The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 652: I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (5)

   Chapter 652 I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (5)

  Bai Xiaojin explained his purpose, and bought two disciples with the top-quality spirit stone.

   The old man's eyes changed when he heard the top-quality spirit stone.

  Cultivators who are not firm in Taoism are easily tempted.

   Yun Chu could see the old man's cultivation base at a glance. The dan in his dantian was glowing with a rich golden color, and there was a wisp of invisible white qi circulating, which occasionally turned into the shape of a baby.

   This shows that the old man is in the Nascent Soul stage, and urgently needs a thrust to break through to God Transformation.

   The best spirit stone is undoubtedly a help in the snow for him.

   A sly look flashed in the old man's eyes, he twisted his beard, and said with a straight face: "This kind of thing, isn't the little friend embarrassing the old man."

  Bai Xiaojin saw through the routine and directly added: "Four."

   Yun Chu didn't stop her, because the top-quality spirit stones were equivalent to scrap metal to her, and there was an entire floor in Zuodu's Treasure Pavilion.

   are all collected by the original owner for viewing purposes, and are useless except to look good.

   The old man twisted his beard and smiled: "It's easy to talk about, easy to talk about."

   He glanced at Yun Chu, apparently agreeing to the deal: "Two little friends, please come in with the old man."

   "Thank you."

   Bai Xiaojin said politely and followed the old man.

   Behind the Yunchu Palace, the group of sword cultivators just now were completely dumbfounded.

  Bai Xiaojin made a face at them when he was passing by, let's see, didn't they come in!

  Sword Cultivators:  …

   The outer door elder led the two to the registration office and opened the roster in person.

   "Two little friends, come and register the information first."

   Bai Xiaojin looked at Yun Chu, and nodded after meeting his eyes.

   "Bai Xiaojin, 17, refining Qi."

  The old man wrote down the information, but gave Xiao Pang one more look.

   Only practicing Qi? This level is a bit low, and the root bone is simply indescribable.

  The old man looked at Yun Chu again.

   Yun Chu replied: "Mo Chu, 18, refining Qi."

  The heart of the old man is weeping blood, refining qi? Refine your breath!

   Why is it all qi refining? This level is undoubtedly the bottom among the disciples who have successfully registered in the roster.

   But to collect money and help others with errands, the old man turned a blind eye, and added two names to the roster against his conscience.

  Bai Xiaojin also looked at his boss unexpectedly.

   He reported qi refining because he was a real vegetable, but in fact, qi refining was not even considered.

   But the boss, the big guy in the tribulation period, said he was refining his qi? !

   It must be a golden pill no matter what!

   But thinking of their mission on this trip, Bai Xiaojin had to admire the boss's high profile.

  Fortunately, the old man didn't test their strength, just let them verbally report it.

After registering   , the old man took out two wooden tokens directly from his arms.

  Introduction of spirits is engraved with the names of the two people.

   "The two little friends don't have to participate in the final screening and assessment, and they will directly become outer disciples. This is your identity card, and you will return to Wanjianzong with me."

   I have received four top-quality spirit stones, so I have to arrange them properly.

After    took over the wooden sign, Yun Chu asked, "Assessment?"

The elder    explained in a good mood: "This year's assessment is held in Xiaojianzhong. This is the first time Xiaojianzhong has been opened to external disciples. At that time, my sect's inner door, Shen Zhi, will supervise the whole process."

   Yun Chu paused after hearing the word Shen Zhi.

   Bai Xiaojin was puzzled: "Little Sword Tomb?!"

  Bai Xiaojin has heard of Xiaojian Tomb, Wan Jianzong is most famous for the big and small sword tombs, in addition to the great people who are the fronts.

   Don't look at the small sword mound containing a small character, but it is not inferior to the big sword mound. There are many swords hidden in it, and there is no shortage of magical weapons.

The elder    smiled and nodded: "Yes, if the two little friends are capable, you can go in and have a try. If you can take the sword out of the sword mound, no matter what it is, it will belong to you."

   This is simply a great benefit, Bai Xiaojin's eyes widened.

   You must know that a good saber is equal to life for Jianxiu.

   And the large and small sword mounds of Wan Jianzong are simply heaven for sword cultivators. If there is a chance to find a divine sword, the road to self-cultivation in the future will only be smoother.


  ---off topic---

   Paste the level of self-cultivation in this article: Qi Refinement, Foundation Establishment, Jindan, Nascent Soul, Spirit Transformation, Body Fit, Mahayana, and Tribulation.

   (end of this chapter)

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