"It's OK."

Zhou Yunshen looked at Song Hou Rou, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the oncoming car, and said, "I didn't notice the red light. Your boarding time is almost up. Please call me when you get off the plane

Han also hung up the phone in disbelief and made a provocative gesture to the Marquis of Song Dynasty. Zhou Yun's deep lip hook and foot on the accelerator hit him.

The hot news of a city that day was that two luxury cars collided on the road, which was said to be caused by two owners refusing to give way to each other.

When Han also saw the news, he felt that the black car was familiar. If you take a closer look, isn't this Zhou Yunshen's car? When he saw the news at first sight, he still scolded him for being a fool. He had too much money to spend, didn't he? It turns out that this fool is still his own

Han Yi's mouth twitches, but what he thinks in his heart is that Zhou Yunshen can't be a loser like Zhou Yunshen. Is it because he has to keep the financial power in his hands when he goes back this time, and Jinshan has to play with his luxury car as a bumper car.

Xiaoshan handed him a dress. The weather in City C was much colder than that in city A. as soon as he left the airport, he felt a chill on his face. Fortunately, Xiaoshan had been prepared for it. Han also put on his clothes and called him.

The person who told him to call on the ground did not answer the phone. Han also thought that he was probably busy and sent him a text message to tell him that he had arrived.

The mobile phone vibrates slightly. Zhou Yunshen feels it. He knows Han Yi's phone call. However, the atmosphere is so tense that he can't answer the phone.

In front of him sat two people, the Duke of song and Li Jieqiang.

Li Jieqiang was smoking a cigar, and the Marquis of song was also puffing. He had been listening to the two people's rambling chat for more than an hour.

The Marquis song, who met near the airport, came to a city in an open and aboveboard manner, under the banner of cooperation with Li Jieqiang.

It is said that, whether or not he intended to do so, no one knows. Now, even Li Jieqiang, I'm afraid, has not found out what he thinks in his heart.

Song Hou's eyes intentionally or unintentionally with Zhou Yunshen's eyes in the air, the two people's discord is known to all. One is the prince of the underworld, the other is a fierce general famous for his ruthlessness. These two people have always been at odds with each other, but now they have met again. I wonder if there will be a collision on the spot.

Today's young brothers all have this question in mind, but they have sat down for more than an hour. Both of them are peaceful. In their eyes, they both give Li Jieqiang face.

Zhou Yunshen's eyes lightly crossed the two people. The Marquis of Song Dynasty took a look at him, and the cruelty in his eyes was undisguised, just like when they met on the road today.

After both of them hit each other's car hard, they basically got out of the car. Song Hou lit a cigarette and said to him, "I also said to send Han Yi off. I didn't expect that the traffic jam was too late. When he arrived, he asked, "would he be happy to send him away?"

"Han is also one of my people. I know who he needs and who doesn't need it. Song Hou, "he said," didn't you learn enough last time? "

"Ha ha ha," said the Marquis of Song Dynasty, laughing so much that he could not even stand up and said, "tell me a long lesson?" He flicked the ash, leaned against the car body and said, "I am a man. Sometimes my memory is very good, sometimes my memory is very poor. I don't know what lessons you are talking about. Was it that I kissed Han Yi last time and he slapped me? Oh, by the way, even after so many years, his skin is still the same as when he was a child... "

"The thief is slippery It's a bit smoother than a woman's, but what do some people say, "it's like an egg that has just been shelled..."

His face was intoxicated with the smell: "about these pictures, I will remember them all my life."

Zhou Yunshen has already been like a lion king in a rage. Like a cheetah, Zhou Yunshen dashed to the Marquis of Song Dynasty with a fist. When he was near the Marquis of Song Dynasty, he took out his gun. The cold muzzle of the gun lowered Zhou Yunshen's abdomen and said, "you'd better behave yourself today, or Li Jieqiang is afraid that he won't let you go."

He said with a smile, "I'm afraid you don't know. Li Jieqiang has promised to cooperate with me to do business. Zhou Yunshen is not the only one in city A. you think you can stop me if you unite with the immortal Zhao family?"

"Zhou Yunshen, you are still too young. It is destined that you will be defeated in my hands."

The mobile phone vibrated again. Song Hou and Li Jieqiang finally got around to the topic. Zhou Yunshen took out his mobile phone and saw that both Han Yi and Wei Yan had called. The latest news was Han Yi's. He took a picture of the green leaves. The place he went to was probably just after a rain, so the leaves looked more and more green.

In a city this season rarely see so fresh green leaves, Han Yiyi see probably too happy. It's just that at this time of the year, I can feel a chill.

His lips are slightly imperceptible with a gentle smile. His flexible fingers strike out a line of words and send them to Han Yi.

It's cold after rain. Keep warm.

Eight words, but Zhou Yunshen's gentleness.

"Zhou hall leader is indeed the most suitable candidate. Let Zhou Tang host this."The Marquis of Song Dynasty said with a smile: "I really envy that there is such a capable person as hall leader Zhou around boss Li."

Li Jieqiang politely said: "where where, cloud deep young, seniority is still shallow, still need a lot of experience, not able to calculate."

It's all polite.

Who on the road doesn't envy Li Jieqiang's wise eye and discerning bead has collected Zhou Yunshen. Zhou Yunshen, who took risks in those years, has already doubled his return. Li Jieqiang is also proud of this, and because Zhou Yunshen has constantly had strong generals to join him in these years.

"Unfortunately, when I was in the Song family, I didn't find out that hall leader Zhou was so capable. Otherwise, he would not have been a little thug and lived in the stinky water area all the time. It's really an injustice to talents. "

The Marquis of song sighed: "my father has been regretting that he has wronged the leader of Zhou hall. He also told me that if I met with the chief of Zhou hall, I would like to thank him for all the time he had done for the Song family. "

At that time, Zhou Yunshen was just an unknown pawn under the hands of the Song family. He was not a glorious history. People with a little brain knew to avoid it. Now the Marquis of Song Dynasty raised it in front of Li Jieqiang and some younger brothers, and borrowed song Jiangcheng as an excuse to use his master's identity. In this way, Zhou Yunshen was humiliated.

What if you are the hall leader under Li Jie's strong hand now? You used to be a dog under my song family's hand. You will always be a song family dog in front of me!

But clearly, he just made a deal with Li Jieqiang just now. He turned around and humiliated Zhou Yunshen. Li Jieqiang's face was not good as expected. However, song Hou only spoke to Zhou Yunshen and Li Jieqiang rashly. On the contrary, he gave the Marquis song an opportunity to reason. Only Zhou Yunshen could speak.

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