The Bride Of The Vampire King


Mila doesn't understand why only she can see Cosmo. Was it because she was a descendant of the previous king? But, then Elena should be able to see this spiritual being too, right? But, why can't she see it? Isn't that a strange and a little unreasonable?

However, Mila was reminded once again that she lived in a world full of magic where almost anything could be said to be absurd… magic, curses and all that…

Mila then stared at Cosmo a little longer, the girl looked pale, when she smiled back at her.

It was very strange to see her own reflection in black hair and smiling kindly like that, Mila never paid much attention to how she smiled. Therefore, she thought, that was what she looked like when she looked friendly.

Not bad…

Then Mila turned her attention away from Cosmo, she didn't want Liam to suspect or find her strange, and moreover Mila couldn't explain this anyway.

They walked through the dark alleys of this dungeon to the room where they held Elena. The air in the passageway felt damp and stink, and also made her felt a little uncomfortable.

"Please," said one of the guards, while opening the prison door and allowing the king and the future queen to enter the room.

The cell that Elena was in, was quite large and not as scary as Mila thought, maybe it was because she was imagining something really bad, no, she was even imagining something beyond a nightmare.

So, it was a little disappointing when she saw Elena's prison cell was just dirty and cramped.

"What do you want!?" Elena roared, quickly moving across the room to approach Mila, her claws sticking out from her fingers. "GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!" she growled loudly.

Reflexively, Liam pulled Mila behind him to protect the girl, but that didn't seem necessary, as the chains wrapped around Elena's ankles and hands were enough to stop the woman from reaching Mila.

The middle- aged woman looked more wild and savage, perhaps because she wasn't getting the blood she needed.

"I will reveal all your secrets if you don't release me soon!" Elena screamed with all her might, she was still clinging to her same threat, which was to tell the secret of this kingdom, which not many people knew, because that was the only tool for her to bargain with her freedom, or with her life...

"Just say it," Mila said calmly.

"I am not talking to you!" Elena cried angrily. She looked even more furious when her words were refuted by Mila.

Meanwhile, Liam stood before Mila with an expressionless face. "She already knows about the secret," he said.

It took Elena a while to process the information, before finally realization came to her.

And that was when she finally looked at Mila with eyes full of hostility but also questions. "You knew that and you just kept quiet?" She squinted his eyes in disbelief at Mila.

"Yes, I know it and I plan to ascend the throne with him," Mila answered spontaneously, even though the plan had not crossed her mind a minute ago at all.

The words came out just like that and Mila was even confused with herself when she heard how confident she was when she said it so boldly and plainly.

That was not her intention.

Instinctively, Mila glanced at Cosmo and she could see a small smile tugging at the corners of the creature's lips, as if to say that she agreed with Mila's answer.

However, that wasn't Mila's main focus, but the feeling of satisfaction at having managed to get Cosmo's approval. What is this? Since when did Mila start to feel that she needed affirmation from others?

This made her feel strange…

"YOU!" Elena roared again, while the guards in this prison had been sent away, so that no one would hear what they were talking about. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU SAY!"

Elena was like crazy. He tried to grab Mila and clawed her face with her sharp nails and also tore her with her fangs.

"You have no idea what kind of curse is on that throne!" she exclaimed. "You think it's that easy to occupy the thrones of kings and queens? You will suffer from things you never imagined before!"

Elena looked so furious when she said that and Mila couldn't help but listen to what this woman really wanted to say.

"What other curse?" Mila glanced at Liam. "What does she mean?" Now Mila glanced at Cosmo again.

But, Cosmo didn't seem to care what Elena had to say, she leaned her body against the wall behind her and said quietly, 'Kill her.'

The words 'kill' gave Mila its own effect, she felt a sensation that couldn't be described in words…

Is it a pleasure? Did she feel very excited because she heard that word?

But, how could she be happy just hearing that word?

Mila knew she wasn't good and she wasn't a saint who had never seen or done murder before, but she felt really good at the thought of Elena kneeling under her feet and begging her for forgiveness for what she had done.

Her attempted assassination was reason enough to kill her, wasn't it?

"You saw the creature, didn't you?" Elena's voice suddenly interrupted Mila's thoughts of murder, which, not even Liam's words, could pull her out of her mind.

However, now Mila found herself frowning, looking at Elena questioningly, but not rejecting the statement she just said.

"What creature do you mean?" asked Mila. She took one step forward and stepped out of Liam's protection.

Seeing that, the king restrained him from going any further because it would endanger herself, however, Mila refused, and she took another step closer, close enough that she was now face to face with Elena.

"Mila!" Liam said. One more step, then Mila would be within Elena's attack range. But, Mila wasn't that stupid. She stopped walking.

"What creature do you mean?" asked Mila in a calm voice, repeating the question that Elena had not answered.

Hearing Mila being so interested in this topic, Elena laughed scornfully, she also looked down at the girl who was supposed to be her niece with a condescending look.

"You are the descendant of a mad king and that madness will continue until your next generation." Elena clenched her jaw as she said that, as if it was a taboo subject and should not be disclosed.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Mila. She looked intently into Elena's eyes and saw her own reflection there.

"You may not realize it now, but the creature will overwhelm you and you will be nothing more than a tool controlled by that lowly creature," growled Elena. "Just like what happened to that mad king. That's the curse."

'Kill her, Mila,' Cosmo ordered. 'She has gone mad,' she said urgently.

Mila turned her attention for a moment to Cosmo and Elena and Liam followed her gaze, but neither of them could see what Mila was looking at.

"It's true what I said, isn't it?" Elena said in a triumphant tone. "You see it, you hear it, you follow what it says and later it will give you a power that will make you addicted and soon you are just an empty body controlled by that creature."

'Kill her Mila, remember, she intended to kill you before and now you are listening to her rambling,' Cosmo said again.

Elena suddenly calmed down and as if she had an epiphany on what had happened, she then looked at Liam.

"You didn't tell him about these details, did you?" asked Elena in a hoarse voice. She stared intently at Liam.

And what Elena said caught Mila's attention, she then turned her attention to Liam and narrowed her eyes.

"Is there any secrets that you didn't tell me?" Mila asked. She couldn't believe what she heard.

Secret? Again? How many secrets were there actually hiding from her? It's not just a secret about who likes whom or a secret about where you hide what you have stolen, but it's about the big secrets of life and there's so much to it. How could Mila have missed every single one of these secrets and the people in this palace knew more than she ever imagined.

"Yeah, why didn't you tell her about such details?" Elena asked Liam mockingly. "You only told her about trivial things, but you forgot the details."

Mila squinted her eyes, stared at these two people intently and waited for Liam's explanation.

Looked like it would take Mila a long time to peel all these secrets.

"You said that the previous king and queen were killed by the elders," Mila said in a low tone and Elena's laughter boomed in the small prison. "SILENCE!" Mila rebuked the woman which shocked her and instantly fell silent, but her eyes stared at Mila with a strong killing instinct.

"Yes, indeed we killed him," Elena admitted proudly. "We killed the king and queen before, which for me I killed my own brother." There was no sadness in Elena's voice, but she said this through clenched jaws. "It must be done because the throne is cursed."

Mila furrowed her brows, she then looked at Cosmo, who was now looking at Elena with hateful eyes.

It's just that, Mila felt, Cosmo represented her deepest emotions very well…

Mila wasn't even bothered by the way Cosmo was staring at Elena, who seemed in the next second, she was going to tear her apart.



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