"Don't let him know."

Han Yiquan said, "we will go there and come back soon. Or, "he compromised," I'll go myself and you'll wait for me here? "

Xiaoshan: sudden.

This can let Zhou Yunshen tear him apart!

"Is there no other choice?"

"Brother Han, help me. I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet..."

Han also sat as steady as Mount Tai, with a cold voice. After listening carefully, he seemed to smile, "No."

At this moment, Xiaoshan saw the shadow of his eldest son from Han Yi's body. No wonder elder brother Han is so rare. He is just like him.

The place where Li Jieqiang entertained Zhou Yunshen is the best hotel in D city and the place where he saved next week's Yunshen. It is self-evident that the meaning of choosing this place is obvious. Zhou Yunshen took a forest to go in. Baishan told him that the Marquis of Song Dynasty would come. Today, there was no Marquis of Song Dynasty, only Li Jieqiang and Tang Wen were there.

Tang Wen lost an arm but got the trust of Li Jieqiang, and now Li Jieqiang has no other person to use. In recent years, Tang wenbaishan and Zhou Yunshen consumed each other. Among them, Baishan and Zhou Yunshen fought fiercely. Knowing that he couldn't compare with Zhou Yunshen, Tang Wen seized Li Jieqiang's new man's way to climb up. Only in this way did he maintain his position for many years.

His arm folded in Zhou Yunshen's hand, saw the hatred of cutting teeth in Zhou Yunshen's eyes, so that he could not even pretend to be kind.

Li Jieqiang coughed violently, and Tang Wen clapped him on the back with his left right hand.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Hasn't boss Li recovered yet?"

Zhou Yunshen sat down and said, "bring some tonics to boss Li."

Lin Zi put the presents on the table. They were really good things. They were all good tonics.

"Will the boss be short of these things?" Tang Wen couldn't help but say: "Zhou Yunshen, you traitor, you have the face to see the boss!"

Zhou Yunshen chuckled, "what do I dare not come? Tang Wen, I didn't expect that after you forced me to set up my own house, I was still a hall leader. I thought you could climb higher. "

"What do you say?"

As soon as Tang Wen patted the table, he glared at Zhou Yunshen and said, "when did I force you? That day it was clear that... "

"He broke into my territory, hit my people, smashed my things, and said that boss Li couldn't tolerate me any more and took out a gun in front of me Tang Wen, does boss Li know you are so capable? "


"All the brothers who were there saw it," Lin said with a smile. "Tang Wen, do you still want to deny it? Otherwise, boss Li will go out and ask our brothers outside. Is that what our boss said

"You fart

Tang Wen angrily said: "they are your people, of course, they will help you talk. What happened that day, the boss will naturally ask my brother who went with me!"

"Yes, you are right."

Lin Zi looked at him with a smile, "my people are talking to me. How can your people not talk to you? "Tut Tut," he sighed, "I don't know how much truth is heard in boss Li's ears on weekdays."

Tang Wen this just reacts to come over, was brought to the ditch by the forest, he is clearly already waiting for him here!

He laughed angrily and snorted coldly, "you don't want to sow dissension here. The boss knows who is the IMP in the end."

"All right

Li Jieqiang yelled: "is it over? If you have the ability to fight like a child, you can have a good time with one gun each

On Zhou's eyes, Zhou's eyes closed

"OK," Zhou Yun deep light way: "already used to."

Li Jieqiang:

The woods were laughing.

According to the general answer is that Zhou Yunshen must be polite to say where there is no matter. Unfortunately, Zhou Yunshen didn't like Tang Wende very much and didn't want to give Li Jieqiang face. Such a light sentence slapped both of them in the face.

"It seems that boss Zhou didn't really eat this meal today."

Li Jieqiang held his anger in his heart. He patted the table and said, "don't forget who saved you from the guns of the Song family in those years, and who rewarded you with a bite of rice to eat!"

"What I hate most in my life is that the people under my hand are restless. Now you are climbing over my head! Zhou Yunshen, you have angered me! "

As soon as Li Jieqiang's voice fell, all his people in the room took out their pistols, and the cold muzzle of the guns all pointed to Zhou Yunshen's head.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Zi slapped the table and angrily yelled: "the eldest ones eat, but you are playing with guns? You don't want to eat, do you? "

He took out his pistol and slapped it on the table. He laughed and looked around.

At the same time, outside the gate, Xiaoshan pointed to the upstairs and said to Han: "I heard that. I'll have dinner here. The third compartment on the fifth floor Hey, brother Han, why don't we go to the opposite teahouse to make a pot of tea and wait for the boss to come out? Is it not appropriate for us to go here? "Han also light "Oh" a sound, long legs but walked toward the inside, hill a stomp on the heart a horizontal chase up.

Just, die or die. Brother Han can trust him, even if the boss is burning with anger.

The whole fifth floor has been contracted down. Li Jieqiang's underworld manner also makes people dare not go to the fifth floor for dinner. However, a man who is not afraid of an accident comes and orders the private room next door. The boss does not dare to agree. Han also asks Xiaoshan to continue to drop money.

The businessman who didn't want to make money was not a good businessman. The boss accepted the money and arranged for them to be next door. He made an agreement. He couldn't control the accident. Seeing his careful posture, he almost pulled them to sign the contract.

Xiao Shan's legs and tummy trembled, and Han was as stable as Mount Tai. He walked into the private room and sat down to listen to the voice of the next door.

The sound insulation effect of this kind of partitioned compartment is not good. Zhou Yunshen's voice is also close to the wall and can be heard clearly.

"Boss Li wants to be angry. As a younger generation, he can only bear it. There is no reason to resist."

Zhou Yun said with a deep smile, "put the gun away quickly, don't scare people."

Han also heard the heart of the gun mentioned in his throat, but after listening to the second half of the sentence, he couldn't help but raise his mouth. As expected, this is Zhou Yunshen. You have to step on your face for half of the time.

"Zhou Yunshen, don't go too far!"

Tang Wen was furious, "don't forget, you also walked out from the boss Li!"

"Of course I can't forget that I and the people under my hand always want to share the worries for boss Li. For example, this time, I knew that boss Li was going to invite me to dinner, so I asked people to help him. Don't have any problems on the way of transportation. Oh, and at home," Zhou Yunshen's voice sounded like a warm spring breeze, "all help boss Li take care of them."

"Are you threatening me?" Li Jieqiang sneered, "don't think you say that, I will believe you!"

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