Mila did not know what possessed her and made her want to go to the great hall, where the throne was.

A strong desire, which prompted Mila to get out of bed and walk along the corridor which seemed almost deserted, except for the guards who were standing there looking confused to find Mila had come out of her room so early.

They didn't stop Mila as she walked into the great hall, but the questioning looks in their eyes, of course, couldn't be ignored.

It's just that Mila didn't want to pay attention to that right now, because her focus was only on what she wanted.

Mila wanted to be on the throne again, sat in her chair and feel the emotional urge that made her feel capable of doing or solving any difficult problem.

The feeling was like a very strong opium.

Slowly, Mila entered the large, very deserted hall and walked across the black marble floor, to the throne before her, which was polished with gold and gemstones.

Mila climbed three stairs and began to feel the strong aura pulling her closer. Closer… and closer…

Mila then stretched out her hand to touch the throne that felt cold on her finger, this was not an ordinary thing.

Mila gasped when she felt a jolt like electricity running through her body, but that feeling only lasted for a moment before everything returned to normal and Mila turned over to sit there.

From the throne she was sitting on, she could see a large empty hall in front of her, but when she closed her eyes, Mila could clearly see the scene that happened yesterday and it gave off a feeling of happiness that she couldn't describe in words.

The feeling gathered in her chest and then spread throughout her body, giving her a sense of warmth and satisfaction.

It was as if Mila had completed an important mission or like a wanderer who had finally found their way home. Perhaps such an analogy could be used for Mila's current state.

'It feels good, doesn't it?'

A voice rang out from his right, where a king should be sitting, the position that Liam had now.

Immediately Mila opened her eyes and saw a girl sitting there. Her hair was long and dark black, as dark as night.

But, Mila couldn't see her face, because this girl wasn't looking at her, she was staring at the window on their right.

Who was so brave to sit on the throne? In the king's seat? If someone else saw this, of course this girl's reckless action could be interpreted as an act of grave offense.

One could assume that she was planning to take possession of the throne, which could also mean that he was launching a coup d'etat.

Because apart from the king and queen, of course no one was allowed to occupy it.

How brave this girl was, especially when Mila was there too.

"Who…" Mila's voice was like a whisper, she looked straight at the side of the girl's face, but before she could finish her question, the next words caught in her throat.

The girl's face…

Even though the girl has black hair, that didn't mean Mila didn't recognize her own face.

Yes, that girl has the exact same face as Mila. Starting from her grey eyes to her pale white skin. Not only that, even the way she smiled…

Did Mila look like that when she smiled? Mila asked herself quietly.

"You?" Mila felt as if, all the oxygen in her burst out and made her choke with shock. "How… impossible," Mila mumbled. She then stood up to look at the girl who was still sitting on the king's throne and there was no other plausible explanation that Mila could think of as to why this girl looked so much like her.

'No need to be so surprised, I called you here…' the girl stood up too, her long black hair flowing behind her back. 'How are you feeling now?' she asked. 'Much better?'

"Who are you?" Mila asked, but then she shook her head violently. "What exactly are you?" Mila wasn't sure if she could touch the similar figure in front of her, because even though she looked like she could be touched, there was something inside Mila that firmly believed that this girl wasn't real, as if she was only in her imagination.

Was Mila's mind not right, so she was hallucinating seeing herself?

The figure then smiled. 'I am Cosmo,' she said. 'You can call me the spirit for the heirs to the throne.'

"What?" Mila frowned and from the expression on her face it was clear that she couldn't believe what she just heard. "Then what does that mean?"

Mila didn't have time to hear the answer to her question, because just at that moment Liam walked into the hall and the sound of the door squeaking open startled her.

Mila turned her attention away from Cosmo to see the figure of the king walking across the room, his eyes fixed on her.

However, before that, Mila could hear Cosmo's voice whispering to her, saying; I can help you to get what you want.

"What do you do there?" Liam asked, his voice echoing through the great empty hall.

Mila was confused by the question. Liam should have cared more about a person who resembled her and was on this throne, but why was the question like that?

Mila then turned her attention to her left and found that the figure that looked like her had disappeared.

"What is it?" Liam caught Mila's confused face and looked around too, to make sure what she was looking for, but around them was empty and there was nothing that could attract Mila's attention. "What are you looking for?" he asked again.

Mila stuttered a little, but then she asked an odd question for Liam. "Don't you see anyone here?" she asked.

"Seeing who?" Liam looked around them again, but couldn't find what Mila was really asking. "I don't see anyone here."

"Impossible," Mila mumbled. "She was here earlier when you entered the room, I even spoke to her. You can't not see it?"

It didn't matter how quickly the girl disappeared from Mila's sight, but there was no way she could just disappear into thin air.

However, the fact that the closest distance from the throne to the exit was quite far, also made it impossible for Liam not to see the girl's figure.

"What exactly are you talking about?" Liam grew confused by Mila's reaction. "What are you doing here?" Liam repeated his question again. 

"No, I…" Mila stuttered, she seemed lost for words and confused.

"Maybe you're just tired," Liam said as he gently tugged Mila's arm. "I think you need some rest."

Mila wanted to reject the idea but, she wasn't sure what she was feeling either. Was it all just a hallucination? Dream?

Sounded like something very unconvincing…

Liam then grabbed Mila's hand to lead her out of the hall to return to their room.

However, before Mila left the hall, he looked back at the throne and found a figure similar to Mila sitting in her throne.

At the same time, Liam turned to see what Mila was looking at, but he found nothing there.

Only then did Mila realize; only herself could see the figure. What is this figure and how can she resemble Mila's face?


In the evening, Mila really proves her words, when Liam is about to leave the room, Mila follows him.

"I told you, didn't I? that I'm going to join the interrogation this time," Mila answered straightforwardly when she felt Liam's questioning gaze, as they walked down the corridor accompanied by several guards.

"You really are stubborn," Liam grumbled. He couldn't understand how Aaric could handle Mila with his attitude like this.

"I contributed greatly to Elena's capture, don't you want to flatter me?" asked Mila, all she said was a fact, if it wasn't for her bringing up the topic, maybe now Elena is planning another murder of Mila, after Liam's announcement.

"Yes, I must admit your contribution," said Liam finally relented.

"It's good that you understand this," Mila said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.

However, at the dungeon door he saw Cosmo's figure again…

'You have to kill him,' Cosmo said as Mila and Liam walked past her.

Mila then turned to Liam and saw that the man wasn't bothered at all, he looked like he didn't see anything.


Mila acted as if she hadn't seen Cosmo either and walked past her with her eyes fixed on the front.

However, Cosmo continued to follow them, she was on Mila's left side when they walked through the first door of the dungeon.

'You have to make sure to kill that asshole.'

Cosmo's voice sounded very firm and as if demanding revenge. This was enough to make Mila wonder why this creature behaved like that, because after all, Elena was still a descendant of the previous king.

No, when Mila thought about it, Elena was her aunt. They were family.

"What do you think?" Liam asked as he looked at Mila, she was spacing out again.

"Nothing," Mila replied curtly, she shook her head and looked to her left, where Cosmo was walking beside her. "You see? What's that?" Mila asked, pointing at Cosmo.

"What do you mean?" Liam frowned. "It's a torch on the wall," he replied.

Mila then looked at Cosmo, but the person who looked like her just smiled and didn't say anything.



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