The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 246 - The Media

The ground breaking ceremony started. The Duchess wore thick clothes together with her husband. She smiled beautifully at everyone with Kaisley beside her. The media are already making something or maybe the people that Kaisley should be the next Queen as she was the Crown Prince and Crown Princess's. But people were trying to make a big commotion for both ladies. 

Victoria was smiling like there's no problem at all. Each of the journalists were careful on asking questions toward them, mostly to Victoria because her husband was just next to her and he could evict them and make their life into a living hell anytime. Kenzo took the shovel and dug an amount of soil that occupies half of the shovel he paused for a photo and then he tossed it to where they are going to bury. Then, next was Victoria who gracefully scooped an amount of soil and tossed it. 

They clapped their hands and then she stood beside her husband. Kenzo reached her hand as he bent down. 

"You look stronger." He whispered. She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. He then hid their hand at her back as they waited for Maverick, Caleb and Kaisley to do the same. 

The wind blows and this time it was too cold. Victoria shuddered a little as Kenzo gently pulled her and rubbed her arm. 

"Too cold?" He asked. 

"I was just surprised." She smiled at him. "It's colder here than in Lwazi." She whispered. 


After it was done, few nobles approached them and congratulate them and there were more people who approached them and shook their hands.

"Are you really cold?" Kenzo asked as they entered in the finished half of it. 

"I'm fine, love." She told him and giggled. 

"You are good with PDA." Maverick said as he checked his phone. 

Inside, Duchess Stacey was waiting with King Edgar and they seemed to be chatting just fine. The Duchess was wearing thick coats, gloves and long dress. 

"I think it's good to show up more PDA in the public." Kaisley commented. 

"I think we need to leave, love." Caleb said and checked his phone. He sighed and reached his head. "Damn these meetings." He grumbled. 

"Let's speak to the King first." Kaisley said as Caleb reached her hand and they continue walking inside. The cameras were always on them. 

Maverick quickly approached his wife as he bowed to the King. 

"Duchess," Count Gordon called as Victoria and Kenzo stopped and faced him. He bowed and smiled. 

"Are you supposed to be in your honeymoon?" Victoria asked as the Count chuckled.

"There are a lot of things to do, your grace." 

"Really?" Kenzo sneered at him. "Or you just want to see someone here?" 

Victoria nudged her husband. 

"Why didn't you bring your new wife here?" Kenzo asked as the Count seemed uncomfortable while talking about his wife. 

"She don't want to come on such events." Travis said. 

Victoria titled her head, confused. Because if Katarina married such a handsome, rich with a high status in society. There must be something going on. 

"Then, Congratulations and sorry that I didn't make it." 

"It's completely not a problem, Duchess." Travis was always using honorifics toward her. 

"We will be leaving now." Kenzo said as he carefully lead his wife to their seats. 

Victoria was confused and as they approached the King and Prince Philip. The event continues as Caleb and Kaisley left early to attend few more meetings for the business and their bodyguards followed them. She stayed a little longer as the King spoke to few more people. Stacey was also greeted by few more people as they didn't shook her hand or greet her closer. 

In gatherings like this, they can't just approached pregnant Royal without the consent of the spouse or her. She didn't curtsied to them and smile beautifully. They seemed to get charmed by her smile. She looked directly to their and their faces then she glanced at her husband who nodded at her. 

"Well, it's time for us to go." King Edgar said as he stood. "Duke Edward," he called as Maverick nodded his head and hold his wife protectively. "So, you already see their faces, Duchess?" The King asked as they walked moderately to level the King's walk. 

"I did. I think I would draw more, right?" She giggled. "My husband gave me a boring days because he was scared that I might get bump somewhere."

The King laughed so loud. 

"I'm glad that I came here." She giggled while the ideas that the King said on how to make their characters funny flow in her head. Maverick saw that excitement in her eyes. She would draw later it later. Somehow, her hands was itching to make it work. 

"Duchess Victoria," The King called as Victoria excused herself from few ladies and approached the King. She curtsied to him. "I think we need to leave early." He grumbled and she smiled at him. 

"Yes, your highness." 

Kenzo escorted King Edgar and Prince Philip to their car. Then, he escorted his wife to their car. He grinned when his wife was biting her tongue. That expressions only means that she wanted to asked him few things but she's controlling her tongue. It's one thing adorable that his wife does. 

"Let go of that tongue." Kenzo said and hold the door after the bodyguard opened it. She sat down gracefully. She moved to the other seat and then he entered. The door closes. She turned to him finally and sighed. 

"Okay, why are we leaving early?" She asked. 

"Grandpa wanted Stacey to have a rest. They were planning a while ago, probably some crazy stuff. We can stay more but it seemed like we are making an animation so suddenly." 


"Stacey has been bored and so the King gave her a safe job to do. Also," he reached her head and pulled it closer to him and make her lean to his arms and chest. "It's not safe there anymore." He whispered. She sighed and shifted then she hugged him back. 

"It's hard to kept smiling, you know." 

"But you did a great job." He patted her head and turned on the television. It was now playing about the opening of the ground breaking ceremony. He caressed his wife's hair while watching it. They shot his wife's beautiful smile and the gracefulness. There were notifications about the Duchess and Princess Kaisley. They were completely making both girls to become rivals to the throne. 

He then turned to the side where their bodyguard that was riding the motorbike was on each side when suddenly the bodyguard out balanced. No… what Kenzo saw was something else. The way the man's head throw sideways seemed like someone hit him or worst. He pulled his wife down that surprises her. She gasped when the car nearly stopped when the riding hit the car. 

"Kenz?" She called and started panicking. She ducked down at the back of the seat. The car kept running and they were beeping loud. 

"Granddads… Stacey." She cried when they were showed with bullets. It's also a good thing that they upgraded each cars to have thicker ones. 

"They will be alright." He promised. The gun showers stopped in a minute. Kenzo hugged his crying wife and they reached the castle safely. 

They didn't come out from the car until the guards came to cover them and take them inside. Victoria quickly rushed to Stacey who was shaking from what happened while Kenzo checked his grandparents. Victoria covered her mouth and continue sobbing, Stacey was also crying and they hugged each other. 

Maverick left them and quickly went out to speak to the guards. They shut down the castle. 

"Call Kaisley, right now!" The King said aloud. He looked angry at that moment, that's when Prince Philip stepped forward. 

"I will take care of it." He said. "Maverick, take the ladies to their room. Kenzo, come with me." Prince Philip commanded. 

Maverick reached his wife's hand and he took the girls upstairs. 

Kenzo then faced Prince Philip. 

"Call Empress." He grumbled. 

Kenzo quickly pulled out his phone and sent a red signal to the Empress, then he called her and she answered shortly. 

"We were ambush." He grumbled and told her the area where they were shot. They have cameras in few areas and it will be easy for them to locate it. 

"Cancel the events for the Duchesses." King Edgard told Secretary Bryan. "Cancel it for months, until you found those people who tried to kill us." 

"Yes, your majesty." 

The King walked as Prince Philip followed him to the guest area. 

"How many were down?" Edgar asked and the Butlers opened the double door for them. He walked toward the sofa and sat down. 

"They injured and no one died." Philip said as he slouches. "I expected this to happen. We upgraded enough things to counter them and to have a better defense." 

Edgar looked furious and he stomped his cane. 

"They dare to assassinate us in our own country! I don't care if you gather all of the assassins in this country or other countries. I want their head to be in the platter. They dare to kill the heiresses and the future of the Great Greivania." 

"You need to clam down," Prince Philip said.

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