
Suddenly, the chair was pushed on the wall, and his hand was pushed hard.

"Say it

He said, "didn't you speak very well before? When you're under me, isn't your mouth sweet? You don't mean Do you love me

"Han Yi, you talk!"

Han also raised his head and said with a smile that has always been alienated: "what do you want me to say? Do you ask for mercy? "

"Zhou Yunshen, did the Marquis song send you? Take me back. You should be able to go up a liter? "

Han also completely put his hands down and said, "I don't want to escape. You can take me away."

Zhou Yunshen was like a firecracker on fire. He said angrily, "do you still think about him?"

With a sneer, Zhou Yunshen let go of Han Yi's chin and stood up straight. Now that Han Yi is fully awake, he stands up to lift his pants. However, Zhou Yunshen pulls his pants down, and half of his thighs are exposed to the air.

"Have you had a good time these years? To this day. " Zhou Yunshen's voice was very low, as if trying to suppress the general storm.

"How many people did you have sex with? Yeah? Man or woman? Or both men and women? "

Han Yi has been tolerating people's humiliation since he came to lihuangmen's gate. He was originally a dull temperament, but even a clay Bodhisattva also had a third of fire.

Especially in front of him, Zhou Yunshen humiliated him again and again. He stretched out his hand and pushed him, but the man was like a wall and did not move at all. On the contrary, he sat on the chair again and became a victim to others.

"How angry?"

Zhou Yunshen raised his legs and pressed his legs. He lifted his chin and said, "how did you climb into my bed six years ago? Can you demonstrate it again today?"

The man said, close to his ear and said, "I still remember that night's events. Han Yi, you are really hot. "

Originally angry Han also heard this sentence, as if he had lost his strength, and raised his hand to untie Zhou Yunshen's trousers.

Zhou Yunshen was good at fighting at the beginning. What's more, he drank wine. Even if his mind is clear now, his body can't keep up with him. He has no resistance at all. It's better to obey him. In any case, they are all acquaintances, so we should regard it as "reminiscence".

The buttonhole hasn't been untied yet. Zhou Yunshen flicks Han Yi's hand with a naked dislike in his eyes. "Han Yi, you really make me sick."

"Damn it!"

Constantly stabbing him, Han also couldn't help it. He cursed: "Zhou Yunshen, what are you going to do? If you want to kill or cut, you can directly say that there is no need to humiliate Laozi like this! "

Han also pushed away his long leg, but his chin was still in Zhou Yunshen's hand. Zhou Yunshen's strength increased and his eyes narrowed like a raging lion. Before Han had time to react, he suddenly put a heavy weight on his shoulders. His whole body was lifted up by Zhou Yunshen and threw it on the big bed beside him. Then he put a heavy weight on his body, and Zhou Yunshen actually pressed on it Come on!

"Zhou Yunshen, what are you doing! You go down

Han is also deeply humiliated, but Zhou Yunshen's hand has already pinched the meat on his chest. However, his strength is not gentle. Han feels that the meat is no longer his.

"Don't you say I'll do whatever you want? Why can't I stand the pain? "

In the struggle, Han also clenched his lips. Zhou Yunshen lowered his head, and his breath rubbed his lips and staggered. His lips almost met. Separated for six years, it seems that even his lips still remember the breath of Zhou Yunshen.

Such a thought makes Han suffer a lot.

"In those days, you lured him first. Han Yi, don't you forget it already? "


He Mou color pain way: "in those days, you forget. It's been six years. It's time to put it down. "

"Put it down?"

Zhou Yunshen put more effort on his hands, and Han also gave a light cry of pain. The next moment, his lips were soft, but his lips were already contained in his mouth by Zhou Yunshen.

Six years, more than a thousand days and nights, midnight dream back, who has thought of the past warmth?

Zhou Yunshen's kiss is extremely overbearing, with the taste of punishment.

After a kiss, Zhou Yun deeply licked his lips.

"What? What chastity are you talking about now

Zhou Yunshen's voice was low, "you were not like this before."

"Your body is much more honest than you are. You will not." Zhou Yunshen bowed his head and exhaled a warm airway in his ear: "no man in these six years, right?"

"Zhou Yunshen." He said hard: "you let me go."

"How did you let me go that night? Besides, don't you want me now

Han also bit his lips and looked at him obstinately. His eyes were broken and his heart was softened.

He reached out his hand and grabbed Zhou Yunshen's shoulder and his wrist. He begged: "I was sorry for you before, but I seduced you Now I just want to live a normal life, you... ""Normal life?"

Zhou Yun was very angry, and said sarcastically, "do you tell me about normal life? You let me sleep with a man, and now you tell me you want to live a normal life? "

"I'm sorry..."

"Yes, you're sorry for me!"

Zhou Yunshen punched him on the side of his head. His eyes were red, like a burning flame. The temperature seemed to burn Han Yi who was close to him into ashes.

"You don't know how much you're sorry for me, or how much you owe me!"

This life has no calmness and self-reliance. It's just a roar. At the moment of Zhou Yunshen's gaffe, Han suddenly lifted his knee and hit him in the middle of the bull's eye.

It was the most vulnerable place for a man. Zhou Yunshen was no exception. At that time, he was curled up in pain and turned into a shrimp. Han Yifei quickly pushed him away. He got up and grabbed his pants with both hands. He rushed out of the door without even putting on his pants. His posture was very awkward.

