The Bride Of The Vampire King

Chapter 109 - CONSCIOUS

Human relationships are chemical reactions. If you have a reaction then you can never return back to your previous state of being.

-Kaneki Ken-


"Hhaa?" Tarsa was confused.

"Eat this." Damon then took a tray full of food and fruits and also a cup of hot tea, placed it in Tarsa's lap for her to eat. "You need to restore your energy."

Tarsa felt her brain was working at a slow pace at that moment. She was trying to discern what actually was happening.

Did this man have a personality problem? Why did he always look different on many occasions? Their encounter could be said less than a day, but he already showed many different sides of him.

Tarsa didn't eat the food in front of her and watched as Damon opened the curtain and let the sunlight flourish in the room, sending warmth to every corner and lifting her mood.

"Why don't you eat it?" Damon stood beside Tarsa again when she squinted her eyes. "You don't like the food?"

Tarsa didn't know how to start a conversation with this man, but at least he should explain a few things to her, right? He owed her this.

"What is happening?" Her voice sounded very hoarse and it hurt her throat to speak. Tarsa felt like she just ate sand.

As if he knew what Tarsa was going through at that moment, Damon took a glass of water and brought it to her lips. "Drink, you will feel better," he said. This time, his voice was soft.

Did he just coax her? Maybe not. Tarsa must have thought too much about it, but she didn't refuse the glass that touched her lips and drank half of it.

Damon was right, she felt better when the liquid moistened her throat.

"What is happening?" Tarsa repeated her question and her voice sounded better. "Where am I?"

This room was very spacious and beautiful, with many paintings hanging on the wall. This room was even bigger than her room and seemingly held more value for everything here.

"You are in Kairi's room," Damon answered her and then put the glass. He took a bowl of warm soup, which the white steam was visible to see, indicating that it was still hot. He cooled it off for her and brought the spoon to her lips. "You are okay now."

What is it? Does he intend to feed her? What happened with this sudden care?

Tarsa shifted her head to refuse the food, though the smell of it was very appetizing. She needed another answer for her many questions.

"Wait, how long have I been sleeping?" Tarsa looked at Damon intensely, as if she wanted to read his expression, which could help her to understand this man, yet she could read nothing.

"You were unconscious for a week," Damon replied.

"A week?!" Tarsa was shocked. "But… what…" she stuttered.

"I will answer your question, but you need to eat first." Damon made a deal that Tarsa couldn't refuse. Well, it was a good way to make her eat…

Tarsa didn't believe it. She was a Kairi now. She was still trying to wrap this fact around her head, even until now, she was still not used to it.

It has been a month since the attack from Duvessa on the government and she went through that uncanny night when all of the people paid their respect to her.

There were a lot of things that happened after that, more than Tarsa could imagine. And regarding the problem about the heart of the Kairi Xierra, she was forgiven, also both of her parents, since it was against their norm and rules to hurt any Kairi.

Duvessa existed to protect all of the Kairi and assisted the government, aided them with help, concerning the problems with something that was out of the human world.

Even though in this modern era, there were a few people who knew about the existence of the Duvessa and the story about Kairi, who has strong spiritual power, had turned into a myth, but definitely, people who worked with them wouldn't think the same way.

The Duvessa kept everything low-key and was out of the radar.

However, the most obvious thing that happened to Tarsa was the existence of Damon in her daily life. The man would follow her everywhere. Literally everywhere…

"You don't need to go inside too, don't you?" Tarsa asked when Damon pulled her back, as soon as she wanted to enter the restroom.

The deal was: Damon would walk in first and check the situation in every room that Tarsa would enter, only when he gave her a green signal, she was allowed to come in.

It was so frustrating, especially when they were in a public area and Tarsa was with her friends.

Yes, she started to make some friends now since she could join them to hang out in some nice café or simply just roamed around the mall, window shopping like a normal girl should be. The life that she always dreamed about…

Well, it was not really normal actually, since Damon and three other bodyguards would follow her everywhere.

However, fortunately, Damon had a face that could make any woman shut their mouth and was more than happy to be followed by him.

"Yes, I need to," Damon said simply, as he walked into the female restroom and checked it.

The restroom was empty though, hence he could enter without worries, while the other three bodyguards would close the restroom and forbid anyone to go inside as long as Tarsa was there.

Actually, this was not very comfortable…

"You can go." Damon appeared a minute later and let Tarsa and her two other friends use the restroom. They had just finished window shopping and were about to go to a nice café near this mall that was suggested by April.

"Ugh, you are so lucky Tarsa, to be protected by someone as handsome as him!" Bianca squealed, she would do that every time she saw Damon in a close distance. "He is my dream man."

"He can hear you," Tarsa reminded her friend. Wouldn't it be awkward if Damon heard that too? However, Bianca didn't think the same.

"Let him hear me, so he could understand what I felt," she said dramatically and April just laughed at her.

Meanwhile, Tarsa could only smile sheepishly. She didn't really have any idea how to get along with Bianca and April, since she spent most of her years alone.

But, when Bianca and April came to her after PA class and asked her to hang out with them, she was elated.

Yet, now… honestly, Tarsa preferred to be alone. The two of them were too loud for her…


Tarsa stood in front of Damon's bedroom, which was right beside hers.

She had been standing there for almost ten minutes without making any progress to knock on his door, while in her hand, she was holding two boxes of chocolate.

These chocolates were from Bianca, she bought them in the café where they went earlier and insisted on Tarsa giving them to Damon because she knew the man would refuse them straight away if she were giving them right at that time.

Tarsa sighed. She didn't want to do this. Why should she give this kind of thing to Damon, when this man had never looked her right in her eyes.

Every time Tarsa was with him, he acted aloof, as if he was there out of his obligation to protect her, but he never tried to get close to her, even when Tarsa tried to make things better for the two of them, Damon always put a big distance between them.

Suddenly the door swung open and Damon's figure towered in front of her. He was very tall and, yes, Tarsa must admit it, handsome.

"What are you doing in front of my door?" Damon asked.

"Ah, it's…" Tarsa stuttered, then waved the box of chocolate in her hand. "My friend wants me to give this to you."

Damon didn't react to it, he just stared at the box and then said lightly. "I don't eat sweets."

"Owh," Tarsa bit her lips. "But, at least you can take it."

"No," he said sternly.

"It is not polite to reject someone's present." Tarsa didn't want to keep the chocolate too.

"I didn't ask for that," Damon replied curtly.

Tarsa sighed. This would always be his response, cold and ignorance. It seemed the only thing in his mind was to keep Tarsa alive and he didn't care for the rest.

"Can you stop treating me like that? If you are going to be my protector, which means we will be often together, don't you want to be nicer to me?" Tarsa frowned. "We can try to get to know each other. Don't you find it frustrating?"

"Don't get close to me," Damon spoke rather harshly.


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