"I can't compare with you anywhere. Song Gongzi, who is more mean after chasing a person who is mean? "


Song Hou got up and said, "it's me who is cheap. Now I'm going to send you an invitation."

He dropped a wedding invitation and said, "remember to come on the 25th of this month."

"What?" He bent down and looked at Han Yi equally. "You're surprised, aren't you? Didn't expect me to wait for your wedding? "

"As I said earlier, Han Yi, you are the person I want. You are the most important moment in my life."

"Now you should believe me?"

"I'm not going."


"Then you can consider the Yunyi company that you gave to you and collected the corpse of Zhou Yunshen."

"You can't hurt him."

"So confident?" Song Hou clapped his hands and said, "OK, what about Han Jingyun? Can I hurt him? "

Han also looked up angrily, "don't touch my son."

"Then come and bring Zhou Yunshen with you. I just don't know if he has the courage."

The invitation is Chinese red. Han also feels headache when he looks at it. This Marquis of Song Dynasty is really a madman!

It's only a week before the wedding. How does he know he will come back? Or, in fact, he has been monitoring him all the time, even he knows that he is addicted to drugs. Is there any connection between him and Yang Luoqing?

Han also closed his eyes and leaned back. The Marquis of Song Dynasty was a big trouble.

Han also took the initiative to tell Zhou Yunshen about the song Hou's visit. In fact, Xiaoshan had already made a report. Zhou Yunshen had not said anything about it, and he was waiting for Han to speak.

"He asked us to see his wedding with Chi Yuan."

"Then go."

Zhou Yunshen said: "I haven't attended a wedding ceremony in my life. Go to see them or prepare for us."

"Do you really want to go?"

"Go, why not?"

"Twenty fifth."

"Well, I'll go to D City tomorrow."

"Li Jieqiang?"

Han is also nervous. Zhou Yunshen has done enough for Li Jieqiang to kill him, not to mention Tang Wen.

"He invited me to dinner," Zhou Yunshen said with a faint smile. "It should have been invited long ago, but he is not in good health. I will come back to attend the wedding with you."


"Don't be sullen," Zhou Yunshen approached and deliberately exhaled heat in his ear. Han was also the most ticklish. He raised his shoulder to block Zhou Yunshen's attack. Zhou Yunshen did not want to let him go. He had already nibbled his ear. He liked to use this trick to trick Han Yi. His skill increased more and more. He bit Han Yisu and numbed him. Zhou Yunshen was silent As expected, only ten seconds later, Han turned over and pressed him on the sofa with his hands around his neck. "Zhou Yunshen, you are on purpose!"

"On purpose!" Zhou Yunshen admitted very happily, a face of provocation.

Liang's mother took Han Jingyun out to buy snacks. Now there are only two of them in the family. Zhou Yunshen is almost trapped in the soft sofa. Han Yi slides his hands on his shoulders, lowers his head and learns Zhou Yunshen's way to nibble at the tip of his chin. Although it's a retaliatory act, she doesn't dare to put heavy weight on it. She is afraid of hurting Zhou Yunshen. Han Yi's technique is not proficient. She bites Zhou Yun away Deep no reaction, Zhou Yunshen a bad smile.

Han also put his heart out of his tongue. The tip of his tongue touched his skin like a stamen, and then slowly licked his lips.

Zhou Yunshen's lips closed tightly, and Han also got angry in his heart. He decided to pry his city gate open, so he tried harder to tease him.

Zhou Yunshen's soft tongue is like your enchanting demon, which lures people into hell. Zhou Yunshen closes his eyes and looks like an old monk in a fixed state. Han is more angry. He sits directly on Zhou Yunshen's waist on the net. Just as he is teasing and fascinated, Zhou Yunshen suddenly opens his mouth, sucking his tongue into his mouth like a tornado, and intertwined with him like two snakes This sudden change makes Han Yi confused, until Zhou Yunshen clasps the back of his head to increase the kissing force, which is not enough. Then he turns their positions and presses him under him, and Han Yi slowly understands.

Zhou Yunshen is asking the emperor to enter the urn. Any old monk's admission is deceptive. He is obviously waiting for the opportunity to overwhelm him!

"Zhou Yunshen, you big liar!"

Zhou Yunshen, who was busy taking off his clothes, said vaguely: "well, I'm a big liar."

Then there was an even more violent attack, with stars shining through the window, leaving silver on the carpet. Between the two actions, the light falls on his body. Han Yi opens his eyes and looks at Zhou Yunshen by the light. It seems that Zhou Yunshen is coated with a layer of silver, and his waist line is long. Up to now, his face has been engraved into his bones. The tenderness in his eyes is enough to make him willing to sink all his life.

It's like this, floating with him in this world of mortal life and death. When

went to the bathroom, Zhou Yunshen cleaned the battlefield, clothes and so on, threw them into the dirty clothes basket, and the sofa was pushed back to the original position. After spraying the perfume, except for the taste, then ran to the kitchen to make a fresh fruit platter for Han.Han also wore a bathrobe and was chased upstairs to eat, drink and sleep by Zhou Yunshen with a fruit tray.

Tomorrow, Zhou Yunshen gets up early. After a meal, they are tired. Han Yi doesn't eat much now. A fruit platter doesn't move much. Zhou Yunshen is worried. He has to put some in his mouth from time to time while chatting with Han Yi.

Han's children were not as sleepy as they were lying in his arms.

Wei Yan said that his body was too weak to feel sleepy. However, he could not eat much food. Zhou Yunshen's hair was almost gray.

Zhou Yunshen thought for a while and sent a message to Linzi. After seven or eight minutes, Linzi sent a phone number. Zhou Yunshen saved the number and set an alarm clock. Then he put down his mobile phone and held Han Yi to sleep.

When Han Yi got up, Zhou Yunshen had already left. Han Jingyun and Liang Ma were waiting for him to have breakfast. Han also ate a few mouthfuls, but he didn't have much appetite. It happened that the hill came, and most of them were settled by Xiaoshan.

Xiaoshan is driving a car to tell Han about today's trip. Han is also listening to him, but he is not very interested. However, Xiaoshan didn't expect him to throw a bomb.

"I'm going to D city."


Xiaoshan suddenly braked and doubted that he had not heard clearly. He looked shocked and looked at Han Yi, "are you going to D city?"

"can't you?"

"No No way... " Xiaoshan was incoherent. The car behind him honked his horn and even started to scold. He pointed out his head and said, "no, brother Han, how could you have such a terrible idea? The boss is going to have a meal and will be back soon. You don't have to worry about it. "

"What's more, I don't have any hands here, so I can't call people. The boss said, I'll let you stay in city a with peace of mind. If you don't meet the people of marquis song, you'll go to D City," Xiao Shan wiped his forehead in a cold sweat. "If the boss knows, he must throw me into the river to feed fish!"

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