Tropical Island

Armin sat down on the swivel chair a few meters away from his wife. He also does the other control to help her locate those people who showered bullets to the cars of the Royals. It was an ambush. If they didn't upgrade each vehicle they have and none of them get any scratches besides the injured bodyguards. 

He glanced at Vanessa who was furious and busy locating it. He almost thought that she wasn't blinking. So, he focused on the cameras and found the faces one by one. They have their masks on and the camera detects them based on their physique. That's why they blasted the Emperor. Shortly, the Emperor replied and that's when Kenzo would move and ordered everyone to capture them. 

"Dispatch our men," Vanessa said. Then, he hit the red button after he sent the location to their people. "They nearly killed my son and my grandchild." She gritted her teeth. Armin stood, approached her, and hugged her. He also felt furious about what happened. 

"What should we do?" Armin asked. 

"Let's go back there and let's sneak out Stacey. We need to protect her and the heir of Edward." 

Armin knew that it was risky but at this moment, they were busy running off. 

"Let's go then?" He asked her. 

The couple left the island using the chopper after they secured the mansion. They flew directly to the mainland where their vehicles were parked. He then dressed up again as a pilot while his wife dressed up fancily like she used to do. Then, he flew the private jet to Westeria that took four hours. They landed once again in Aqua castle that has a private plane landing. 

Armin escorted her to the castle, down to the basement. She sat down once again and checked on how it was going. There's a big commotion on the streets of rogues and citizens while the police and armies are catching them one by one. 

"Go." She told him. "We need to take Stacey away from the castle before anything else happens." 

"Alright, but are you fine alone here?" 

She pursed her lips and nodded her head. 

"Yes, I'm fine, my love. I can't go there, they might see me. I already told Maverick about this decision." 

"Then, how about our son?" Armin asked. 

"He needs to stay in the castle, do his duty. It's the only way to keep them away. They will eventually target him." 

"I will get ready then." He bowed at her and then left. 


Seeing how his wife shuddered from what happened made him furious. But instead of comforting her, he deals with them first. He helped his mother and Armin find each of them. He already located them. He was waiting for a few responses. Shortly Butler Paul came with their beverages. He knelt in front of his wife and wiped her tears. 

"Please stop crying now, Stacey. You are safe." 

Stacey's cold hands reached his cheeks. He reached the water that Butler Paul offered. He sipped on it and then gave it to her. She gulped on it and Victoria did the same. She sighed and held her husband's hand. 

"Why won't you go with Butler Paul?" He suggested. "Pack up things you wanted to bring. Someone will take you from here." 

"What?" Stacey exclaimed. "Are you going with me?" 

"No." He sighed and scooped her face. "You nearly died because of me. Now, you and our baby nearly die because of me." 

"Stop!" She exhaled and shook her head. "I don't want to go somewhere when I am not with you." 

"Stace, babe." He squeezed her hands. "You need to leave." He looked up at her, full of pain. He tried to conceal it. He doesn't want to be away from her but it's the only way to protect her

"Butler Paul, please help her prepare her things." 

"Mave!" She shouted at him and shook her head. "No, please." 

Victoria sighed and looked at Maverick. 

"Stacey, listen to your husband," Victoria said. "I know that it's hard for you. But if it's the only way to keep you and the baby safe…" 

"No." Stacey insisted. 

Butler Paul left as Stacey held on to her husband so tight. 

"Please leave us for your grace," Mave whispered. 

"Alright." Victoria stood and left quietly. 

He shoved his face to her round stomach and kissed it. 

"I will visit you if I have time. For now, you must stay with mom." He whispered. "You will love it there." 

"But how about the parties together?" She hiccuped and he rubbed her back. "I am not ready to be away from you, Mave." 

"Stacey, listen to me. What your best friend said is true. I will fix all of these in a short time. Be with mom, do your hobbies and your passion and I promise to call you always." 

"No." She shook her head and hiccups. 

"Please stop crying. It will be bad for our baby." 

She sniffled and controlled herself. Maverick closed his eyes hard not to let go of those tears that he's been trying to conceal. 

"Babe, please take care of our baby." He looked up at her as a tear fell from his eyes. "I know that it's hard, but we need to be away from each other for a short time. I can't risk you again. I can't risk anything, mostly you and our baby." He sighed, pursed his lips, and wiped her wet cheeks. "Please understand this, my love." 

"But, babe…" She sniffled. 

"You and our baby are my life, Stacey. So please, please go with mom. Stay with her and keep yourself healthy." 

"How am I supposed to have my cravings?" 

"Butler Reinheart is there, mom is there." He forced himself to smile at her. "It will be fine. You also have to exercise, okay? But not too much?" 

"What if I am horny?" 

He grinned at her that washed all of the anxiety for a moment. He kissed her lips and she responded passionately. 

"Let's go and change your clothes." 

He got up and helped her stand. He escorted her to their room as Butler Paul just finished organizing a few clothes. 

"What do you want to take with you?" He asked. 

"Our photo, my laptop… tablet…" 

He gathered it right away. 

"My drawing tablet. I still have to finish a few things." 


She went to the bathroom while Maverick organized it. 

"In two hours, Butler Armin will arrive." Butler Paul said. "I will take your command while you spend your time with the Duchess. What would you like to eat?" 

Maverick looked at the bathroom door. 

"Can we have ramen and some sweets?" 

"I will make that then." He bowed at him and left gently. He went to the bathroom door and knocked. 

"Love, I'm coming in." He called her. He squeezed the door and opened it. She's currently putting beauty care products on her face to cover up the redness of her eyes. He smiled and hugged her. "You still look beautiful as ever." 

"I hope you won't get tired of saying that even though we got married in a very short time after we met." 

"I won't get tired of it. You are my savior and the first woman that was attracted to me for who I am." 

"Correction! Lots of women want to buy you. Don't be ignorant." 

He laughed as it vibrated through her. He caressed her stomach and then kissed her neck. 

"You are the only woman that dominates my body, Stacey." 

"Who knows? There are a lot of noble ladies out there that could be your lover. I mean~~they approved that back then, right?" 

"I only want my oozing hot sexy wife." He whispered. "Do you want me to gather all of those products?" 

"Hmm, yeah. It will expire and become a waste." 

He unwrapped himself and took the beauty products box and organized it. She's done putting it on and she hugged him while he was organizing it. 

"But you will be with me shortly, right?" She asked. "You will visit me, right?" 

"Yes, I will visit you." He then locked it and patted her hand. "I asked Butler Paul to make Ramen and some sweets." 


Some people will taste each food that they will take just in case there's poison in it. Shortly after Maverick organized everything, their food came as Butler Paul opened the door and the maids came with their food. Then, the maids put an amount of it in a small bowl and tasted each of it. 

"Hot chocolate," Butler Paul poured on each mug as one of the maids also sipped on it. 

"Thank you," Stacey said as she sat down. 

Maverick sat across her and plated her ramen. 

"Here are some dumplings." He extended it to her. She took a bite and chewed it carefully. She smiled at him like food is the only thing that makes her happy. 

"Eat more, love," Maverick said as he forced himself to eat and slowly his appetite grew. He knew that he would lose more appetite if he became separated from his wife. 

"It's delicious." She complimented Butler Paul as he bowed.. "Thank you for the food."

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