The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1127: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (20)

  Chapter 1127 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (20)

   "Look, there is also a boat over there, it seems to be a sea fishing boat." Erge He said, pointing to a small white spot in the distance.

   After zooming in through the mobile phone camera, it was indeed a sea fishing boat, but that boat looked much more magnificent than theirs. It was more like an ultra-luxury cruise ship than a sea fishing boat.

   "It must be several million!" He Xue said, "But a big boat does not mean a strong sea fishing skill."

  She still believed in Xu Yin more.

  Xu Yin glanced at her with a smile: "Start work, Ms. He! Didn't you say you haven't eaten breakfast yet, do you want to catch and eat now?"

   "Start work, start work!"

  Mother Xu turned on the induction cooker and boiled a pot of hot water. After a while, there was a catch. The hot water boiled quickly, and the fish was ready to eat.

  If you catch sea bream and lobster, you can also make sashimi.

  The two little guys squatted next to Xu's mother, helping to wash the fruits and lettuce.

   "Grandma, I want to eat watermelon."

   "There is no watermelon today. Grandma will cut vegetables and melons for you to eat. They are also delicious."

  Hao Hao pouted: "Watermelon is delicious!"

  Xu Yin came back to get the gloves, and said casually: "Hao Hao likes to eat watermelon? Then go back and aunt will plant it for you."

  Is it not easy to grow watermelon? What's more, the saline-alkali land on the island is super suitable for the growth of watermelons.

   Xu's mother was a little angry: "I have long said that I planted it myself, but I have nothing to say after I finish."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  She won't take the blame from Yuan Bo.

   "Yinyin, this bait of yours is so useful! One catch is accurate, where did you buy it?"

  Erge He was standing on the deck, taking photos of his little sister fishing in the sea. Seeing that his sister caught a small grouper in a short while, and a sea bass in a while, he also went off to try it with itchy hands.

   "Hey! Are the fish here so plentiful and stupid? Why are they so easy to catch?"

  Although all the fish caught are common sea fish, the efficiency is too high.

   Later, I found out that it was the bait. I asked Xu Yin which store bought it. If it was not expensive, he would also like to buy a few packs. After the fishing ban is over, it is very good to use it to make nests when going fishing!

  Xu Yin replied that she deserved it herself.

"You know how to match bait?" Brother He looked at Xu Yin in surprise, "Which old fisherman taught you that? I've heard that some of the older generation in our village can match bait that catches hundreds of hits, but this It is a secret recipe that is not passed on, and if you have it, you will have a good harvest when you go to sea and return! Who would be willing to teach outsiders!"

"No one taught me, I groped to make my own. I used the miscellaneous fish and shrimps that were sold in the morning, dried them and ground them with seaweed, cob bones, scallops and other fresh extracts. If you want to learn, I can teach you." Xu Yin didn't hide anything, she didn't plan to make money from it.

   Besides, this recipe is actually quite troublesome to make.

   Sure enough, Brother He scratched his head and said, "It sounds troublesome. You might as well make more next time you do it. We'll ask you to buy it."

   "Hey!" He Xue thought of an idea, "Yinyin, you can sell it in an online store! Such a useful bait must be bought by someone! If anyone in our village wants it, let them buy it in the online store."

   "The price can be marked higher." He Erge agreed, "I think your bait is much better than the ones sold in the market! There must be business!"

  Xu Yin nodded: "It can be considered."

Everyone was chatting and fishing. Although the chatter was not loud, it was not quiet. Fish were caught one after another. Occasionally, lobsters, crabs, and moray eels were caught. After all, there is still a difference in price between fresh seafood and frozen seafood.

  After fishing is almost done, return to the cabin to cook hot pot and eat sashimi.

  Er He didn’t forget to take a video, especially the moment when sea bream and lobster were made into sashimi, and sea bass fillets were served in hot pot.

   "Yinyin, if you put this video on the homepage of the online store, it will definitely attract many customers."

  Xu Yin thought so too.

  In addition to these, she also took a few videos of putting shrimp cages—

  Although there are not many prawns, there are all kinds of prawns jumping on the deck the moment they are released from the cages. The background is the blue sky, blue sea and the rays of the morning sun.

  Everyone discusses the layout of the online store while eating, eats and drinks enough, and then fishes for another round, and returns home when the refrigerated cabin is almost full.

   When I was approaching Xingzhou Island, the mobile phone finally had the Internet.

  Xu Yin logged into the live broadcast room to show everyone the harvest of today's sea fishing.

  A few netizens squatting in the live broadcast room sent barrage:

  [Don't look, don't look! Save time and get on the link! I'm worried that there will be too many people later, and with my unit's slow Internet speed, I'm afraid it will be sold out before I can grab it. ]




  Xu Yin laughed: "Okay! Then I'll change the stock number, you guys have time to shoot."

  [Seafood girl said this, if you have time to shoot that cliff, you won’t be able to grab it. ]

  Xu Yin thought it was impossible.

Today she went fishing with a sea fishing boat, and she came back after fishing half of the refrigerated cabin, not to mention it was a new store, there was no live broadcast room to attract traffic, who would pay attention to a newly opened small online store without any transaction volume? !

   However, it turns out that the purchasing power of any fan cannot be underestimated!

  She turned on the computer, and just changed the link inventory of grouper, sea bass, prawns, red shrimp, etc., from 0 to 20, and they were sold out in less than a minute.

   Netizens who didn’t grab it ran back to the live broadcast room and asked:

  [Why is it so small? It was out of stock before I could take a picture! ]

  [I just said that my unit’s network speed is extremely slow, and I can’t grab it from others. ]

  [Seafood girl, what are you waiting for? Another wave! What's up this time? Is there any hairtail? Swimming crabs are fine too! ]

  [I just spotted a big lobster, why didn’t I link it? ]

  Xu Yin saw that the webpage was stuck for a while, thinking that the signal was not good, she moved her laptop and looked down at the webpage, and found that all the fish and shrimps on the shelves were sold out! !

  He Xue stared at her with big eyes: "Sold out? So soon?"

   "What? Sold out?" He Erge, who was standing on the deck and chatting with the fishermen on the pier, heard this, and asked in disbelief.

   "It's not all sold out." Xu Yin said, "The few types of fish and shrimp that are relatively large in quantity are almost sold out."


   That's incredible! It's only been a while, and the fish and shrimp have been sold before they are pulled out of the cabin, which is indeed easier than setting up a stall at the pier.

  Second brother He couldn't help thinking, should he follow Xu Yin's example and open an online store for the goods that his own fishing boat can't sell out in the future?

   Just like this, will you compete with Xu Yin for business?

  At this time, he heard Xu Yin say to his younger sister: "This is only a small part of the purchase volume in the province. If the express delivery service can reach out of the province, one can imagine how amazing the sales volume will be."

  A flash of light flashed in He Erge's mind, and his heart moved: "Yinyin, you said that if we jointly open a seafood express company and ship the seafood caught in our Xingzhou Island to all parts of the country, will this business make money?"

  Xu Yin gave him a thumbs up: "It's definitely profitable!"

  The rising star of the express delivery company, the reason why it has gained a firm foothold in later generations and become one of the best express delivery groups in the country, isn’t it that it started from cold chain transportation!

  (end of this chapter)

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