The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 412: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (43)

  Chapter 412 Disturbing Housewives in the 1970s (43)

  Xu Chengjin crossed her arms and leaned against the wall pillar, looking at Xu Yin with a half-smile: "I never thought that my daughter-in-law is hiding her secrets."

  Xu Yin rubbed her nose: Is it too late to say no, don’t know, or talk casually now?

   "Well, I'm going to cook! You translate slowly."

  She turned and ran away.

  Xu Chengjin chuckled lightly, but didn't ask her further.

  Everyone has secrets, why bother to get to the bottom of it.

   As for the secret of his future daughter-in-law...he loves it.

  After that day, Xu Yin added another item to her leisure routine after dinner: being dragged by this guy to discuss the plot in the translation, and sometimes asking her about the meaning of some obscure words.

  Xu Yin: What's wrong? Do you still want to imitate the ancients and have a red sleeve to add fragrance?

   "Missed?" He bent his index finger and flicked her forehead lightly.

   "Huh? No. What did you just ask?"

  Being caught making complaints, Xu Yin felt a little guilty, and looked down at the string of words he pointed to on the translation, and translated it without thinking about it:

  "...The same as before, I still love you, I can't help but love you, I think, I will always love you until death..."

  She covered her mouth and turned to stare at him.

   This guy has premeditated!

  Xu Chengjin pulled her into his arms, put his chin on her shoulder, and said with a deep smile in his tone: "I never thought my wife would love me so much, which makes me quite flattered..."


   Wash and sleep! Stop acting!

Chen Huilan pressed her ear to the door, and after listening for a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief, straightened up and said to Xu Laosan: "It's okay, okay, after talking for a while, Yinyin went back to the room. I don't know what we were talking about. I heard my son-in-law laugh."

  Xu Laosan was trying on his new clothes, when he heard the words, he said: "Just say what are you worried about, the son-in-law is decent! Speaking of daughter-in-law, is it too hot for me to wear two clothes in this weather?"

  Just a long-sleeved white shirt feels stuffy, and a military uniform is worn outside. Isn’t it a heatstroke in this weather?

  Chen Huilan was speechless: "This is for you to wear on the day of your daughter's wedding. On the fifth day of September, the weather is getting colder. It's just right to wear two. What are you wearing it for now?"

   "Will you wear it if you bought it? It's not like you didn't buy it." Xu Laosan muttered, "Besides, don't you have a wedding soon? I have to wear a new dress to the wedding."

   "The boss probably doesn't have any new clothes. If you dress like this to go to a wedding, the man's family will think you are Xu Yuanyuan's own father." Chen Huilan scolded him angrily, blew out the kerosene lamp, and went to bed.

   "Hey! Daughter-in-law, I haven't taken off my clothes yet! How can I see when you turn off the lights!"

   "Take off your clothes and watch with a lamp?"

   "I appreciate it again..."


   In the blink of an eye, it was the first day of August, the happy day of Xu Yuanyuan's wedding.

  After Xu Sang and his wife arrived, Xu Laosan and his family went to the elders to have a wedding wine.

  Xu Sang only found out after returning to her natal home after the summer harvest that her second younger sister had actually found a son-in-law, and this son-in-law was one of the dragons and phoenixes—not to mention good-looking, but also good at saving money.

  The family’s money for approving homesteads and buying bricks and tiles to build a new house was earned by the second brother-in-law’s manuscripts.

   "When is the foundation going to be built? Let your brother-in-law help." Xu Sang walked and chatted with his second sister, "When will the bricks and tiles be approved?"

  Xu Yin said: "The foundation could have been built a long time ago, but it has been raining for the past few days. If the weather clears up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I plan to start construction. I asked Chen Lei and the others for help. If my brother-in-law is busy, there is no need to come here."

  The second sister builds a house, so why don't the elder sister and elder brother-in-law come to help.

  Xu Sang will come here no matter what.

  Xu Yin assigned work to the two of them: one helped boil water and deliver tea, and the other helped build the foundation.

  The number of approved bricks and tiles is only enough for her to build three bungalows. Therefore, it will not take long to build the house. Once the bricks and tiles arrive, it is estimated that the house can be supported in two days.

   On the contrary, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to build the foundation. After all, the strength of the house depends on the foundation.

   Then there is the interior decoration.

   Fortunately, these days, if you want to pretend to be exquisite, you can't do anything. Either the materials are lacking, or you are easy to be sued for capital-traveling style by caring people, which is not good.

  The interior walls are plastered and whitewashed, and a coat of paint is applied to the beams and columns to prevent moths and insects. Then, the furniture is ventilated, and the furniture is moved in. Double Happiness is pasted on the cabinet doors, and red wool is tied on the stool legs and handles.

   Therefore, Xu Yin is not in a hurry, and it will definitely be done before the ninth month of the lunar calendar.

  When Mr. Xu's family arrived, the main room of Mr. Xu's family was already full of relatives and friends.

  Zou Caifen’s family is close to her family, and her sister-in-law and cousin sister-in-law came to help early in the morning.

Seeing Chen Huilan's sister-in-law, not only did she arrive at this point, but when she arrived, she sat down to eat melon seeds like other relatives and friends, and didn't help at all. Seeing this posture as if she was waiting for a wedding, Zou Caifen's sister-in-law curled her lips contemptuously: "Lazy!" What has become! No wonder the poverty is so famine."

  Although Li Chunxiang doesn't get along with the two sister-in-laws, she doesn't like the elder sister-in-law even more. Especially after hearing my baby son come back, he said that he had never had enough food in the past few months.

  The only times when Xu Yin was full was when Xu Yin went to school to see Xu Lan and brought them pastries and snacks, and braised pork and steamed buns twice. Otherwise, I would be too hungry to walk.

   Therefore, the dissatisfaction with the elders has risen to a high level.

  Hearing what the elder sister-in-law's natal sister-in-law said, Li Chunxiang snorted and said:

"He's living a very comfortable life now! The work points earned by his family of three may be more than that of your family of five. If it were me, I would be as lazy as I am. Who would have a capable and good daughter? Leaving aside the family and the outside world, and recruiting a door-to-door son-in-law who can lay golden eggs, how can you be so poor that you will cause famine?"

  Zou Caifen's sister-in-law choked.

   They are all in the same brigade, how can they not know the changes that have taken place in Xu's family in the past six months. I don't know how many times I have heard Xu Laosan showing off.

  She just can't get used to women like Chen Huilan. She was lazy when she was born in her mother's house, and she is also lazy when she is in her husband's house. However, her life is better than those hardworking people who open their eyes and work until dark. How not to be jealous.

  Chen Huilan didn't care what these people thought of her, she was just so lazy, her own daughters didn't dislike her, and outsiders liked to think whatever she wanted.

   She leisurely knocked a handful of melon seeds, got up and went to the old family's kitchen, walked around, and returned to the main room clearly, and said to the three daughters:

   "Your uncle is amazing today! We have prepared six big meat dishes. In addition to the soup, braised pork and fish we thought of, there are two whole chickens and ducks, and there is also a braised elbow! Be good!"

  Xu Lan became excited: "Mom, let's decorate more later! There will be meat and vegetables at home tomorrow!"

  Xu Sang pursed her lips and smiled, she was used to this.

  Xu Yin's hair was full of black lines: "Don't! In addition to our relatives, there are also relatives from my uncle's mother's family. The man who came to pick up his relatives also sat at the same table. How bad it is to see."

   "It's okay, it's okay, everyone is like this." Xu Laosan said indifferently, nibbling his melon seeds.


  (end of this chapter)

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