The Bride Of The Vampire King


We should live our lives to the fullest, you never know we may be dead by tomorrow.


What did they mean by cutting her? Do they want to stab her? Killed her?

Tarsa gulped hard, she tried to move away from them but found herself too scared to even make a single movement.

She looked at Damon, trying to gauge his reaction, though she was not sure if she could trust him or not, since her feelings for him were quite complicated.

This protector came all the way to the president's building with the intention of killing her, but he didn't do it for the reason that Tarsa vaguely understood.

He talked about Kairi Xierra's spiritual power and her heart, but now he said that he couldn't cut her with his sword.

What is the meaning of that?

Tarsa could feel her mind didn't work properly just like she wanted to in a critical situation like this.

"Let Raphael do it and we will witness how she survives the attack if she really has the power of Kairi," Arian spoke with so much authority that no one dared to raise their heads.

Except for Damon, though he was kneeling before Kairi Ariana, he looked at the old lady straight in her eyes and then to the girl, whose body was shaking behind him.

Tarsa wanted to hide behind him and look for protection, but she was not sure if Damon was safe for her or not.

"Yes, do it, please," Damon said, he wanted to know whether Tarsa held the power of Kairi or not. It would make a tremendous change in her fate tonight.

Damon could hear Tarsa's breath hitched and her heart thumped wildly, the heart that belonged to Xierra…

"Good." Ariana took three steps back and let Raphael take charge. "Do it."

Raphael looked hesitant when he walked forward, he stared straight into Damon's eyes. It was only a few hours ago that they fought each other and he lost it to him.

Not because he was weaker than him, but because he was too kind. Kairi Ariana would always say that he was too kind to be a protector, but on the other hand, he was very powerful when he wanted to, the moment he defeated the enemy.

"Raphael," Ariana called his name, as she found hesitation in Raphael's eyes. She knew what was going through the mind of her protector. Raphael was so against killing humans.

It meant, if Tarsa didn't have the power of Kairi like what Damon said, he would end up killing the innocent girl.

However, the death punishment for Tarsa was not out of character, knowing what her parents had done for her, even though she knew nothing about it.

But, to respect Kairi Xierra, Tarsa was not allowed to have her heart.

It was a cruel ruler, but if they let it slide there would be a time this event would repeat in the future, and that was the last thing they wanted; someone, anyone disrespect this society, Duvessa.

The law must be obeyed and it applied to both parties involved. All this time, no one was daring enough to disrespect one another, hence they would keep it that way.

This punishment was also a warning for those who wanted or even thought to cross the line. They must see that the Duvessa would take this kind of thing seriously.

Tarsa flinched when Raphael came closer to her. At this point, she was having a hard time breathing, especially when he gathered water in his hands from every flower vase in the room and created a water sword.

The same thing as how Damon created the wind sword, but this time the sword looked more tangible. It was ice. A beautiful ice sword.

Yet, Tarsa didn't have time to admire it when she knew that beautiful thing could slice her and kill her right there and then.

Tarsa tried to crawl away from the protector named Raphael, but the other protectors caught her hands and forced her to kneel before him, pushing her down very hard to expose her neck.

At that moment, Tarsa felt like she was a chicken that was ready to be butchered.

"No! Please, let me!" Tarsa sobs muffled in her throat, she struggled when Raphael was walking closer and the only thing that she could see was his feet and the tip of his blade.

This is it?

Tarsa closed her eyes, she willed her heart, waiting for it to happen, since she knew this was unavoidable, fighting against it only worsened her feelings.

Was what Damon said was true? Was he not able to slice her? Then this time Raphael also couldn't, right? Or, did it only apply to him? As this was the heart of the Kairi that he protected?

Tarsa's hope to stay alive was hanging on the thread. She thought everything would be better from now on, but things seemed only becoming more complicated than before. And this time her parents had to bear the consequences too.

Were they regretting having her as their child? Tarsa felt she just brought bad luck to her little family…

Ah… this was how she would die? She always thought she would die from a heart attack, but wasn't this the same thing? Poor her…

It was her heart that would kill her most unexpectedly… What an irony of life…

Tarsa didn't know how she was held like that, but the next thing that she realized loud gasps filled the room and the hands that held her down loosened, allowing her to pick herself up.

Tarsa sat there, raising her head and looking around her through her wet lashes, her vision was a little bit blurry due to her tears, as sobs escaped her lips.

Meanwhile, around her, one by one people there fell to their knees and bowed their heads in respectful ways, including Raphael and Damon.

What was happening?

What happened to these people?


Warm sunlight fell on her face and coaxed her to wake up, feeling the fresh air that blew from the opened window.

Tarsa grunted softly, as she tried to move her body, but it felt very painful. All of her body was aching. It almost felt like she just fell from a high tower and hit the ground really hard. Well actually, she had never experienced such a thing. Or maybe it could be compared to someone who just finished running for a hundred kilometers, but this one was also one of the events that she had never experienced either.

For as long as Tarsa could remember, the only moment when she was really running was when she heard the members of Duvessa attack the government building. She was running with all her might to find her parents….

This thought woke her up all of a sudden and she sat down, staring at her surroundings. She's on alert now.

As she remembered what was happening that night, she also remembered what was happening before she lost consciousness.

It was scary… horrible.

Because Tarsa had never experienced being in an extreme situation, thus being on the verge of death with someone trying to behead her, had sucked all of her energy and finally took a toll on her.

She remembered she felt something cold brush against her neck when the man named Raphael swung his ice sword and then a moment later, everyone in that hall bowed down to her.

Tarsa didn't have time to ask or even understand her situation when darkness engulfed her and she surrendered.


Tarsa looked at her own two hands and touched her neck. She thought she would find a thick bandage, maybe they managed to sew her head and body together…

But, she found nothing. She was totally fine, only her aching body that made her slightly uncomfortable.

"You are already awake." A man's voice echoed through this bedroom, as someone was standing beside Tarsa's bed.

The girl was too engrossed with her own thoughts that she failed to realize there was someone else inside the room.

"You?" Tarsa was shocked upon seeing Damon was there. The man was standing very close to her, as he stretched out his hand. "What are you doing?"

Tarsa was afraid of this man's intention. He looks so dangerous, when the first time she saw him and then nice when they were inside the car, speaking as if Tarsa could trust him, but then he changed again. This protector was very cold and aloof when someone suggested killing her.

"Stay still," Damon spoke impatiently, as he reached out for Tarsa's hand and pulled her closer to him. Nullified her attempt to run away.

"No!" Tarsa thought he would strangle her to death because she was still alive. Well, she had every right to think like that.

But then, she felt his cold hand against her forehead.

"Good, your fever has subsided," he said in a low voice, most likely to himself rather than to inform Tarsa.

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