Before pressing the shutter, Han Jingyun, who frowned, immediately put on a smiling face and compared with a pair of scissors.

"Stinky boy."

Zhou Yunshen said with a smile that the child's idol was heavy enough.

After taking dozens of photos for Han Jingyun, Zhou Yunshen sat on the chair prepared by Xiaoshan. Zhou Yunshen looked at the photos one by one, picked out the good-looking ones and sent them to Xiaoshan: "find someone to fix them and make them into photo albums."

"Well, don't worry, boss. It will be delivered to you tomorrow."

Xiaoshan should be another face of gossip to come to the way: "now the young master and the boss you can really good relationship, look like two father and son!"

"Is it?"

Zhou Yun deep light to: "not found."

"Tut," Koyama flattered loudly: "if I didn't know the truth, I thought it was my own. If you don't believe it, you can grab someone to ask if it's a real father and son."

Zhou Yunshen takes a look at him. He doesn't know whether he is happy or angry. Xiaoshan's heart trembles. He just dares to talk with Zhou Yunshen just because he has a good relationship with Han Yi. In fact, he is just a small follower.

When he was about to admit his mistake, Zhou Yunshen seemed to be very happy: "just like it. It's good to have a son."

Zhou Yunshen's blood relationship is weak in his life, and he has no feelings for his relatives. If he hadn't met Han Yi, maybe he would never have gotten married, let alone had a child. He thought that his life was nothing more than fighting and killing all his life. He would die when he was not lucky, let alone his future life.

Although Han Jingyun is not Han Yi's own son, he regards him as his own son, that is, his own son. There's no difference between raising and loving. Han Yi's son is his son, but they have to save time.

Look down at the picture of Han Jingyun. It's very nice. Just follow them.

Zhou Yunshen strolled around Han Yi and Han Jingyun in the morning. Later, he simply helped Han Yi deliver tea and water, and sent Xiaoshan to play with Han Jingyun.

Han Yi is serious about filming. It's hard to get over one scene after another. The actresses who worked with him were also pretty, and they were beautiful women. It's just that this beauty obviously has something else hidden in her eyes when she looks at Han Yi. After shooting a scene, she also asks her assistant to send some drinks. She comes over by herself for the second time.

Zhou Yunshen is watching a good play next to him, which means that I am not here. Han Yi looks embarrassed.

"I have water to drink and food to eat."

Han also rubbed his forehead and said, "you don't have to send things, and you don't have to ask people to send things."

Beauty still smile sincerely, completely unaffected way: "nothing, I can't finish eating."

Zhou Yunshen poured water nearby. The sound of the water was loud, but Han also heard the smell of gunpowder. He was afraid that Zhou Yunshen's powder barrel would explode directly. Just at this time, Han Jingyun and Xiaoshan came back. He decided to use his assassin's mace. He waved to Han Jingyun. Han Jingyun ran faster.

"See, that's my son."

Han also threw a bomb, the beauty's face could not hold, a look of shock.

Han also had his son's news that he kept secret when he was in Yunting. No one except the people of Yunting company knew that the company's meaning was that it was conducive to his star career. Han was also happy that he could better protect Han Jingyun.

Now, no need.


Han also smiles, followed by Han Jingyun blurted out: "Dad." The beauty was completely destroyed. She laughed awkwardly and said, "excuse me..." Turn around holding a broken glass heart back.

Zhou Yunshen, who poured water over there, stopped and came over with steaming tea.

One by one, Han also saw that he didn't speak. He sent Han Jingyun and Xiaoshan out again. To see that no one had closed the door, he coaxed Zhou Yunshen into saying, "didn't I refuse her? Are you still angry? "

Zhou Yunshen did not speak.

I didn't expect that at the age of three, even a woman's vinegar was eating up. Han also thought that he was funny, but he didn't dare to laugh. He had to smile secretly from the bottom of his heart and put his hand around Zhou Yunshen's waist and said, "don't be angry. I work hard. It's really just an accident. I'm with the hill all the other time. You don't drive the hill away, do you? "


Zhou Yunshen corrected: "I can castrate him."


Han Yile couldn't help laughing and said, "so are you going to bury a disaster next to you?"

Zhou Yunshen turned and stretched out his hand. Han also went into his arms and said, "pay attention later. You are a man."

Maybe he felt that he said this without a clue. Zhou Yunshen lowered his head and pecked at Han Yi's mouth.

After filming in the morning, Han also had no play in the afternoon, so after shooting, Han Yi took Zhou Yunshen and others and went out to find a restaurant for lunch. After lunch, they went back to their apartment for a nap. This time, Han Jingyun didn't ask han to sleep with him. However, Han also waited for Han Jingyun to go to bed before touching Zhou Yunshen's room. Zhou Yunshen even reserved the position for him, waiting for him.Lying down in Zhou Yun's deep arms, Han also said with a smile, "do you think it's like cheating?"


Zhou Yun deeply kisses and kisses him and says: "you this does not abide by woman's way of little widow."

"Tut," Han Yiyi sees that this guy is a bit of a playwright. He can't act according to his script, so Han also forcibly cuts off his play It is from the arms, kiss Zhou Yunshen's lips and cover the quilt with both hands.

Well, be good at using your own advantages. This is the most practical move that Han summed up in the face of Zhou Yunshen.

They had a good sleep until 3:00 p.m. when it was cold, a nap in the afternoon could make people's bodies soft and soft, like boiled dumplings. Han also more and more didn't want to get up. Zhou Yunshen hugged him very steadfastly, not to mention that he got up. You let me get up, and I let you get up again for half an hour.

"I have to get up, or Jingyun will wake up."

"The boy is expected to wake up long ago, but," Zhou Yunshen said with a deep face: "when I went upstairs, I brought the tablets and snacks, and then put them on his bedside cabinet. Now he thinks he is enjoying watching animation."

"The cunning fox."

"Well," Zhou Yunshen took the "praise" and said, "the cunning fox thinks that it will steam you or cook you in brown at night."

"Goodbye, I'm afraid of pain."

Han also laughs, two people make a group again, dally until four o'clock to get up. If it is not for Han Jingyun, it is estimated that both of them will sleep until 8:00 p.m. and then get up to eat dinner.

This week, when I was always wearing clothes, I was still lamenting that I had lived a life of raising children after marriage before I got married. After that, I was directly lost by Han Yi, a pillow.

Xiaoshan bought the ingredients and left in a hurry. Han also helped Zhou Yunshen in the kitchen. There was a small yard behind the apartment. Zhou Yunshen planned to barbecue in the yard at night. Han Jingyun was not happy. Most of the children like picnics. This is also a picnic.

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