The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1128: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (21)

  Chapter 1128 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (21)

  With the cold chain transportation, not only the business is good during the fishing season, but a cold storage is built later to freeze it quickly, and seafood is sold all year round.

  Whether it’s just a cold chain transport vehicle or a cargo plane, the initial investment cost is not low. It depends on whether the He brothers are willing to give it a try.

   "Give it a go, a bicycle can be transformed into a motorcycle!" Second Brother He raised his fist and stepped onto the pier, "I'll discuss it with my elder brother!"

  The savings the two brothers have accumulated over the past few years may not be enough to buy two cold chain transport vehicles, but there is also the third cousin of the sister-in-law's family! As a shareholder of the resort hotel, he must have spare money on hand! As long as he is persuaded to take a stake, isn't half of the work done?

   "My second brother has this kind of temperament, he is always in a hurry to do everything." He Xue shrugged helplessly, sat down and continued to copy the delivery slip.

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word, and said that if your two elder brothers can really accomplish this, they will become the top express delivery tycoon within three years, and they will become your reliance in the future. This is a good thing!

   "Yinyin, I took Haohao and Shengsheng home to play, so as not to disturb your work."

  Mother Xu led the two naughty little guys out of the cabin.

  The two little ones got up early today and played on the boat for a long time. It's time to go back to take a nap.


  Xu Yin nodded.

  She was going to the main island to send seafood soon, so she called the courier station to order a small foam box of 100 jin, and asked them to help transport it to the pier, planning to pack it directly on the ship.

At this time, the voice of the old village chief came after a rustling noise from the loudspeaker on the pier: "Comrades! Especially comrades who have just returned from the sea! Have you seen a large yacht? The people on the boat called the police Said that the boat broke down, but the signal was cut off before the call was finished. The rescue team was worried that the yacht would leak oil and catch fire, and needed to find a boat to rescue people as soon as possible, but they couldn't find the direction for a while. Human life is too big, if anyone knows, hurry up Report!"

   "Big yacht?" He Xue raised her head and met Xu Yin's eyes, "Could it be the one we saw?"

  Xu Yin also felt that the possibility was very high, so she immediately turned the bow of the ship and rushed to the sea area where she had seen luxury yachts with the fastest horsepower.


   "Idiots! A bunch of idiots! My uncle hired you here with a high salary to make you wait for the big eyes? If the phone is disconnected, then find a way!"

"Anyway, I'm not leaving! The escape boat is so small, who knows if it will tip over, and what if it falls into the sea and is targeted by sharks? I'm here to fish, not to play escape at sea, so quickly find a way for me! Otherwise When I go back, I will ask my uncle to open you up one by one!"

  On the luxury yacht Starlight, bodyguards in black stood in a row, helplessly being reprimanded by the objects of protection.

The captain of the bodyguard couldn't help it when he heard this: "Mr. Zhang, we are responsible for you, so we advise you to leave first. The breakdown of the yacht cannot be checked for a short time, and the desalination equipment is also out of order. It is not wise to stay here all the time. Fishing has been banned recently, and large-scale trawling has been banned. There are far fewer fishing boats on the sea than usual. It’s best to be fine. If something happens, there will be no one to call for help. I calculated it, here It’s less than a three-hour boat ride from Mingzhu Island, and the three escape boats have enough oil to arrive, and there are inflatable boats if not enough…”

"Shut up!" Zhang Tingxiao didn't want to hear him rambling, "My uncle spent a lot of money to order it from Germany, and it was just sent for maintenance last month. Even if it breaks down, it won't be serious. Isn't there a repairman on board?" ? Let him hurry up and fix it! I think you guys are too lazy to find a solution..."

   He vented his anger and threw away the mobile phone that had no signal.

  The reason why he didn’t want to take the escape boat out of here was because he was afraid that the escape boat would capsize and fall into the sea. The most important thing was that he was not the only one on board, but also the college classmates and good buddies he had invited to go fishing.

   There are male and female classmates, and one of the girls is still his crush.

  Even though she has a boyfriend she's been with since high school, he can't help but like her.

This time, I finally asked my uncle to borrow this privately-made luxury yacht and invite the person I like to play with. As a result, I just arrived in the waters of the Pearl Islands, which is said to be infested with bluefin tuna. I haven't had time to show off his sea fishing skills. Is he going to leave here in an embarrassing escape boat? Does he want to lose face?

  Zhang Tingxiao refused to leave no matter what he said, and the bodyguards had nothing to do with this young master who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

   "Ah Xiao, why are you hiding upstairs? Is it so annoying to change clothes? Come down quickly! Didn't you say you are going to catch tuna? When will it start? We can't wait to eat the tuna sashimi we caught now!"

The shouts of his good buddies came from the entertainment cabin downstairs, as well as the laughter of other classmates and friends. Zhang Tingxiao picked up his sunglasses and walked downstairs, and said to the captain of the bodyguard without looking back: "In short, I I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here. Instead of telling me to leave, you might as well urge the repairman to fix the problem quickly. Also, if the seawater desalination system fails, don’t you still have spare bottled water? I don’t believe it. Get it fixed on the yacht."

  The young master went downstairs after explaining, surrounded by his group of friends, and went fishing on the deck.

   "A Xiao, are you sure you can really catch tuna here?"

   "Well, my uncle said that some time ago, a friend of his took a photo of a tuna weighing several hundred catties, which was caught by the fishermen of the Pearl Islands near here. Guess how much that tuna cost?"

   "I heard that bluefin tuna is very expensive. Last month, a fisherman in Little Japan caught one and it was auctioned for tens of millions."

   "Wow! So it's easy to get rich as a fisherman?"

   "What are you thinking! Do you think tuna is so easy to catch? If you want to catch tuna with an ordinary fishing rod, you have to be lucky."

   "No wonder, A Xiao, you asked someone to buy a fishing rod from abroad. This fishing rod doesn't look cheap."

   "Of course! My brother-in-law asked a friend to customize it for me, and the internal price is hundreds of thousands!"

   "This fishing rod costs hundreds of thousands? Wow!"

   "A Xiao, your uncle is so kind to you!"

"My uncle is really good to me. Since my father's accident, he will satisfy me with whatever I want. Unlike my uncle, who only stares at my homework all day long, or goes out and hires a bunch of bodyguards for me , I'm so annoying!"

   "Hahaha! How afraid is your uncle that you will be kidnapped?"

   "He is just worrying. What can happen to me as a big man?"

   While speaking, a group of people rushed onto the deck laughing and laughing, not realizing that the danger was slowly approaching them.

   "Captain! Black smoke is coming out of the stern!"

  A bodyguard went to the bathroom halfway, and accidentally found black smoke curling up from the stern of the ship. He didn't care about going to the toilet, and hurried back to report.

  The captain of the bodyguard hurriedly called the maintenance worker: "Xiao Li! Xiao Li! Where are you? There is black smoke coming out of the stern of the ship, hurry up and take a look!"

  (end of this chapter)

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