There was a flash of cold light in Zhou Yunshen's eyes. He is always like this, can always give him a fatal blow without hesitation, and then leave quickly, Han Yi, you are really a heartless person!

Han Yi's mind is completely muddled, only know to run forward, leave here. He ran so fast that he didn't notice that Yang Luoqing was coming towards him with a sexy woman in his arms.

Han Yi, who disappeared for a while, was not well dressed. He was carrying his pants and scattering his feet. There was a lot of information inside.

Yang Luoqing, who is committed to fighting against the chill, did not hesitate to take out his mobile phone to take photos and record videos. He thought that Han would immediately stop to argue with him when he saw this action. However, he did not expect that he was well prepared. Han also passed him as if there was some ghost chasing him behind him.

"Han Yi, what's wrong with him?"

The woman leans on Yang Luoqing's shoulder hair to ask, Yang Luoqing whistled: "tube him, anyway." He shook the mobile phone in his hand and said, "I'm holding his handle. Are you afraid he's dishonest?"

Then he hugged the woman and went to his room.

Han also buttoned up his trousers and clothes in the elevator. He was glad that there was no one in the elevator. Otherwise, he would definitely dominate the entertainment headlines the next day. Tomorrow, Yunting's people would talk to him about his life.

Thinking about today's affairs, Han also feels a headache. Zhou Yunshen, how could he be in city a, but the Song family has always been in city B? How could he come here all of a and still be here? When did he find him? There is also the Marquis of Song Dynasty. If Zhou Yunshen finds him, does it mean that the Marquis of song also finds him?

Think of Han Yi's body trembling, a chill through his four limbs, told him to go to the ice cellar.


Elevator to the ground floor, outside has been waiting for five or six people, he bowed his head quickly out and stopped a taxi, reported an address, the taxi carried him away quickly.

"Well, brother, how can I look at you a little familiar?"

The driver was a middle-aged man about 40 years old. Looking at Han Yi in the rearview mirror, he said, "have you ever played that Chu Feng?"

If it had been before, Han would have been very happy, but tonight his old friend raided him, and he only wished everyone didn't know him.

He opened his collar slightly to reveal his delicate clavicle and a small piece of skin, and said in a low voice, "No

"Hey, I think you are. No one has been wrong for so many years! I've got a star today, and I'll sign it later, so that I can show off. "

Han also laughs. The driver's eyes fall on Han Yiwei's chest. Looking at it, it seems that they were left behind when they were in love. No wonder they say that the entertainment circle is in a mess. Now, it seems that it is not. This must have been a time to play.

Han also looked at his eyes in the mirror. The light of gossip in his eyes made him see clearly.

"Any smoke?"

He said the hand was stretched out.

"Only clouds." The driver said, "make do with it."

When the cigarette was lit, Han had just taken a puff. Before he could spit out his eyes, the car was hit violently. The smoke in his hand flew out and burned the driver's neck. He called out. Of course, it was because the car was hit again.

"Damn it, grandson must have drunk!"

The driver scolded angrily. He was in a cold sweat. When he looked in the rearview mirror, a sports car hit him again. Driving is a man, his eyes are fixed on his car, to be exact, it is staring at the man sitting in the car, Han Yi.

"Brother, you're not a woman who sleeps behind you? I'm chasing you like this. "

"Drive." Han also promised: "get rid of him and give you ten thousand."

The driver's foot was heavily trampled on the gas pedal because of the feeling of driving a taxi out of a million luxury cars. When the accelerator was at its maximum, the car was almost flying.

"A little faster!"

Han also urged the driver to cry, "this is the fastest." He wiped his sweat and looked at the luxury lane he was catching up with: "how can I run past the golden car with tens of thousands of cars..."The voice just fell, the car body is a violent impact, this time he directly hit the guardrail, the driver is not calm, turned to Han also said: "please, get down quickly! I don't want to die yet

When Zhou Yunshen stopped the car, Han was also kicked out. The driver didn't even want money and stepped on the gas pedal and sped away.

The catch-up man lit a cigarette, exhaled the smoke ring and went to Han Yi: "go, why don't you run? Han Yi, you are more and more capable. "

Han also shrugged: "can't run, you say, what do you want to do."

At this time, it was late at night, and there were few or no vehicles on the road. It was discontented to park the car in the middle of the road.

Zhou Yunshen was silent for a long time. In the smoke, Han couldn't even see his face clearly.

"Get in the car."

"I'm not going."

He blurted out his refusal and added as if explaining: "it's too late. I'm going home to bed."


Zhou Yunshen was simply angry with him, "can you sleep?"

"I repeat, get in the car! If you want me to clean you up on the road, you don't have to get in the car. "


Han also secretly scolded in his heart.

Zhou Yunshen looks serious and indifferent. In fact, he is a rogue. Han doesn't know about it. Zhou Yunshen is in a rage now, so Han decides to believe that he will do such a thing.

Han was still in the car.

Zhou Yunshen drove the car very fast. Han Yi looked at the route all the way and finally determined that he was not going to take him away from city a to city B. he was relieved.

Zhou Yunshen drove all the way without talking, and Han also secretly looked at him with his spare light.

He had a lot of changes than six years ago. His face was like a knife, and he looked a bit cold. His whole body was full of fresh air.

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