"I don't dare to threaten Mr. Li, but I've done so many transportation jobs for him before, and I've also contacted the boss behind the scenes in Thailand. Now that Yunshen has set up a new door, he naturally needs a lot of support. He's not in good health recently. Yunshen thinks that he can't manage such a big business, so he helps him to take charge of it first."

"Call Thailand!"

"Don't worry," Zhou Yun deep smile, raised his wrist and looked at the time to: "calculate the time, the phone should be calling soon."

As soon as the voice dropped, the phone called in. Li Jieqiang heard it for a few seconds. Then he threw his mobile phone to: "do you dare to pry my corner?"

Thailand that line profit is huge, these years big income almost from Thailand, Zhou Yun deep prized his big corner!

"What do you say?"

"I jumped you!"

Li Jie grabs a man's pistol and walks to Zhou Yunshen with a crutch. The bullet has been loaded. Zhou Yunshen takes a long drink and says, "if you want to start, you can do it. Anyway, the business in Thailand can't come back. If Yunshen dies, it's worth dying to let boss Li calm down."

No more words.

"Boss, kill him! He is a disgrace to you. Kill him

Tang Wen yelled excitedly beside him, and even ran to Li Jieqiang excitedly, expecting the bullet to pass through Zhou Yunshen's head.

"Now, I can't move? Do you think getting business in Thailand will shake my roots? "

Li Jieqiang sneered, "Laozi told you Zhou Yunshen, you think too simple, I will never be knocked down like this, you will regret what you did today!"

As he said, he threw the pistol away, and Tang Wen saw the empty loss. He collapsed and said, "isn't that Han you treasure the most? You can try to go back and see him again

"Do you dare to fight brother Han?"

When Linzi punched him, Zhou Yunshen's eyes were fixed on Tang Wen. Tang Wen saw that he was so angry that he laughed, "it's worth it. I'll exchange one arm with your baby's head!"

"Zhou Yunshen, you are doomed to be alone for a lifetime!"

"It may disappoint you."

A clear male voice came, and Zhou Yunshen turned around and stopped. Seeing that the door was pushed open, people in casual clothes ran into his eyes.

"Han Yi!"

"Why are you here?"

Tang Wen roared.

Han also went to Zhou Yunshen and said with a smile, "I've been waiting a long time. I knew I should have come out earlier, but," he shrugged. "If I came out earlier, I would have pinched the script of Tang hall leader, but I can't see his shocked expression."

After shock, fear and joy interweave in Zhou Yunshen's heart. He pulled Han Yi into his arms in front of the public, and his lips pressed against his ear: "I'm afraid I'll die."

In front of the public, this is tantamount to admitting that Han is also his weakness and his heart. From then on, a thick and heavy color of tenderness appeared in the sky.

It's so exciting for the hill to wipe his forehead at the door. Damn it, I'm glad to hear brother Han's threat, or I'll be dead today! The mood of Xiaoshan is very complicated, from a frightened "sinner" to a "meritorious official" to be praised.

Zhou Yunshen and Han also won today's victory. Li Jieqiang and Tang Wen left each other with a more livid face. However, the latter was obviously given preferential treatment. When they left, one of them presented a word of reciprocity in return for the forest in the house and the hill outside the house.

Zhou Yunshen didn't want to eat with Han Yi in this place. He took him out to a restaurant he knew well.

There are two small restaurants in the alley. They are not old acquaintances and still can't find them. The boss and Zhou Yunshen have known each other for a long time. Seeing him leading Han Yilai, he understood and said, "today is self-made?"

"Well, what do you have?"

"You are lucky, just brought two wild fish, lively, fried and boiled well."

The boss, who is about 40 years old, has a beer belly and a friendly smile. Before Zhou Yunshen goes in, he touches a glass of beer with Zhou Yunshen. After Zhou Yunshen goes in, he leads Han into a private place behind him, places good wine and a pile of peanuts and sits opposite Han and says, "are you the star on TV?"

"Er Yes

Han is always a little embarrassed, the boss said with a smile: "I said look like! But, "he said after a close look," you're better than on TV. "

Han is more interested in how he and Zhou Yunshen got to know each other. Talking about the first acquaintance, the boss is very excited.

"I've never met a guest like him, and the first time I asked if I could cook my own dishes? Isn't it convenient to eat out He took a drink and said, "he's the only one who cooks by himself."

"I promised to come to him, and he paid for it. Every time he came, he cooked his own dishes. If he didn't eat it, he would put it on the table and wait for it to cool off. Oh, by the way, he also put two pairs of chopsticks. His face smelled like black and white, which scared away several guests. Ha ha ha!"Han also laughs, his heart is sour and sweet, Zhou Yunshen's cooking is so. In this small restaurant, you can practice when you have time.

"Later, he got familiar slowly. He didn't say anything when he asked him, but he would drink with me and make friends with me. It's like this."

When they were talking, Zhou Yunshen had already cooked two kinds of small dishes and brought them. When they came, he asked the boss to buy him a piece of tofu. The boss stood up and said to Han: "look, now you will call me. I knew I should have refused him at the beginning."

But he has already got up to buy tofu for Zhou Yunshen.

"How about fish soup? Add more to it and cook it


Han also said, "it's up to you."

The deep cloud that sees him today did not come in time


Han also said, "what are you going to do?"

"Screw his head off!"

With a bloody and domineering reply, Han yiha laughs, "then you're going to prison. Am I really saving your life?"

"Yes, yes," Zhou Yunshen coaxed him, "my life depends on you to save, great Xia, don't leave small."

"Don't be poor. Go and cook."

Han also blasted him to go, Zhou Yunshen also reluctantly kiss one mouthful, then turned back to the kitchen step by step.

It was as sweet as he couldn't get into him when he came back.

Han Yi took out his mobile phone to read novels. The boss came back from buying tofu and chatted with him. He was busy going out again. In this way, the man in front of Han Yi was exchanged between Zhou Yunshen and his boss. He could not stop laughing at his lips.

When the meal is over, Zhou Yunshen's dishes are ready. The white fish soup is not oily. Han Yi and Zhou Yun are very selective in eating fish. If the fish is killed, it must be cooked immediately. Otherwise, it will not be fresh and the meat quality will not be so good. And the mouth of two people is also quite strong, not fresh fish can be eaten in the mouth.

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