Han also helped to deal with the food materials, and roughly counted them. Not counting Zhou Yun's deep processed meat, there are more than 20 kinds of ingredients. Xiaoshan's shopping style is really the same as Zhou Yunshen.

When the two took out the ingredients, Han Jingyun had already visited the chairs, bowls, chopsticks, seasoning cans and other things. The three of them cooperated and soon had a barbecue.

Han Yi and Han Jingyun are both carnivores. They especially like Zhou Yun's deep marinated roast ribs. Zhou Yunshen is about to become an omnipotent week in Han Yi and Han Jingyun. The cooking taste is good, and even the taste of barbecue is higher than that of many people outside. The roasted spareribs are tasty, tender and greasy, and the bite is not greasy. Han Yi and his son have a good time.

Zhou Yunshen sat down on the barbecue table. He basically wiped out a bunch after roasting. Zhou Yunshen couldn't get it with tears and laughter: "does it seem that Xiaoshan should go and buy some more? Otherwise, it won't be enough for your father and son. "

"No, it's not easy for you to have a holiday when you come to the hill. Don't disturb him. Let him have a good time. There's a lot more. By the way, roast some oysters. "

Zhou Yun nodded deeply and quickly put eight oysters on the grill.

In the evening, Zhou Yunshen prepared chrysanthemum tea to keep warm beside the barbecue. Han Jingyun's body is easy to get on fire. If you don't drink some fire, you will have to have bubbles on your mouth tomorrow.

Han naturally knew Zhou Yunshen's meticulous care. When Zhou Yunshen roasted the oysters, he went to Han Jingyun's ear and said something to him. So Zhou Yunshen soon enjoyed that the young master of Han's family personally fed him oyster meat.

After a mouthful of meat, Zhou Yun was deeply tearful and said: "it's delicious."

The performance is too much and some fake, which is disliked by both the father and son of Han family.

A cold moon was hanging in the sky, watching the three people eat, drink and drink.

While eating and drinking, I didn't know whether he ate more or said more. Later, the versatile Han Jingyun performed a new dance, and then played the flute. Han was surprised that he came to play and brought the musical instrument. Looking back at Zhou Yunshen, Zhou Yunshen whispered in his ear: "new student, want to play to the flute." Listen to me

Well, Han also ignored the possibility that he might want to show off.

He is now the most important person in Han Jingyun's heart. All the best Han Jingyun wants to give him. This is the most simple heart of a child.

Han also took a sip of tea, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a satisfied cat.

Zhou Yunshen took a look at him and put the roasted pork in his dish. In the sound of the flute, the time of the night seemed to be lengthened.

That night, Han Jingyun fell asleep on the platform, but Zhou Yunshen carried him in. Han also cooperated with him to take off his clothes and tuck the half grown boy into the quilt.

The two adults went back to the small yard and talked for a while with the rest of the baked vegetables. What they said at this moment became less important, as long as you were sitting next to you.

When they finished cleaning up the yard and washing, it was one o'clock in the night. Neither of them was sleepy. At last, Zhou Yunshen did not know where to find a bottle of red wine. They sat on the carpet in the room and drank the wine again. Who was the last one to kiss? No one remembered. Han Yi was in a trance and felt Zhou Yunshen holding him up, and Yu Guangzhi saw the ground from the corner of his eyes A mess of clothes.

He went to bed very late at night, but Zhou Yunshen got up early the next day. When Han Yi got up, the apartment was empty. Xiaoshan sent him a message saying that his play had been transferred to the afternoon, so that he could not worry. Han Yi got up and was still in a daze. Sitting in his chair for a long time, he went out to see Han Jingyun and Zhou Yunshen come back. They were dressed in sports clothes and obviously went for a morning run.

People who get up early are all in good spirits. Han, who comes in to sleep late, also feels a fresh vitality. Some of his infections make him have the idea of running in the morning.

How many years have not run in the morning?

He was still calculating that Zhou Yunshen had put the breakfast he had bought for him in a bowl. It was a bowl of small wonton.

"Try it. I don't like it. I'll make it for you."

"Well, don't regret it."

The taste of the small wonton is very good. Zhou Yunshen naturally did not open fire for breakfast. Both of them were sweating. They took turns to take a bath and came back fresh again.

"Aren't you sleepy?"

Han also asked the man opposite.


The man stopped and said: "today, Jingyun got up early, I will run with him."

In fact, it's to keep him from being disturbed, so he can sleep more?

Han also chuckled and accepted his good intentions. He bit a wonton into his mouth like a reward and said, "reward."

"Thank you for your reward," Zhou Yun said

In the afternoon, Han Jingyun and Zhou yunshenzhao went to play with each other yesterday. They didn't expect that they would all have to be finished by hand, but they temporarily told them to add another play in the evening and they had to finish filming before leaving. Han had no choice but to stay. Zhou Yunshen and Han Jingyun didn't want to stay together, so they stayed with him for dinner.

It's already ten o'clock after shooting in the evening. Zhou Yunshen asks Xiaoshan to find a place to eat supper. The three go to eat supper and go home to clean up and then go to sleep.The next day he repeated the life of the next day, but in the evening, Zhou Yunshen said that he would have to leave tomorrow night. Han Yi quietly sent a text message to ask Xiaoshan about his arrangement for tomorrow. He was full of hope that he could accompany Zhou Yunshen and them the next day. He didn't expect that the next day's work arrangements would be full, and Han could not help feeling a bit disappointed.

The next morning, Zhou Yunshen and Han Jingyun packed their bags. They came and went in a hurry, which made Han feel sad. They wanted to ask for leave and not go to the production team. Zhou Yunshen secretly hugged him and said some words. Then he coaxed Han Yi to get on the bus and go to the production team.

Han Yi is obviously out of shape today. He has been stopped several times. Zhou Yunshen looks at him again and again, and is distressed. He would like to go up to film instead of him. Xiaoshan comforted Zhou Yunshen by the side and said: "don't worry, elder brother Han can live it. It will be over for a while. You can watch..."

Zhou Yunshen understood it. It's certain that Han has made more difficult scenes, but Xiaoshan didn't tell him. Han also wants to be strong. He can't quit. He has to pay attention to his body no matter how.

During the break, Zhou Yunshen euphemistically expressed his ideas, and Han had already thought of a good way to say: "don't worry, I want to take advantage of my youth to shoot more good plays. When I get older, I won't take these pictures. You can rest assured."

Zhou Yunshen nodded dubiously.

Will a workaholic put down his work? Obviously not.

After a short rest and busy again, Han also looked at Zhou Yunshen's direction and was distracted. Later, he seriously practiced, but didn't pay attention to the time. When he finished watching last time, he looked at Zhou Yunshen, and there was no figure of Zhou Yunshen.

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