The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1067: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (14)

  At this time, Man Junhao turned his head and seemed to want to ask Xu Yin something, but before he could speak, he was kicked by Xiao Yueping.

   "Why kick me?"

   "Do you need a reason to kick you?"


  Xu Yin watched the interaction between the two, and glanced at Xiao Yueping with a half-smile: Ladies, there is no silver three hundred taels here!

  When school was over, Gong Xi walked up to her and made a "come on" gesture to her: "Xu Yin, I believe in you."

   "..." What do you believe her?

  Lu Yunzhou stood in front of the podium and waited for Gong Xi.

   To be honest, he actually has feelings, and feels that Xu Yin... No, it should be said that the former Xu Yin did have feelings for him that surpassed the friendship of classmates.

  Although he has a red heart towards the girl he likes, he is not a fool, but he can't respond, so he can only pretend not to know, and even avoid it far away.

   I don’t know when, it seems to be before the second model, Xu Yin’s eyes on him are no longer so awkward, and he seems to have let go frankly. To be honest, he is relieved.

   But he didn't expect that after such a long time, he was also very annoyed by the news of this matter.

  After Gong Xi finished speaking, he followed out of the classroom aggrieved: "Do you believe she doesn't believe me?"

   "Trust you in what?"


  Several girls who lived in the school were shy, and waited until Xu Yin picked up her schoolbag and was about to leave, then they blushed and came together to apologize to her:

   "Xu Yin, I'm sorry! What Jiao Yuemei said may have been mentioned inadvertently when we were joking in the dormitory. We didn't say a word when we left the dormitory. I didn't expect her to spread it around."

  Xu Yin listened to them quietly, then nodded: "I see."

   "Then can you forgive us? The school is now investigating this matter, in case..."

   "If the teacher comes to you, just tell the truth. I believe the school will make a correct and fair judgment."


  That's what they said, but they were still worried.

   I heard that Jiao Yuemei has been called a parent, and she may report criticism next Monday.

  If the school finds them out, will they also be called parents and punished?

  Woooo... They are about to graduate, and they have to add a disciplinary document to their files. How can they, who have always been obedient students, accept it.

   Maybe the college entrance examination will be affected.

   After Xu Yin finished speaking, she picked up her schoolbag and went home.

  Everyone chooses their own path, whether it is good or bad, the path they choose must be walked to the end.

  It's like her, who reads novels and complains nonsense, and is still breaking through in the novel world.

   Speaking of it, every drop is blood and tears!


  When she got home, she looked through all the notebooks, and she really found the notebook with Lu Yunzhou's name written in the mouth of the boarding student.

Originally it was supposed to be a weekly diary, and it had to be handed in once a week for the Chinese teacher to evaluate and grade. The blank pages after the sixth chapter were filled with the name of "Lu Yunzhou". The original diary to express your feelings.

  Xu Yin turned a few pages, feeling a little stuck in her heart.

   I don’t know how to evaluate the original body.

I like someone wholeheartedly, and my heart is full of the other person. A boy's unintentional look can make her jump for a long time; he occasionally passes by her, and her heart is turbulent, and then she can't calm down all day long, but the boy loves him. She doesn't know anything about her liking, but he also loves another girl with all his heart and eyes. The hormones of youth only bloom for the person he likes, laughing for her smile and annoyed by her anger.

  There is no right or wrong in love itself, only human behavior can be judged as right or wrong.

Then again, the cannon fodder role of the original body is to serve the hero and heroine. She lost her mind and made a mistake. She made the hero and heroine take care of each other after gastric lavage in the hospital to warm up their relationship. The dungeon of the hospital alone was fed by the author. I ordered several cookies, which caused readers to cry "the dog food is too dense".

  At that time, I probably felt that the dog food was too much and too dense, so I couldn’t help complaining a few words, so I was sent into this article...

   Hey, wait!

   Now that there is no gastric lavage at the hospital, Lu Yunzhou and Gong Xi haven't started their sweet love yet?

  Xu Yin: "..."


   Her butterfly won't break the relationship between the hero and heroine, right?

  The next day, Xu Yin went to school with dark circles under her eyes that did not go away after rolling a pair of boiled eggs several times.

  All the classmates who knew that she was called to the office by the old class thought that she was criticized by her parents and didn't sleep well.

  Jiang Youjin, who heard about this situation from Chen Yan, frowned slightly.

  After school that day, he waited for Xu Yin at the school gate.

   "Are you waiting for me?" Xu Yin was a little surprised to see him.

   "Well, return your kettle." He put the kettle and the crisper in a paper bag and returned it to her, and asked by the way, "Are you hungry? Can you eat?"

  Xu Yin shook her head: "No."

  The snack bar in front of the school is either fried skewers or tea drinks, which are expensive as hell, not as delicious as her own.

   Think about it, he is still a student, how much pocket money can he have? Save if you can.

  Jiang Youjin's deep eyes wandered over her face, and finally landed on her faint dark circles:

   "Is it because of what Lao Huo said yesterday?"

   "Huh? What?"

   "Didn't you sleep well last night?" He pointed at the circles of her eyes, "Don't take what Lao Huo said, the teacher is also a mortal, and what he said may not be right, if it goes too far, automatically block it."

   "It's not because of this." Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

   "Really?" He glanced at the circles of her eyes meaningfully, "It's really not affected? What about the tea bags that were promised? I thought you suffered from insomnia last night, which caused your memory to decline due to lack of sleep."


  So this is the purpose of waiting for her at the school gate, right?

  Xu Yin touched her nose: "I forgot."

He asked Chen Yan to bring her a bound collection of classic wrong questions after school yesterday, but he was busy sorting out the original body's weekly diaries and diaries after returning home, and forgot about it, so that he didn't think of giving her this morning. He promised to bring a tea bag so that he could drink it when he got home.

   "How about you go home with me and get it?"

   Just in time, give him a few big tomatoes, the tomatoes on the balcony are ripe at the same time, it's too late to eat.

  Jiang Youjin was not polite to her.

   Only by coming and going can she be urged to study hard.

   "I've read your paper, and most of the mistakes are basic questions. You can read the wrong question set given to you yesterday, and I will sort out some common exam questions later."

   "Will it delay your study?"

   "No. Tidying up is also a kind of review."

"That's good."

  The two said together and walked towards the direction of Xu Yin's house.

  Behind them, there is a wave of third-year high school day students pushing bicycles. Look at me, and I look at you:

   "Fuck! Am I blind?"

   "The **** of learning is actually walking with a girl, which is unprecedented!"

   "The **** of learning originally liked this hanging?"

   "I'm going! I seem to recognize who that girl is..."


   "The daughter of the cafeteria owner, Xu Yin from class 9!"


One of them whispered: "Fuck! The **** of learning is so treacherous! Does he want to be close to the water and get the moon first? He has become friends with the daughter of the owner of the small cafeteria, so he can eat the food in the small cafeteria without queuing or grabbing ?”

other people:"…"

  Brother, why is your brain circuit different from ours?

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