In Han Yi's memory, at this moment, he was utterly defeated.

When the air was so hot that it could melt human flesh, blood, bones and even soul, there was no imaginary cold words such as knife or even hands. There were only Ji Ruan's white face and her hard breathing moment with her hand covering her heart. Zhou Yunshen bent down in a hurry to pick her up and leave quickly.

This more than anything can explain the status of Ji Ruan in his heart.

Han is also frustrated by the retraction of the sofa, like a sudden collapse of the wall. Even in the air of the room, he seemed to care about him.

Han also felt sad, sad after only cold numbness, he and Zhou Yunshen have long been unable to distinguish who owes more, entangled in each other, not clear, inseparable.

Here it is.

Zhou Yunshen went out with Ji Ruan in his arms. All the people in the company watched him. Then he went out from the rest room of Han Yi. Everyone had his own thoughts. To be boss's wife to be angry to commit heart disease, even if it is the film emperor, I'm afraid also have to cool.

The end of the Soviet Union was very angry about this. Han Yi was looking forward to Zhou Yunshen coming. Anyway, their relationship was not bad. Sometimes he also reflected that he, as a debtor, was still so hard in front of Zhou Yunshen. That day, he was out of control.

He even wanted to see Ji Ruan. After all, the girl had a heart attack because of him.

But some ideas should be put out when they first appear, just like visiting Ji Ruan. He is not qualified. Zhou Yun won't want to see him at night.

Han also buried himself in his work and took on another play. He was about to join the group in a week. Seeing that Han was not affected, the good script was still flowing into his hand. He bit his teeth in secret and stamped his feet angrily. When he saw Han, he still had to bend down and cry, "brother Han.".

Yun also signed a lot of people when he was in the hands of the Marquis of Song Dynasty. All kinds of gods, ghosts and snakes had already lost their previous state of Qingming. Han has been in Yunting for many years, and he knows all about it. When you are red, how many people flatter you, there are many people waiting for you to fall into the altar. Waiting for you to step into the mud, you can't get up again.

There may be no new feud or old grudge between them and you, but they simply don't want to see you in all directions, because the person standing on the top is you, not them.

Anger in life, dissatisfaction with the status quo, can be imposed on you.

People who see through the world too early and see through the hearts of people are hard to get hot for who and why, unless it is those special people.

Han also heard several times that he was too lazy to lift his eyelids and walked indifferently, leaving those malicious guesses behind.

Before joining the group, Han also has something to do.

There are some changes in Yang Ming. In addition to his appearance, he also has his temperament. In a man's body, it should be said that he has an aura.

Calm and introverted, like a deep pool full of wind and rain, is converging, making itself look unfathomable.

At this time, it was tea time. They made an appointment in a coffee shop, open air.

The sun is rare today, but the winter sun is mostly thin, as if there is no temperature. The sunshine falls on the youth, and the soft light falls on the top of his hair and eyebrows, which adds a strange look to him.

Is high spirited, is the road ahead, the Chaoyang zhaoman, is the splendid future.

Han is not envious of a fake. He has known Yang Ming for four or five years. He watched him grow from a teenager just out of school to a famous gold medal agent in the industry. His artists became popular again. He stood behind the scenes, and his gold and silver were full of money, and he was affirmed by the people in the industry.

Graduate from school, work again Most people feel that this kind of life is boring. It seems that there is a rope that binds people tightly. In Han Yi's eyes, it is the life he wants most in his life.

Experienced the cool thin, thousands of ups and downs of the people, the more can understand the value of ordinary.

"Brother Han, it is said that President Zhou is back?"


Han also languidly way: "come back, now is my boss."

He cast his eyes on a pot of pink flowers that he visited in the coffee shop. He did not know what the flowers were. The flowers were in full bloom. His eyes were full of vitality, but his heart was full of scorched earth.

"He, how are you?"

Yang Ming was eager to speak, but the longer he worked outside, the more he knew that it was extremely impolite to ask about personal matters. However, he could not help but want to make sure that he had a good life.

Song Hou got Han Yi for two years, and this will not be Zhou Yunshen's heart? Yang Ming didn't feel that he even grasped his thumb for fear of hearing the bad answer.


"It's very good," said Han. Remember what I gave you before? "

"Brother Han is talking about Jingyun's information?"


Han also said: "help me to contact the school over there and find a trusted person to take care of him."

"What are you going to do?" Yang Ming raised his heart and said, "don't you say he is good to you? Why give Jing Yun to me again? ""Yang Ming," Han also seems to smile, the self mockery in his eyes makes Yang Ming's heart ache, "the world has too much uncertainty."

He said, "I don't dare to gamble on Jingyun."

"It's the most comprehensive thing to give it to you." He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table and said, "you, I can trust it."

I can trust you.

Suddenly, Yang Ming didn't want to ask anything, just because of Zhou Yunshen's words, he could do everything for him.

"I will try to bring Jingyun out and wait for my news."


"Brother Han," Yang Ming hesitated, "do you distrust Mr. Zhou? Or what will he do to the disadvantage of Jingyun and you? "

Han also did not answer. The arrangement for Han Jingyun is not only due to Zhou Yunshen, but also to the Ji family behind Zhou Yunshen. Ji Ruan Ruan looked like a girl who had been pampered and raised since childhood. From this period of inquiry, he knew that the Ji family was very powerful, even surpassing the Song family at that time.

It is safe and unsafe for such a person to be the backer of Zhou Yunshen. Now that the Ji family wants to marry Ji Ruan Ruan to Zhou Yunshen, as a man who once had such a relationship with Zhou Yunshen, whether for the sake of protecting Ji Ruan and Ji's face, it is the best way to let him disappear. At that time, he could not even protect himself, let alone Han Jingyun.

Before the person did not speak, Yang Ming knew the answer. He sighed, his eyes locked and Han Yi said: "if, I said if there is any place I need to help, brother Han, please tell me."

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