The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 418: Yu Wan’s godson

Chapter 418 Yu Wan teaches his son

 The mother and son stayed in the forest for a few days and returned to Sunshine City. In the market, the two treasures sold all the elixirs collected from the monsters they had killed in the past few days.

"Hehehe...Mother, we have earned spiritual stones." Erbao held the small storage bag containing the spiritual stones, smiling happily and arching his eyebrows.

This is the first pot of gold in their lives, which is quite a lot. Each of them has a thousand pieces, which is a good income in a small Qi training.

Yu Wan rubbed the little buns of her two sons and said, "This means that you have grown up and can be independent. But if you have spiritual stones, you can't spend them randomly. The spiritual stones must be spent in useful places."

 “Hmm, mother, we remember.”

 “Be good!”

Yu Wan walked out of Fangshi holding one by one hand, walked to the teleportation array, and got on the teleportation array to another city.

As usual, the mother and son stayed at an inn and then went shopping.

 “This is what I saw first,” a little girl’s voice sounded. It was not loud, but soft and sweet.

 Liangbao was attracted.

 The mother and son stepped forward.

 In front of a stall, two girls were in a stalemate holding a dagger.

The soft and waxy girl in blue ordinary clothes pouted, her delicate face was blushing, and she glared at the girl opposite.

The girl opposite is about ten years old. She is wearing a pink robe and an exquisite double bun. Her pretty face is full of arrogance, and she is looking down at the girl opposite.

Behind her stood a fourteen-year-old female nun, watching this scene indifferently.

 “Let go!” the girl in pink yelled.

The girl in green clothes stubbornly stared back at the girl in pink clothes and refused to let go.

“Hey, stall owner, tell me, who do you want to sell to?” someone couldn’t help but say.

Those who were watching the excitement all looked at the stall owner. The stall owner was a male cultivator in his twenties. His mouth moved a few times but he still didn't say anything.

Whoever runs a stall in the market doesn't know that this girl in pink is the apple of the city lord's eye and they can't afford to offend her.

The girl in green was indeed the first to take a fancy to this dagger. She was about to pay for the dagger when the little witch hit it.

This dagger is just an ordinary magic weapon dagger. It has no use except that it looks good.

"Pa", just when everyone was waiting for the stall owner to speak, the girl in pink raised her hand and slapped the girl in green on the face. Suddenly, there was a red slap mark on the girl in green. Not long after, The girl in Tsing Yi's face became red and swollen.

 But the girl in green clothes still grabbed the dagger and wouldn't let go.

"Well ... it's really ruthless, can't see, a big girl is so domineering." Someone scolded.

Liangbao looked up at Yu Wan, with sympathy in his eyes.

Yu Wan shook her head towards Liang Bao.

The girl in pink acted arrogantly and domineeringly. The female nun behind her was obviously traveling with her. The two of them were dressed in extraordinary ways, and the stall owner didn’t dare to tell. This girl must be someone that no one in the city could afford to offend.

Looking at their behavior, things like this have happened many times before.

 Just look at things like this, and let Liang Bao see that this world of immortality is a world where strength is respected. There is no reason to explain.

At this time, the female cultivator behind the girl in pink glared at the people who were talking. She took out a hundred spiritual stones and threw them on the stall owner's stall. She grabbed the dagger and led the girl in pink into the crowd. Disappear.

 The stall owner shook his head and accepted the spirit stone.

 Other spectators dispersed.

There were only three people, Yu Wan, mother and son, and the girl in green who was standing in front of the stall.

“Mother!” Erbao shouted softly.

Yu Wan knelt down, looked at Erbao and pinched his little face: "What do Erbao want to do?"

She could clearly see the reluctance and stubbornness in the eyes of the girl in Tsing Yi. Such a character may not be able to accept help from others, and the person who helps may not be well-liked.

Yu Wan took another look at the girl in Tsing Yi who was still standing there. Her fists were clenched tightly.

Yu Wan withdrew her gaze and nodded towards Erbao, letting him hit the wall. Good intentions in this world are not rewarded.

As expected, Erbao walked towards the little girl in blue, handed his own dagger to her, and whispered: "Little sister, don't be sad, I'll give it to you."

The little girl's eyes were red. She glanced hard at Er Bao and raised her hand to knock the dagger out of Er Bao's hand.

 “I want you to pretend to be kind!”

 After saying this, he didn’t even glance at the dagger and the second treasure on the ground, and disappeared into the crowd.

 Only the stall owner could see the incident here clearly. He shook his head and said nothing.

 Only Erbao picked up the dagger aggrievedly and returned to Yu Wan with his head lowered.

Without saying a word, Yu Wan took the two treasures back to the inn.

 In the room, Yu Wan held Er Bao in her arms and sat on the stool with distress. She sat on the stool opposite Er Bao.

She picked up Erbao's little face, pinched it, and whispered softly: "Erbao, it's a good thing that you want to help others. It shows that our Erbao is a kind child, but in the world of immortality, kindness depends on others. Today, the little girl in green knew that she was no match for the girl in pink, but she still stubbornly refused to let go. There was stubbornness, discomfort and hatred in her eyes. Such people are very paranoid and can easily get into trouble with others over trivial matters. Big loss. This is a world where strength is respected. There is no law and no reason. The fist is the last word... We must be a kind-hearted and powerful person..."

Erbao gradually raised his head and listened to her attentively, finally breaking into a smile.

Yu Wan hugged Dabao and Dabao tightly. This trip of experience was very necessary. She was glad that she allowed them to see human nature in a down-to-earth way before they experienced and grew up alone.

 I believe that the two treasures will grow a lot when they go back this time.

 She felt relieved to wait for them to practice alone after they established the foundation.

Erbao’s temperament means that he should be allowed to see more and experience more, so that he will suffer less in the future.

The loss is small, but I am afraid that he will show his good intentions and attract people with evil intentions, and lose his life as a result.

 Dabao has a calm temperament and will not be disturbed by other irrelevant things or people. But Yu Wan still taught him carefully. No matter how calm he was, he was still a child.

 After that, the mother and son wandered around the city and the mountains and forests as usual.

Erbao gradually changed. When killing monsters, his sword moves became much sharper. Although his temper was as gentle as before, he did not show any obvious compassion.

On this day, the mother and son were in a market called Qingshan City again. This time the mother and son set up a street stall.

 On the stall were the skins, bones, and teeth of the demonic beasts that Liangbao had hunted, and the meat had been fed with blood-eating demonic insects. In addition, there are elixirs refined by Dabao and talismans painted by Erbao.

Yu Wan taught them how to support themselves. If one day they lose their storage bag and have nothing on them, they can still think of ways to earn spiritual stones to support themselves.

Yu Wan sat aside and it was completely up to Liang Bao to sell it herself, and she would not participate in it.

 She only cares about the safety of the two treasures.

 (End of this chapter)

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