The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 413: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (44)

  Chapter 413 The 1970s Stirrer (44)

   When the wedding banquet started, Xu Yin finally understood the meaning of her father's phrase "everyone is like this".

  Hearing the yell of "Serve", everyone who had been watching the bride and groom rushed back to their seats in a swarm.

  As soon as the dishes were on the table, they began to fight with chopsticks—one after another put the dishes in their own bowls.

   If you move quickly, you can pick up a lot of chopsticks, and put more chopsticks into the empty bowl you brought. It is equal to eating and saving a mouthful.


  Such a scene... It was really the first time she saw it.

   "Second sister! What are you doing in a daze! Sit down and eat!"

  Xu Lan quickly grabbed a meatball, put it in Xu Yin's bowl, urged her, and then jumped on the table to grab the second wave.

  The first big dish—the soup, was robbed by a table of people in less than a minute.

   The soup base was picked up by Zou Caifen's nephew and finished in two gulps.

  This wave has just ended, and the second hot dish—braised whole duck is here.

  Xu Lan saw the person serving food coming all the way, and immediately picked up the chopsticks, ready to go.

   "Second Sister, I'll pick up some food in a while, and you take the bowl, the closer to my chopsticks the better, otherwise it's a waste of time."


  Can she say no?

   Brain pain.

   Helped Xu Lan grab a few dishes, Xu Yin felt more tiring than farming.

   Turned her head and glanced at Xu Chengjin who was sitting at the table with her father.

   Seeing her father keep getting up and sitting down, and Xu Chengjin actually helped her father pass the bowl to pick up the food, it felt very... Toothache.

   By the way, when did her parents and younger sister bring the basket and bowl? On the way, she was so busy chatting with her eldest sister that she didn't pay attention...

  The wedding banquet, which seemed like a wilderness, was over, Xu Yin was relieved, and finally she didn't have to be the younger sister's food grabbing tool.

  Xu Yuanyuan took advantage of the gap between the newlywed husband and son-in-law being kept talking by the elders and uncles, and came to Xu Yin and sisters.

  Glanced at the basket that Xu Lan was holding in her arms, there were several bowls of meat and vegetables in the basket, and she felt very displeased:

   On the one hand, she was heartbroken about the meat she bought with money. Her parents, in order to support the scene, went around raising money and looking for employees to exchange tickets for chicken, duck, pork and fish.

  Second, their behavior made themselves ashamed in front of men. Guo Zhijun wondered why he looked down on his poor relatives!

   "Yin Yin, Lan Lan is not sensible, you are a big girl, why are you following her to grab food? What does it look like!" Xu Yuanyuan gave Xu Yin a displeased look.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   I don’t want to steal your letter?

   "You are going to get married next month, think about it, the big guy is desperately grabbing food in front of your man, as if he has never eaten meat in his life, do you feel good?"

   "It's okay, I don't mind." Xu Chengjin walked over.

  His foot injury is almost healed, and he threw away his crutches when he went out today, and his steps were calm and firm.

He came to Xu Yin's side, picked the Sophora japonica flower that fell from her hair at some time, exchanged a smile with her, and then looked at Xu Yuanyuan: "It's not easy for everyone to eat meat and vegetables these days. After a meal, happiness is the most important thing, isn't it?"

  Xu Yuanyuan: "..."

   walked away angrily.

  Xu Yin touched Xu Chengjin with her elbow: "You're making trouble for the bride."

   "It's because she's not big enough."


  You are right about everything!

  Xu Yin cast an annoyed look at him: "By the way, on the day of our wedding, you really don't mind if we fight like this?"

  Xu Chengjin thought about it carefully: "How about not serving the food first? After the procedure is over, I will have a good meal for everyone?"


   "Yin girl."

   After the wedding banquet, the secretary of the brigade remembered that there was one more happy thing to say, and waved cheerfully to Xu Yin across the crowd.

   "Look at me! As soon as I arrived, I was dragged to drink by everyone, and I almost forgot about this important matter. Your speech that day has been submitted! Here, I brought the newspaper."

   "What report? Secretary, what are you talking about?" The surrounding people gathered around curiously after hearing what the secretary said.

  The secretary happily narrated Xu Yin's performance on the day of the Model Worker Commendation Meeting, and finally said to Xu Yin:

  "The commune leaders were very happy. They said that you let the working people of the whole country see the spirit of our Hongqi Commune in the newspapers, and they want to reward you. The newspaper will pay you as much as your speech draft, and the commune will give you as much."

   "Wow! There is still a manuscript fee? Xu Laosan, your daughter has made money!"

   "How much is the manuscript fee? Is it enough to buy a catty of meat?"

The secretary smiled and said: "I didn't know it at first. You don't know until you ask the people in the commune. The manuscript fee is calculated according to the number of words, one thousand words and one yuan. Yin girl's speech has five thousand words, and the manuscript fee can be sixty thousand words." One yuan. Including the reward from the commune, Yin girl can get twelve yuan."


   When they heard that there were twelve yuan, everyone was shocked, and it was more than half a month's salary for the workers!

   After being surprised, they all cast envious eyes at Mr. Xu: lazy people have lazy happiness!

  Look at how lazy the third couple are, but the daughter they gave birth to is capable and promising, and the son-in-law they recruit is rich and good-looking.

  Xu Chengjin took the newspaper brought by the secretary and carefully read the speech script published in the supplement. She couldn't help but think of her eloquent appearance on the stage at the commendation meeting, with smiles on her brows and eyes.

  Close the newspaper and say to Xu Yin: "I want to keep this newspaper and post it on the wall of my new home in the future. This is the first honor of our little family."

  Xu Yin covered her face: "Please leave!"

  Xu Laosan, who was bragging to his relatives, patted his thigh happily when he heard about this:

"Look! I said that my daughter is going to be successful, I really don't have a son! Look! It's all been reported! There is also a manuscript fee! It's a total of twelve yuan! Oh, hello! My daughter is really promising! She was not the only one who gave a speech that day One, just ask who has her honor? Hahahaha!"

   All relatives and friends: "..."

  Lemon is just too weak to resist.

  Their son is really not promising for Xu Yin.

   I can't figure out how this lazy **** Xu Laosan has such good luck!

  Xu Yuanyuan was in the room at this time, listening to Zou Caifen talking about the gift money from her in-laws and the money from relatives and friends, wondering if it was enough for these banquets, when she heard the secretary's loud voice from the yard, she stomped irritably:

   "Look, mother! It's my wedding, but this girl stole the limelight!"

  Zou Caifen also felt that the daughter of the third family seemed to be a different person.

   "Where did she get the literary talent to write speeches? She also published in newspapers to earn manuscript fees? Don't tell me it wasn't written by her partner, let her memorize it?"

   Zou Caifen can think of it, but others can't?

   Now someone is asking: "Third son, is it the manuscript written by your son-in-law and asked your daughter to read it?"

Xu Laosan hadn't spoken yet, but was refuted by the secretary: "No such thing! At the time of the commendation meeting, the son-in-law of the third son didn't know where he was! And I didn't say in advance that I would give a speech on stage, it was all up to Xu Yin to improvise." Play it, it can’t be faked.”

   After listening to the secretary's words with pricked ears, Zou Caifen curled her lips: "Lucky stepping on dog shit!"

  (end of this chapter)

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