The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 651: I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (4)

   Chapter 651 I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (4)

   Bai Xiaojin took Yun Chu through the crowd to the back door of the registration point.

   Don't look at how human-like these cultivators are on weekdays, but at this moment of concern for their own interests, they have no image at all, and they have no immortal spirit.

   Bai Xiaojin took advantage of his own weight to open a way. As long as Yun Chu followed behind him, he would never be touched.

   "Boss, here we are." Bai Xiaojin bent down and took a few breaths, looking at Yun Chu.

   Yunchu nodded.

  After resting, Bai Xiaojin took Yun Chu to the front, and there were also disciples of Wanjianzong guarding the back door.

  Bai Xiaojin dislikes the aloof appearance of this group of Taoists the most.

   After secretly slandering, Bai Xiaojin took the initiative to step forward to open the way.

   As expected, the group of Taoist cultivators raised their swords indifferently and blocked his way.

   This was completely within Bai Xiaojin's expectations, but it could not trouble him.

   Bai Xiaojin straightened his back, "Tell your person in charge to come out."

   A handsome male disciple raised his wrist, pushed the sword in his hand a few inches in front of Bai Xiaojin, and said coldly, "Registration can only be queued at the front door."

  There are always some opportunistic Taoists every year, and their task is to stop these people and maintain order on the scene.

  Bai Xiaojin took no hassle with Shang Jianxiu. After looking around, he found a target.

   It was a man whose facial features looked sinister, and he was also the one with the largest size among all sword cultivators. Bai Xiaojin locked his target at once.

   He turned a corner and stepped forward, dragging the man aside.

   The caught Jianxiu frowned, and just as he was about to start, he saw Bai Xiaojin turn his head to the other Jianxiu with a hilarious smile: "Everyone, calm down, I'll just have a few words with this senior."

   Leaving a group of sword cultivators looking at each other in dismay, Bai Xiaojin dragged the man to the corner and took out a top-quality spirit stone from his arms.

  This **** is useless for magic cultivators, but it is different for Dao cultivators.

   Top-grade spirit stones are very rare, and ordinary entrant disciples can't touch such spirit stones at all. Just like Bai Xiaojin thought, the other party's eyes began to loosen and dodge when he saw the spirit stone.

   Bai Xiaojin is very skilled at this kind of enticing thing: "Brother, let your person in charge come over, this spiritual stone is yours."

   said, Little Fatty weighed the spirit stone in his hand.

   The other party swallowed: "Is this true?"

   "Of course, my young master Bai always speaks in a naive manner."

  Bai Xiaojin moved his eyebrows and patted Jianxiu in white on the shoulder: "Go."

   Jianxiu nodded with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

When    turned back, he hid the joy and entered quietly.

   The rest of the swordsmen were at a loss for this sudden transformation.

After    was done, Bai Xiaojin ran to Yun Chu.

   "Boss, when Xiao Jin goes out, it will come naturally."

   The key is to rely on the boss's property.

  Bai Xiaojin aside, he has done a lot of research in terms of incentives.

   The premise is that the original owner, the treasure of the treasure pavilion, Bai Xiaojin, can control it.

   Yun Chu nodded, and she looked at the group of sword cultivators on the opposite side.

   The sword cultivators in white only looked at them a few times and stopped paying attention.

   One or two even chatted.

   "There is a change in Wuling Mountain, have you heard of it?"

   "Accurately speaking, it is a catastrophe."

   "Wuling Mountain? Isn't that Zuodu's territory..."

   "The Demon Lord of Zuodu is robbed?"

   "It's unclear what the specific situation is, but there is indeed a thunder disaster."


   Yun Chu's face didn't blushed and her heart skipped a beat when she heard it, but Bai Xiaojin paid more attention to her expression. Seeing that the boss didn't react much, Bai Xiaojin also calmed down.

   After a moment, the elder of the outer door, who was in charge of recruiting the disciples, hurried out with his white beard twisting. Jianxiu, who was guarding the back door, was a little dumbfounded when he saw it.

  I saw the elder of the outer door walking directly towards Bai Xiaojin, looked him up and down, and asked, "Why are you looking for this old man?"

   (end of this chapter)

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