This is a war without smoke of gunpowder. If Zhou Yunshen should be under his command, I'm afraid he will not be able to get rid of the status of servant of Song family in his whole life. But if he breaks up with the Marquis of Song Dynasty, the business between Li Jieqiang and the Marquis of song Dynasty will be yellow, and the fault still lies in his head.

Lin Zi clenched his fist indignantly behind him. The Marquis of the Song Dynasty was clearly deliberately making trouble to his boss!

The smell of gunpowder in the air became more and more serious. The eyes of marquis song and Li Jieqiang fell on Zhou Yunshen. The former was cruel and the latter was nervous.

A moment later, Zhou Yun collected his mobile phone, looked up at the Marquis of Song Dynasty and said, "it's unnecessary to say what song Gongzi said just now."

He is a group of light, like pointing to the upper level of the country, "I have forgotten all the things in those years, because," there seems to be a faint smile on his lips, "shame does not need to be remembered."


Lin Zi didn't help laughing. The eyes of the whole room fell on him, and he continued to smile.

The eldest of his family is really powerful. He slapped the Marquis of Song Dynasty with a loud slap in the face.

The Song family's past in your mouth, which you can't forget, is just a shame that you don't want to be remembered here. You still put it on the surface and said, isn't it a shame to send someone to the door to look for shame?

The Marquis of Song Dynasty choked and saw Zhou Yun gnawing his teeth: "the leader of Zhou hall is really a good eloquence."

"Where and where," Zhou Yunshen said more lazily: "the truth is true."

Li Jieqiang saw that Zhou Yunshen had not only kept his business in front of him, but also had not ruined his business. He said with a smile, "come on, Mr. Song, let's continue to drink tea. It's said that there are only four liang of tea a year, which is very precious."

The Marquis of Song Dynasty was deeply angry by Zhou Yunshen. However, Zhou Yunshen also got up at this time and said to Li Jieqiang, "I have an appointment to talk with you today. I'm leaving first."

Zhou Yunshen makes a lot of money for Li Jieqiang every year. Li Jieqiang has always been tolerant of him and just nods when he hears the speech.

Zhou Yunshen's feet just stepped out of the door, and the Marquis of the Song Dynasty puffed out a smoke ring and said, "is boss Li indulging him too much? Is that how you're going

At the same time, Tang Wen enters the door with a smile.

As soon as the retro carved door is closed, it looks as if it is completely different from the rolling red world outside.

Zhou Yunshen gets on the bus and drives in the woods. He calls Han Yi, who is also having dinner. Today, the crew seems to be having a dinner. It sounds very lively.

Han also holds the mobile phone and raises his other hand to block the microphone and goes to a quiet place to talk to Zhou Yunshen.

Han Yi's voice is soft, and Zhou Yunshen sounds very relaxed, as if he was put into a hot spring when he was exhausted to the extreme.

"What are you doing? They don't talk

"Han Yi."

Zhou Yunshen put the chair down a bit and lay down more comfortably. He said, "I was thinking that if it wasn't for you, I would not have been able to get to this step today."

If he had not been there, his life would have been a nameless fighter under the Song family. He might have died when he fought in secret. No one in the world would have known Zhou Yunshen.

"Why do you say that all of a sudden?" Han also said with a smile: "did you read any sensational books or TV?"

"No Zhou Yunshen seriously said, "I mean it."

"Thank you, really thank you for being in my life."

Thank him for appearing in his life, coloring his black and white life, and letting him know what it's like to have someone to love and love in this world. Let him taste the bitterness and bitterness of the world, let him know what kind of acacia is. Thank him for his experience of the world, and most importantly He still loves him and stays with him.

From the French windows, we can see that there are thousands of lights outside, which are as bright as glass. People want to hold it in the palm of your hand and give it to Sweetheart.

"Thank you, too."

Han Yisheng's voice and image is gentle and can wring water out. "I can't live now without you."

At the same time, two people smile at the same time. They are the loneliest people in the world, but they are not lonely because of meeting each other. In the future The rest of my life is warm.

Zhou Yunshen looked up at the fast pouring light out of the window. His heart leaped. He suddenly wanted to see Han Yi, even if he had a look from afar.

But now he can't leave city A.

Zhou Yun became very anxious because of this. He wanted to break through the cage and go to see Han Yi, but the pressure on his head made him unable to move.

In the heart of the war between man and nature, at this time the mobile phone slightly vibrated, Han also sent a picture.

A picture of him standing in front of the French window in a beige sweater and smiling. Outside the window is a glass lamp. The warm light falling on his body seems to make him a warm wick.

The impatience in the heart seems to be smoothed by his warm smile. Zhou Yun deeply exhaled a breath and said to Linzi, "go to Zhao's house."

He and Han also have a long life to go for decades, and their road must not be broken now.The black Land Rover rushes out like an arrow from the bow in the night, quietly disappearing in the traffic.

Han Yi waited for a while, but did not wait for Zhou Yunshen to return the news. It happened that the deputy director came to him and went back with them. Although Han Yi is a hot star now and he is backed by the mysterious but powerful company of Yunyi, he is gentle to people. Even ordinary group performances are not treated differently. His reputation in the production group is always good, and some small stars ask him for advice on how to act He is not stingy in teaching experience, coupled with witty talk, polite to people, very popular.

It's just that he is not good at drinking, which is known to all in the group. He didn't drink half a glass of red wine after a game, and no one urged him to drink. Han Zhengshan asked him to come to the banquet with him

Han Yiyi hesitated to see the bustling scene in the house and said, "I'll go out, just to breathe."

Since leaving a city, Xiaoshan is like a tight string. He is unwilling to leave his sight for more than 10 meters. It is impossible for Han to go out alone.

So Han also followed the small tail hill to go out with him. The man waiting outside was Qin Shaoyang.

He held a heat preservation box in his hand to see Han also came out and said: "brother Han, I heard that you are filming in C City, and I happened to be with the group nearby recently. I'll come to see you."

He handed the thermos box to Xiaoshan and said, "the spareribs porridge cooked by ourselves should not be able to eat at this kind of party. You should have some cushioned stomach."

Han Yiyi smiles. He blushes after drinking wine. At this time, his white face is tinged with a thin layer of red, like crabapple after rain. His eyebrows are gentle, and his lips and teeth exhale a soft smell of wine. Qin Shaoyang is close and can smell it very clearly. Unknowingly, his ears were burning, and Han Yi's eyes seemed to contain a piece of water.

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