The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 649: The former princess? Your Excellency? (twenty one)

   Chapter 649 Former Princess? Your Excellency? (twenty one)

  Being able to sneak into the Duke’s mansion to assassinate without a sound, the person who wanted to kill her must have been plotting for a long time.

   Yun Chu couldn't think of anyone who had offended the original owner.

   The second batch of arrows did not fall as scheduled, and the dark guards hidden in the palace of the duke came to hear the news.

   Guards came one after another.

   However, before they could make a move, the attackers fell to the ground and died.

   Yun Chu lowered his eyes and dropped the long sword in his hand.

   There was still blood dripping from his shoulders, and the wet blood stained a large piece of clothes.

   She avoided the corpse lying at the door, walked out of the study without pain, and looked at the well-trained dark guard in the mansion.

   A dark guard stepped forward to investigate and came back to report: "Sir, the assassin has committed suicide by taking poison."

   Yun Chu suddenly had a headache and rubbed his temples.

   accidentally touched the wound, it hurt a bit, and his face turned pale.

   can't be heard from the sound.

   "The bodies are disposed of, everyone gathers in the courtyard, and the gate of the house is closed."

  The Dark Guard had doubts, but he followed the instructions of the Duke and started to do it.

After    Bai Fu came back, Yun Chu was standing in the yard, and the wound on his shoulder had been simply treated.

   The prince in black swept across the people in the courtyard lightly.

   "Sir, do you want to invite some ladies?"

   Yun Chu was expressionless: "Everyone."

The voice of    fell, and the man was about to leave when he was stopped by the prince.

  Kingdom, who has always been unselfish, lowered his voice secretly: "Don't disturb Fuxing."

  Dark Guard:  …

   "Yes, my lord."

   Bai Fu, who understood what happened, immediately came to Guo Gong with his bag.

   Seeing the wound on Yun Chu's shoulder, Bai Fu frowned: "Sir, can it be in the way?"

   "No harm."

Duke    lowered his eyelids and his eyes fell on the bag in Bai Fu's hands.

   "Are all your clothes ready?"

  White talisman: "...all."

   No, now is the time to talk about this? Um?

  White Talisman suppressed the little monster in his heart, instantly calming down.

   Yun Chu took the burden and looked at the servants in the yard.

  Succinct: "Have eyeliner."

   These words were spoken to Baifu.

   White Talisman is the most trusted person around the original owner, and also the most capable. It's up to him to do things with half the effort.

After giving    to Bai Fu, Yun Chu turned around and left the yard. When walking, the wound on his shoulder would be affected. Yun Chu frowned and covered his shoulder with his fingers, only to feel better.

   When passing Qingfeng Pavilion, just as he was about to enter, Yun Chu remembered the system's words again.

   Delivering clothes to Xiao Fuxing in person is nothing like what the National Association does.

   A certain prince struggled alone for a long time, and finally returned to his yard obediently, for fear of using too much force.

   In the evening, Bai Fu had finished the trial of the servants in the house, and put the suspects in the torture room.

   In the study at the moment.

   "Yao Ji?" Yun Chu narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Fu.

   Baifu nodded: "Sir, this subordinate found a secret letter in Yaoji's room."

   said, the dark guard in black took out an unsealed letter from his pocket and handed it to the prince.

   Yun Chu took it over and glanced at it, and his emotions were not fluctuating.

   "Why did that person want to frame Yao Ji?" Yun Chu pondered for a while.

   "Don't your lord doubt Yaoji?"

   Yunchu shook his head.

   "Yao Ji was sent by Your Majesty. If Yao Ji did something, she would not be able to get rid of the relationship with His Majesty. Once the Duke and His Majesty disagree, and there is a grudge, only the people below will benefit."

   "Your lord means that someone deliberately provokes the relationship between monarch and minister?"

Prince    lowered his eyes and tapped the table with his slender fingers a few times.

   "That's right, although it's speculation, it's not too close to ten."

   Yun Chu did not think the people behind the scenes would be Feng Qi's officials.

   At least their current power is weak, and if they really want to make a big move, they can't make a splash.

   (end of this chapter)

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