The Bride Of The Vampire King


"That is a lie! She can see well, if she can't see, how can she stand there?!" exclaimed one of the nobles.

Mila raised her eyebrows and looked at the noble man with a cold expression. "Oh, that incident happened less than a week ago and now, I have slowly regained my sight, you can call the healer who treated me," Mila said nonchalantly.

"Healer who treated you?" asked one of the nobles. "Don't slander the elders!" he cried angrily.

Mila furrowed her brow. "Why would I slander them?" she then looked at Liam who was beside her. "Call the healer," she said firmly.

"Mila," Liam moved closer and whispered softly into the girl's ear, so only she could hear. "You can't do this. We don't agree to do this." This situation was out of hand now.

Mila narrowed her eyes when she heard how Liam was reluctant to confront the elders and hoped that Mila would keep lowkey this time. "I don't agree with anything Liam, you are the one who concluded that I agreed to your silly request."

"Mila, this was not in the plan that we talked about earlier," Liam growled, he then grabbed Mila's arm and made them both glare fiercely at each other.

"I didn't plan to follow your plan," Mila hissed sarcastically. "I have my own plans and if you don't agree with this, I can leave this all behind and you can carry out your own plans."

Liam was at a complete loss for words in the face of Mila, but he couldn't refuse her request either.

"Stop being so weak Liam," Mila said warningly. "How long are you going to act like that and give these bastard elders a chance to stomp on your pride? You are the king then act like one."

"You risked my life and yours," Liam growled. If things went wrong, then the worst would happen to them both. He thought about Mila's safety.

But, Mila casually grinned at him. "Didn't you say you were willing to give up your life to protect me?" Mila reminded Liam's words a while ago.

"Mila…" Liam was really speechless to see how the turn of event before his eyes. He didn't expect this girl to change her attitude so quickly. Didn't she look a little scared and nervous earlier when they just entered the great hall?

But, why did Mila seem to be the one who controlled the situation and took charge for all of this commotion?

"Do it now Liam," Mila said in the same calm tone, yet demanding. 

On the other hand, Mila didn't even know what made her capable of doing this, but she felt that she had more power to make those nobles and elders submit to her.

Still looking at Mila, Liam said in a voice that was louder than the one he used with the girl. "Call the haler named Ariel here," he said, then he whispered back to Mila. "I hope you know what you are doing."

"I know," Mila answered with certainty.

No. Actually she didn't  really know, Mila was just following her instincts and the only thought she has right now was to take revenge on Elena. She wasn't going to let the elder walk away freely like that after what she did to her…

Oh, no… Mila isn't that good… she will count every penny for what she had done to her.

There was something inside Mila that revolted when she sat on the throne, something rose up inside her… was it a power? Mila couldn't say for sure, it was just that she fond of this feeling.

A guard then heard Liam's order and went out of the room to summon the healer mentioned by the king.

"Why are you standing there? Come in here," Mila said as the door opened slightly and the sweet smell of Arabella perfume wafted into the great hall.

Yes, the shadow controller liked to change her scent by disguising it with perfume, that was why Liam didn't recognize who had entered his room when Arabella was there.

It was just that Mila was starting to recognize what kind of scent Arabella always used.

It had been mentioned earlier that the higher the status of the vampire, the sharper their senses, and Mila could easily find out where Arabella was now. "You don't have to eavesdrop like that."

The people in the room, didn't notice Arabella's presence because their focus was on Mila, but then when they saw the shadow bender, a surprised voice came from all of them. After all, it was unheard that there was someone else so bold to eavesdrop a meeting like this and the guard did nothing.

"She shouldn't be here!" said one of the elders.

"It is a crime for eavesdropping our conversations!" one of the nobles protested and followed by another voices that disagreed with what Arabella did.

"Right," Mila agreed. "Then what punishment do you think she deserves?" Mila asked casually, as a respond to them, which made Arabella and the others there taken aback.

"Mila! You are not a queen yet! You don't have any right to punish someone!" cried one of the nobles angrily.

Mila ignored the harsh rebuke and instead looked at Liam, as if seeking his approval.

"You will allow this offense?" Mila asked softly, as if she would obey and listen to whatever Liam decided. "She has been eavesdropping on this important meeting with the nobles and elders. Don't you think her actions really deserve a punishment?"

"Mila! Don't be so impudent!" Arabella shouted from the center of the hall, as she walked frantically toward the thrones of the kings and queens, but was stopped by the guards, as they restrained her from going any closer than this. "Liam gave me special permission to be around this hall and I am free to go wherever I want!" Arabella was furious.

"See?" Mila shrugged her shoulders at Arabella who looked like she was about to attack the guards who were holding her back. "She doesn't even have the manners to respect you as a king."

Mila's provoking words made Arabella lose her mind even more, she rebelled and kept cursing her.

"I am the future queen of our nation, but will you be silent when someone insults me like this? In front of the nobles and elders?" Although she didn't use a loud tone, but the meaning of her words was very clear.

"ENOUGH!" Liam exclaimed angrily. He fixed his eyes on Arabella who was still swearing, but then fell silent when she heard the king's voice that sounded like thunder.

Instantly the atmosphere in the great hall became quiet again.

"I revoke the special permission I gave you and you are forbidden to go to certain areas within this castle," Liam said in a firm and domineering tone. It was a direct order from the king that you must obey.

However, Mila was not satisfied with the light punishment. "Isn't your punishment too light for someone who disrespects the king and queen?"

"You are not a queen!" cried Arabella.

Mila didn't answer, she just grinned scornfully at the shadow bender. "So, is that the only punishment?" Mila muttered, loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Shut up Mila," Liam growled and Mila covered her mouth with her palm. "And you, I will accept your apology if you kneel before your future queen. For the services you have done to find Mila again, then I will lighten your punishment for your impolite actions."

"She's not my queen!" Arabella still insisted on not acknowledging Mila, just like some of the nobles and the elders.

Those who opposed Liam's decision, tacitly supported what Arabella said, because it was too risky for them to speak out in this situation. 

"Or you can spend your three years in a dungeon. That is the lightest punishment for those who insult the king and queen." And of course the harshest punishment was death.

Arabella widened her eyes in disbelief at what she had just heard. Liam going to jail her? In that terrible dungeon?

Arabella had come to visit that stinky dungeon and she could still feel the horror and how the cold air pierced her skin.

"What? No…" Arabella trembled in fear. Seeing how cold the king's expression was now, it wasn't impossible that he would do that.

But, when Arabella saw the triumphant look on Mila's face, at once she didn't want to do it, it's just…

"Take her away," Liam said curtly. He didn't want to add to the problems that already existed. He still has a long conversation with Mila after this.

Mila shouldn't oppose Liam in public, especially in front of nobles and elders by questioning his power.

"No!" Arabella exclaimed, then without a second thought, she immediately fell to her knees in front of Liam and Mila, suppressing all her ego and holding her tongue from uttering harsh words that could make things worse.

Mila smiled sweetly when she saw this, especially when Arabella apologized in a trembling voice, from holding back his anger at Milla.

"I am sorry, sorry for my impudence for saying such things earlier," Arabella said. "I promise I will not do it again."

Liam clenched his jaw tightly and muttered. "Take her away and make sure she doesn't roam freely in this castle."

The two guards who had detained Arabella immediately took the shadow bender.

And right at the same time, the guard who was ordered to bring the healer named Ariel, came.

Ariel faced Liam and Mila and saluted them both in a formal manner, while Elena clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white.

What exactly are these two planning? Doesn't Liam care what kind of information she has?

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