She was taking Han Yi up the stairs. When she got to the elevator, Han felt that something was wrong. She took her to the door and was about to leave. Jiang Xianghong took hold of his tie, and his red lips closed. "Didn't Lao sun tell you?"

"Brother Sun said," after a pause, his eyes half closed: "the spring river and the moon is really a good script, and I hope I can choose it..."

"How about your acting without me?"

Han's hands were on tiptoe, and his voice was touching his ears. It really hurts me to see you being bullied today... "

Han Yi was not comfortable at first, and then she hung her neck and lowered her head. The heat was blowing in her ears, which made her brain paste. She did not know how she was taken to the room by Jiang Xianghong. At this time, the elevators were coming to the fifth floor. Soon after, the elevators opened. A tall man lifted his feet out of the elevator and walked forward without hesitation.

Han has already been stripped almost, half of his chest is exposed, and his pants are half hung on his bright white legs. It seems that he is the weak orchid grass.

His whole body is soft, the smell of alcohol makes his brain confused, only feel one hand touched his body.

"Such a figure is really a man's material."

With a smile, Jiang Xianghong held Han Yi's chin and whispered, "isn't it nice to follow me? Take care of you, even if it is not red for ten thousand years, it can also give you to heaven

If you follow me, I will tell you to be a man of honor and spoil you to heaven!

The owner of the voice sounded in Han Yi's head with speechless pride.

A face occupies Han Yi's whole face, with a sharp eyebrow and a hand holding his chin, forcing him to look at him.

He shivered, trying to crush the person in front of him, and to escape his grip.

"Go away!"

He roared, but most of them were awake.

"Oh, you are still virtuous

Instead of retreating, Jiang Xianghong directly sat on Han Yi's legs and said, "this is to appreciate you and give you a chance. If you change someone else, you can't even touch half the corner of her dress."

Jiang Xianghong smiles and lowers his head in front of Han Yi's chest. At this time, the door is kicked open by the "bang".

"Who is it?"

Jiang Xianghong was badly hurt. He looked at the door with an angry face. Han didn't look at the door either. Therefore, he is a person who has the spirit of decay. No, the female director is just about to become a good thing, which can be bad for people. But this time he was grateful for his decline.

I just don't know if it's paparazzi or Yang Luoqing?

"Zhou Zhou Mr. Zhou? "

Jiang Xianghong stood up straight, and Han was still half confused.

"Han Yi, you are really. Anyone can go, whether it's a man or a woman?"

Han Yi's body is stiff and his ears seem to have never been so sensitive. The sound of a man's feet is magnified by infinite brush. Step by step, it seems that he has stepped on his heart, and hit hard on his heart like a stone hammer, until his flesh and blood are blurred.

Zhou Yunshen

The name was like a thread around his heart, bleeding day and night.

"Well? Han Yi? "

Zhou Yunshen's voice came, "what? Six years no see, don't you remember me? I don't remember me, "he said with a long voice and a trace of ambiguity:" do you still remember how much debauchery I was when I was in love? "

Han Yi clenched his fists, lowered his head and said nothing.

At this time, Jiang Xianghong, who is standing beside him, has already told the truth. The amount of information is too large. These two people Anyone can go on anything, what kind of entertainment What is the relationship between the two?

Jiang Xianghong feels that she is not walking now, nor is she not walking. It seems that she doesn't know how to breathe even though she doesn't know how to breathe.

Her eyes go back and forth on Han Yi and Zhou Yunshen, and her brain explodes. Finally, she comes back from the rich gossip information.

Han also has such a patron, or the relationship in bed! She didn't know, and she wanted to sneak him tonight? In her mind, she recalled the way people in the circle mentioned Zhou Yunshen's reticence, and felt that she would die ugly.

She swallowed her saliva and said in a trembling voice, "Mr. Zhou, I'll go right away Don't disturb you Reminiscence. "

Zhou Yunshen did not speak, and Jiang Xianghong did not dare to move. Standing there, he would like to dig a hole in the ground and drill away.

Han is not strict in silence, Zhou Yun deep block in the door. One can't see the expression clearly when he looks down, and his eyes seem to be able to burst into flames. The dangerous smell of the whole body makes people run when they want to run, but their legs are too soft to move.

Jiang Xianghong squeezed a handful of sweat.

"Zhou In general, "Han also said," you are all right. "

This sentence seems to be an ordinary reminiscence of the past, and Jiang gives a sigh of relief to Hong. People who mingle in this circle are talking about people and ghosts. It seems that they are born with abilities.

This week, Yunshen is the figure that the underworld can't provoke in a city. Everyone is courteous. Jiang Xianghong is just a director. How can he be provoked?Now that Han Yi has bowed his head first and the smell of gunpowder has been reduced a little bit, Jiang Xianghong said with a ha ha: "since Han and Zhou have always been friends, the male number one in" Spring River and Flower Moon "must be Han Yi's. I told the deputy director that of all the male stars in Yunting, only Han Yi's temperament is suitable for playing Male No.1. Ha ha... "

She tried her best to please Zhou Yunshen, but she didn't want to flatter him. Zhou Yunshen sneered and said, "can he also play male number one?"

The piercing sarcasm is like thousands of arrows penetrating Han Yi's body.

"In this way, everyone can be on the wave goods, also deserve to be a man's number one? Director Jiang

Jiang Xianghong, who was named by the name, trembled with a smile and said, "yes, I am, Mr. Zhou."

"Do you think he can be number one


Jiang's tears flow into a river in her heart. It's just like a quarrel between lovers. This week, Yunshen wants to use her as cannon fodder. No matter how she answers, she raises her hand to wipe the sweat on her forehead and whispers: "I I don't know. "

"I don't know?"

Zhou Yunshen walked forward a few steps and made a step. He turned the chair around and held Han Yi's chin in his hand. He said coldly, "can you play male number one?"

Two people four eyes opposite, like dust sealed key and lock finally on, opened a piece of locked time.

Jiang Xianghong finally seized the opportunity and ran out without even asking for a bag.


Han also opened his mouth, Zhou Yun deep thin lips a hook, eyes still staring at Han also said: "someone will take care of it."

"You're still What are you still doing? "

"Don't do those things..."

Zhou Yunshen said: "how can a person like me live? Do you think everyone is like you, Han Yi, who can easily climb into men's and women's beds and get a safe place? "

The light in Han Yi's eyes is like a swaying candle in the wind and finally goes out.

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