It was the weekend, a day of heavy rain, and there was no sign of stopping when the night was low. Han Yi and Han Jingyun are cooking small hot pot, mandarin duck pot, half of which is bright red. It is usually clear soup, with wolfberry and tomato chips floating. Things have been thrown down for three rounds. Han also eats absently. Han Jingyun doesn't realize that his father is not right. He is sweating.


The sound was like a raging tide pounding the shore. Han also looked at it, and the door was wide open. From his perspective, the rain and fog splashed up rushed into the house. A man was drenched all over, and followed the light to pursue his eyes. He looked at his eyes, and a cool feeling rushed up his back.

"Zhou Yunshen?"

The man strode towards him with the door slammed, and the tongs grabbed his wrist and dragged him upstairs.


As soon as Han Jingyun lost his job, Han also turned to comfort Han Jingyun and said, "Uncle Zhou has something to tell Dad. He will eat downstairs. Don't come up. Do you know?"

Han Jingyun at the foot of a meal, eyes bright worry that the child knows things are not simple, but because of the trust and obedience to his father, he stopped.

"What are you doing?"

The bedroom door was opened and then heavily closed, and Han was severely thrown down on the thick carpet. He didn't feel pain, but he felt cold.

"Zhou Yunshen, what do you want to rush to me? Don't frighten Jingyun!"

"For you?"

Zhou Yunshen's voice sounds strange, as if his emotions have been oppressed to the top. He even split his voice.

He took out a stack of photos from his coat and threw them on Han Yi's face. The new photos were sharp on the four sides, which made Han Yi's face hurt. The smell of printing filled his nose. What came into his eyes made him shiver.

It's that photo!

"Although you are here, your heart is still in the Song Dynasty. Do you really want to go back? Did I stop you from being together


No! No danger of anything going wrong.

Han also shouted in his heart. He only gave him a song and song. He even sprayed a special perfume on the day to succeed.

Even if the price is that he is ruined with him and has nothing again.

But now these photos are proof of his betrayal!

"I asked you, didn't I?"

The man rushed up like a beast, pinching his thin neck, as if holding a very tender flower stem.


He said his head slightly drooping, like the withered flowers in late autumn, and the cold sense from his face drained his last breath of life.

Han also lowered his head, but was forced to look at him. His eyes were opposite. Zhou Yun's deep eyes were like the sea with huge waves rolling at night. His soul struggled in it and clamored to die, but he refused to bow his head.

Han Yi's eyes are red. In the past, there was no need to talk about trust between them. Now trust has become something too luxurious to mention.

The light in the room without the light on is very dark. They are like trapped animals in the dark room, and no one can find a way out.

Suddenly, Han Yi's lips softened. His body trembled and he shrank back like instinct. Zhou Yunshen grabbed the back of his head and forced him to deepen the kiss. The hot breath seems to melt the four lips, pry open the city, tongue like fish into the sea, and finally found the sweet heart.

The sound of rain beating on the roof like drums pierced the skin.

After two years of parting, this moment seems to condense two years of time into this moment, once familiar with the incomparable two people like spring breeze and rain, but life added a trace of life piercing the soul. Zhou Yunshen's eyes are printed with Han Yina's eyes as if the water charm, in which thousands of hectares of red dust are gathered into a shape.

The deep-seated Acacia, that piece of stabbing photos have become the thing on the back, two people seem to die together in this rainstorm night.

You still have half a moment of this warmth, which asked the emperor to go back.

The ups and downs seemed to last until the middle of the night. Han also remembered the dew like sweat on Zhou Yunshen's body. He also remembered that he called him in his ear. Han also had a deep voice in his ears, just like every rainy night they had.

When the light was getting light, Zhou Yunshen had already got up and put on his clothes. The rustling sound awakened Han from his sleep, or he didn't sleep much this night.

Scattered photos are still lying on the carpet, stimulating their nerves. Zhou Yun deep light across the ground: "clean up."


Han also answered and asked, "are you going to marry Ji Ruan?"

There was a sneer in the air, "what? Do you care? "

Han also looked up, "then you shouldn't come to me, Ji family..."

"I shouldn't have come?"

The man who was not far away from him came to him and held his chin with his right hand, "because you want to defend yourself as jade for the Marquis of Song Dynasty?"

"Zhou Yunshen," Han Yishen took a deep breath and fixed his eyes on him, "is it interesting for me to hurt like this? You know that I have no feelings with Marquis song. Why do you humiliate me with photos? ""Or does it make you happy?"

"What about happiness? What if you're not happy? " Zhou Yunshen slightly bent down and the tip of his nose was about to rub it. "Do you feel aggrieved to be my lover?"

"If I remember correctly, marquis song married Chi Yuan when he was with you. Why? If you are his lover, you can't do mine? "

"I'm going to marry Ji Ruan Ruan," he said. Every word seemed to be delaying Han Yi. "So what? What does it have to do with you? You're just a lover with me. A lover for me to vent, a lowly, peddler of my own flesh. "

Zhou Yunshen releases him, holding Sheng Wen's chin as soon as he releases his hand. Han doesn't look at Zhou Yunshen any more.

After a while, Han also heard the sound of closing the door, and Zhou Yunshen left.

As he said, he's like a lover he keeps, a lowly one he vent lover.

He didn't feel like he was curled up in the shape of a shrimp. He held his legs in his hands and curled up like a baby in the mother's body. It was a safe position.

Where did Zhou Yunshen get his photos from? He must have been posted on the Internet. He and his photos were enough to destroy him and revenge Zhou Yunshen. Can Zhou Yunshen today's power, that photo must have been removed by him before it spread.

Zhou Yunshen was humiliated and provoked by Marquis song. He was also reminding him not to forget him. He had not yet admitted defeat. He had not reached the final moment, and his victory was still uncertain.

Han also didn't know when he even cried. After a while, he laughed and trembled. In the quilt, he looked like a falling cliff hanging stone. As in the game between the Duke of song and Zhou Yunshen, he was falling to pieces.

He became the symbol of their struggle, the fruit of the prize to the winner. As in his youth, he had no choice.

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