"It was made yesterday. I was going to give it to you, but I didn't expect it was still in the cold war. If I didn't make up with each other, I wouldn't have a chance to send it to you. I could always see it under my pillow."

Zhou Yunshen was deeply moved. After closing and opening it several times, he said, "when we were in the cold war, you were busy doing this for me?"


Han Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "what? Can't you? "


Zhou Yunshen got up and got out of bed and put his treasure in the drawer. He also carefully padded a piece of flannelette as if he were afraid that it would be damaged for him.

"It's just you..."

All of a sudden, Han also didn't respond. He only heard Zhou Yun's deep and secluded way: "let the lonely King's heart be very moved and want to spoil you very much."

"Farewell," Han also immediately refused: "Wang Shangri Li Wanji, or early placement."


Zhou Yunshen turned around and said with embarrassment and shyness on his face: "the solitary king will agree with each other."

Han Yi:

What's the difference?

Han Yi gets up and wants to run away. Zhou Yunshen pulls the light of the little orange lamp out of the quilt. Zhou Yunshen holds Han Yi's face and says with a smile, "Han Yi, I really can't leave you. What should I do? If I leave you, I will die. "

Zhou Yunshen is really tired of talking about love words. Han also feels that it is so sweet that his teeth ache.

But I still took it all according to the order.

In the end, the king was moved by his own body, and Han also had to reluctantly accept it. It was only said that the good thing was that he made a promise with his own body, and how could he be fatigued by the person who was tossed out in the end?

Probably because of the uproar last night, Zhou Yunshen felt sad. He got up early and secretly opened the drawer to have a look at his precious gift. He opened and closed it for more than ten times. He thought that he would damage it so frequently. So he put it back carefully. Before putting it down, he gave a kiss to his baby's face.

Put away his baby gift, turn to see the sleeping Han also kiss him, take a coat to go out to cook.

It's cold. His breakfast today is porridge.

Five or six kinds of food materials are ready, shrimp head fried out of the oil, put out, take the porridge has been cooked, he began to make porridge dishes.

Han also likes to eat pickles. He keeps his childhood habit. He only loves pickles that cost a few yuan a kilo in the market. Zhou Yunshen often keeps four or five kinds of small dishes at home and makes a cold seafood mushroom.

Zhou Yunshen went to wash the porridge. After cleaning up, he squeezed the toothpaste of Han Yi and Han Jingyun. The mouthwashes were all ready. It was too early to check Han Yi's suitcase.

Han is also safe in his work. Naturally, he will not take any less with him. Therefore, Mr. Zhou carefully exposed a group photo of two people already prepared and put it on the bottom of the trunk.

Well, even if it's far away in the sky, even if you can't see him sleeping and working, his photos should be staring at him.

Last night, President Zhou was fresh and cheerful and played a set of Taijiquan with great interest. Just after the porridge was cooked, Han also woke up. Zhou Yunshen put the dishes and chopsticks, and Han Jingyun also went downstairs. He was sleepy in his arms and did not give up.

He also knew that Han was going to leave for some time, and Han couldn't do what he did when he was three or four years old. He always held him for a while when he had to go.

Sheng good porridge in the side pinch time week always looked at the porridge is almost cold, can not help but to: "you coax down, he is almost asleep."

Han Jingyun immediately retorted: "I will not fall asleep! I'm awake! "

"But your father will miss the plane."

Han Jingyun immediately looked like a suntanned calla, his hands hanging on Han Yi's neck and whispered, "can dad come back secretly?"


Black face God week total cold way: "work is work, can't want to leave, want to play on the play."

Han Yi:

Han also looked at the angry Han Jingyun and deeply felt that Zhou Yunshen had taken the wrong medicine and forgot to coax Han Jingyun?

Seeing that Zhou Zong's Vinegar smell is almost smoked to death, Han also smiles and pats Han Jingyun's buttocks and says: "OK, don't be coquettish, go to dinner."

After breakfast, the two took Han Jingyun to school, Zhou Yunshen drove Han Yi to the airport. Seeing it getting closer and closer, Zhou Yunshen's car was driving more and more slowly. At the end of the drive, Han couldn't help wondering whether the owner behind would rush up to give Zhou Yunshen a few punches.

Han also did not speak to see Zhou Yunshen. He almost reached the airport by pinching a little. Xiaoshan had already waited until he was in a hurry. His head was smoking. However, he, a man who didn't dare to make a mistake in front of Han Yi, bit his tongue and swallowed up all his words after seeing Zhou Yunshen, who was sending him to Han Yi. He put on a serious face that looked like soldiers and listened to Zhou Yunshen's advice.

There is nothing more than that some Han Yi lives and works. Han Yi is too enterprising now. He often refuses to eat when he is busy. Unless Zhou Yunshen stares at three meals a day, the responsibility of going out will naturally fall on Xiaoshan.Xiaoshan shouldered Han Yi's health and stomach. He felt the task was arduous. He nodded his head in a hurry. If Han also came back and lost two or two pieces of flesh, he would cut off his own meat and make up for it!

He thought so also said, where to know Zhou Yunshen scornfully hummed a way: "said like who can look up to your two fat like."

Xiaoshan:.... "

Seeing that the time is almost over, Han also has to go to the security check. Zhou Yunshen can't bear to let him go. Han Yi has just passed the security check when he receives a call from Zhou Yunshen.

"Don't you think of me?"

Han Yi:

He glanced at the hill which pretended to know nothing. He went to one side and helped his forehead: "we have just separated for a few minutes. What can we think of?"

Zhou Yun held the mobile phone deeply and said with heartache on his face: "I thought your love for me has gone deep into the bone marrow. If you don't see it for a minute, it's like a thousand poisonous insects eating meat."

Han was also said by him that there are insects in front of him. He made a shiver and said, "I want to think about it. What I want most is you."

Xiaoshan walked outside dragging the chassis. He chatted with Zhou Yunshen as he walked slowly behind. He remembered that Zhou Yunshen was probably driving now, and he could not help but tell: "are you driving? Be careful and concentrate on driving. I don't want to come back to the hospital to see you now. "

"Come on."

Zhou Yun deep difficult passage: "even if I am in a car accident now, you may not be willing to put down work back."

Han was also amused by him, "where, where work, you are important."

Even if it is the usual language of coax, Zhou always eat this set, feel like they are soaked in honey inside. Happy with a sudden brake, Han seemed to notice and asked, "what's the matter? Is something wrong? "

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