The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1066: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (13)

  Chapter 1066 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (13)

  It is ordinary mountain spring water, not mixed with Linghu water.

  The ancient small world may not be rich in other materials, but the spring water flowing in the bamboo forests and mountains is free to stock up, and it is absolutely clear, sweet and pollution-free.

  Because she hoarded a lot, when she was reluctant to part with Linghu water, she used the mountain spring water hoarded in the ancient world to make tea and soup.

  But you can tell the difference between the two after one or two bites... Xu Yin said that she still admires Man Junhao—a leader in the foodie team!

   Seeing him yawning profusely, Xu Yin touched the hole in the desk and gave him a tea bag: "Go and make a cup yourself."

  She brought small tea bags, each of which can make one or two liters of water.

  Manjunhao’s drinking glass is a 400ml mug, which means it can brew four or five dishes.

   After drinking, I will leave school.

   "Thank you, Sister Yin! Sister Yin is righteous!"

have to! For a sip of tea, my sister shouted.

   "Yinyin's birthday is younger than yours, why are you shouting!"

  Xiao Yueping was ashamed for him, and turned her head to show that she didn't see it.

   "Hey, I'm showing respect! Do you understand respect?"

  Man Junhao was giggling, and as soon as the bell rang after class, he took the tea bag and water cup and ran to the tea at the other end of the corridor to drink water.

  When he came back, he had a strange expression on his face, so he approached Xu Yin and asked in a low voice:

   "Sister Yin, what, have you heard some rumors..."

   "What?" Xu Yin raised her head.

  Xiao Yueping came over to listen: "What rumor?"

   "It's none of your business! Get up!"


  Xiao Yueping gritted her teeth and squinted at him, wanting to hear some fresh gossip from his mouth.

   "I heard someone talking about you in the tea room... Cough, saying that you have a crush on Lu Yunzhou."


  Xiao Yueping sprayed without drinking water: "How is that possible!"

  Xu Yin saw the reaction of her deskmate, and thought to herself how did Yuanshen fall in love with a boy so vigorously that he did not hesitate to do something wrong for him without showing it on his face?

   Even the tablemate didn't notice it!

   How depressing it is! No wonder the rebound became more violent towards the back.

   "Who is passing it on?" She asked curiously while turning her pen.

  When she first wore it, she was worried that the matter that the original body could not love the hero would not be noticed by the heroine and cause trouble for her, right? Or was it spread to the whole school by good people?

  No matter which point, it is quite a headache.

But as time went by, she found that Class 9 was really a Buddhist-style foodie class, and the topics of conversation between classes were almost all related to eating: either what to eat at noon, what to eat at night, what to eat on weekends, or to go on vacation Where to make a meal, where to order a graduation dinner after the college entrance examination...

  Especially after some reforms were made in her small cafeteria, there were a few more topics related to the tea, braised meat, and new dishes launched by her family.

  If Man Junhao didn't say it, she would have forgotten the problem left by the original body.

   "I don't know, it seems to be from class 7? Or class 11?" Man Junhao scratched his head, "It's a girl anyway, I don't know who it is."

   "I'm going to see who is so gossip who actually made rumors about our little Yinyin." Xiao Yueping slid out of the classroom.

  Xu Yin didn't have time to stop her.

  When Xiao Yueping went there, she started arguing with two girls from Class 7.

   "Wow! Jiao Yuemei! It's you again! Don't you spread rumors and make Siji uncomfortable?"

   "What rumour? We're telling the truth."

   "Fart! I'm sitting next to Xu Yin, why don't I know she likes Lu Yunzhou?"

   "That's why you are blind!"


  What does it mean to do bad things with good intentions?

This is!

  Xiao Yueping didn't quarrel with each other, at most she was whispered by gossipers behind her back.

   Her noise, well, not only the passing students, but also the teacher heard about it.

  She stood in the office with a sad face, and was criticized by the head teacher.

  Xu Yin was also called by the old class to do some ideological work during the team class, for fear that the rumors were true.

  Children of this age, he has been in contact with them for many years, and there are many cases of unsatisfactory college entrance examination results due to puppy love. He is really afraid that Xu Yin will lose the chain at a critical moment.

"I have paid attention to several of your mock exams, and you have made a lot of progress every time. According to this trend, the college entrance examination is expected to be a bachelor's degree. Don't be distracted at this time. Just spend 12% of your energy and focus on studying. Don’t think about what’s there or what’s not, even if it’s true… wait until the college entrance examination is over.”

  Xu Yin touched her nose: "I know Teacher Yan."

  When I left the office, I met Jiang Youjin face to face.

It was nothing at all, but it happened that Teacher Huo, the head teacher of the experimental class, came in from outside, holding a courier box in her hand, so she didn't see Xu Yin and the two of them, and she said when she entered the door: "Mr. Yan, Director Huang asked you to go down and see him. Her complexion is quite bad, Xu Yin from your class won't really fall in love early, right?"

  Xu Yin staggered.

  Jiang Youjin reached out to support her.


  Mr. Huo noticed the two of them now, looked at Xu Yin, then at Jiang Youjin, his face changed instantly: "What are you two doing! Separate!"

   "Xu Yin, you go back to class first." Teacher Yan looked up and saw that Xu Yin was still in the office, and hurriedly urged her to go to class. At this critical moment, nothing is more important than studying.

  As a result, the "Xu Yin" made Teacher Huo angry, and her voice was so high-pitched that it could break the glass windows of the office: "She is Xu Yin? Then she... wait! Don't leave! Explain to me clearly!"

She ate melons all morning, and even felt a little gloating, thinking that the students in the parallel class just don't know the importance, and they will soon be in the college entrance examination, and they are still confused. Her class is better. The first grade is in her class, and the grade The top 30 of her class accounted for 20 seats, and the undergraduate rate was 100%.

   What makes her most proud is: this year Jiang Lin's top scorer in science, without accident, fell into her class.

   As a result, reality gave her a blow: the first in her grade, and soon the number one in science, she was proud of, got mixed up with an unknown girl in the parallel class... She was about to explode!

  Even if it was found out afterwards that it was a misunderstanding, she still had a sullen face, not to mention her displeasure towards Xu Yin, even Teacher Yan was affected.

   "I'm sorry, Yinyin!"

  When Xu Yin returned to the classroom, Xiao Yueping apologized to her with red eyes. She didn't expect the matter to become such a big mess.

"I was angry at the time. Jiao Yuemei was an eighth woman. I was told by her that I was dating someone when I was in high school. My parents and the old class took turns talking to me. I was annoyed. I was worried that you would do the same. so…"

   In the end, the old class still came to talk to him.

  At that moment, Xiao Yueping was so annoyed that she wanted to bang her head against the wall.

   "The old class didn't say anything about you, did he? Did you call you a parent? If..."

   "No." Seeing that her little deskmate blamed herself so badly that she probably cried secretly on her stomach, Xu Yin comforted her, "You also said it was a rumor, and the old class just asked me a few questions as a matter of routine."

   "That's good." Xiao Yueping patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise she would be really annoyed to death.

   "So, when you were in high school, you were rumored to be dating someone, who?" Xu Yin was even more curious about this.

   "..." Xiao Yueping's expression froze, and her eyes wandered a bit, "Is this the point?"

  (end of this chapter)

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