's hand also entered the body of the black-clothed dark guard.


   The other party seemed to feel no pain, the smile in his eyes widened, and he pushed the door open with his body.

not good.

   Yun Chu's eyes were cold, and the unease in his heart was magnified.

   So at the moment the opponent fell, Yun Chusheng drew his long sword.

   almost retreated as fast as possible.

   Outside the open door, dozens of arrows rained down, heading straight for the beginning of the cloud.

   The prince in black immediately dodged and retreated, raised his arm, and blocked with his long sword.


   A long sword stabbed Yun Chu on the shoulder, the Duke frowned and pulled out the sword.

Although the    arrow avoided the key point, blood started dripping from the place where the shoulder was pierced into the flesh and blood.

   (end of this chapter)

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