The Bride Of The Vampire King


"Today I will announce that Mila, the daughter of a Nazec aristocrat, will be the queen of this nation," Liam said loudly and made everyone there silent for a while, trying to understand what situation they were really in.

Almost everyone  in that room knew that Mila was the future queen who replaced her sister, Anna, who had been killed in an attack by humans.

It was just that, after what happened and Mila had disappeared for quite a long period of time, with the reason that she strongly refused at the marriage that had been arranged.

At this point, the nobles thought that Liam would rethink the plan, because after all, the position of queen was an important position and should not be taken lightly, as Mila did.

They had been pressing for a long time to Liam to find another queen candidate and get rid of Mila, only the king was too stubborn to do that and stick with what he believed in.

And now, not only was Mila not being punished for her indiscipline and rebellion against the existing rules, but Liam has also appointed her queen, which was still both a pro and a con.

In the next minute after Liam announced this, voices of disapproval could be heard from various parties, especially from the seven elders, who were seated to the left and right of the king and queen's thrones.

The elders rose from their seats and hissed viciously at the king.

"You can stop right now!" Liam hissed back at the four elders who were so bold and blatant in opposing his decision, Elena was one of the four. "Or I will take it as a threat to the king!" That was a serious matter.

Immediately the four elders restrained themselves and the commotion among the twenty three nobles died down.

On the other hand, although Mila couldn't see it, she knew that she was the center of attention of the people present in this great hall, they were looking at her with anger and disapproval.

This was also the first time Mila had appeared in public after returning to this palace.

Maybe this decision seemed too hasty, but if what Liam said was true, then they didn't have much time left.

"The wedding ceremony will take place next week and for those who oppose, they can get out of my kingdom and my territory!" Liam said firmly and domineeringly. Whether he  was the biological son of the previous king and queen or not, but Liam looked like a real king now. He was well- versed in his role and also understood all kinds of ways to subdue their opponents.

"At least princess Mila has something to say about this!" cried one of the nobles who opposed Mila's appointment as their queen. "She has been back for a few days, but she has not shown himself at all while she is here."

Liam looked at Mila over his shoulder, he was assessing whether Mila would say a word or two to these people or not, but since the girl was silent, then he assumed that she didn't want to get involved any further.

However, before Liam actually refused the request, Mila stood up and took two steps forward, so that she was in front of Liam, her shoulders straightened and her eyes sweeping the room, although not a single face she could see, but Mila knew that she knew them all.

After all, when you were a vampire, who could live for thousands of years, there were not very often to see new faces around you.

After all, she was born and raised in this kingdom, without knowing anything about her true identity.

"Now that I show myself, so what do you want?" Mila asked coldly, her nervousness just disappearing when she was standing there, she felt that she could handle the situation.

Having such a provocative question made the nobleman gasp, he didn't expect Mila to appear with such an attitude.

"I don't want you to be queen," the noble said loudly. He looked around for the support of the other nobles who disagreed with what their king had just said.


"You are not supposed to be queen."

"We don't know what that human did to you."

"You are not part of ours anymore."

So many protests were raised against Mila, that their voices filled the room and made things a little rowdy.

Meanwhile, across the room, behind a slightly ajar door, Arabella could be seen peering at the situation with a sly smile on her lips. She loves this and would watch till the end.

Since Arabella had Liam's special permission, the guards outside the hall couldn't stop her, even though she shouldn't be there.

"SILENCE!" Mila roared, her voice booming through the room and shocking everyone and forgetting their protests.

Even Liam himself did not think that Mila could act like that, considering he had known this girl since she was a child.

Not to mention the elders, they gasped and widened their eyes, when they heard the power behind Mila's voice. How could someone hold such power? A power capable of even rivaling the domination of the king…

What happened to Mila? She looked like someone that they didn't know.

On the other hand, Mila was no less surprised like the people around her when she heard her own voice, she trembled. Not because of fear, but as if there was such a great power, which trying to burst out from within her and it required strong control.

What Liam said was true. The throne had magical powers that were difficult to describe. As if the throne could recognize its ruler…

Yes, Mila was the last descendant of the previous king and queen, therefore only Mila deserved this position.

However, there seemed to be one person who was able to quickly overcome her shock and come forward to continue the nobles' protests, and that person was Elena.

"How dare you act so arrogantly when you are not even a queen!" Elena rebuked Mila harshly, she walked forward and showed herself, now the elder was only about three steps from Mila, causing Liam to pull the girl away and to put himself between the two of them.

However, Mila refused to take a step back, she ignored Liam who was trying to block her and stood right in front of her, as though he was a shield.

No, Mila didn't need that.

Liam had brought her into this situation and said what Mila should have heard years ago, therefore, she wouldn't back down just because of an elder like Elena.

Instead of Backing away, Mila took one step forward, bringing herself closer to Elena and making the elder even more furious with her defiant attitude.

"Isn't an elder is the position where you act as an advisor?" Mila asked sarcastically, she folded her arms across her chest and looked at Elena with a mocking expression, although she herself couldn't see what kind of expression Elena was showing now. "Then why are you acting like you are the final decision maker?"

Elena grew even more furious and the sharp whispers of the nobles started again.

And the whispers were a form of their protest against Mila's attitude. As if gaining support, Elena grew more confident, as she thought, she held more power than Mila.

"You have to distinguish between an advice and an arrogant attitude," Elena said in a triumphant tone, she then opened her hand and pointed at the nobles. "They can judge, am I being arrogant?"

Of course the crowd of nobles, who had opposed Liam's decision to make Mila his queen from the start, supported her.

"You can see, can't you? I just voiced what they thought, nothing more and nothing less. Likewise the other elders who disagree with your appointment." Elena felt she had the upper hand with this situation.

It was just that Mila was not done yet and her grudge against Elena was still burning in her chest.

"Do not agree?" Mila snorted. "Does the disapproval of the elders, referring to your earlier words, who are representatives of these nobles, give you the right to get rid of me?"

"What do you mean?" Elena squinted her eyes, she then glanced at Liam, who seemed surprised too, knowing which way Mila would take the conversation to.

Hadn't they agreed not to discuss matters with Elena? Especially in front of a crowd like this, because Liam knew that if the elder was cornered, she would be able to do anything she could to make things worse.

"Mila, what are you doing?" Liam whispered sharply into Mila's ear, but the girl didn't seem to hear what he was saying and went on with her own plan.

"You don't know what I mean? Alright, I will explain my question more simply so you will understand." Mila raised her eyebrows. "What I want to ask is; is your disapproval on behalf of these nobles gives you the power to kill me?"

There was a loud gasp and several elders growled angrily at Mila because she had insulted Elena.

"That is slander!" exclaimed one of the elders. "We would never do such a thing?!"

Mila grinned, showing off her hideous- looking smile. "Then what about my eyes? I can't see because she ordered five guards to kill me in a secret tunnel that can be accessed from my room," Mila said in a calm voice.

There was the commotion again and Mila continued her sentence.

"You know what the punishment is for those who hurt noble families? Especially a future queen?"

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