The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 522: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (44)

He pulled the housekeeper to the corner and explained in a low voice: "This is my wife's natal nephew. He is smart and handsome. Because there are many brothers in the family, he is neither the eldest son nor the youngest son. He is caught in the middle and is often caught by the elders in the family." Ignore it, so I am willing to marry into the Xu family. Butler Xu can reassure Miss Xu that after marriage, he will obey the family's arrangements for everything, and there will never be such a thing as a relative coming to the house to beat the autumn wind! Let alone me, I will definitely not Let them bother the house."


  The housekeeper quietly looked at the young man, and saw that his appearance was indeed outstanding. When he looked at each other with a smile on his face, it was easy to win the favor of the other party.

  Compared with Sikong Jin, he is obviously much inferior.

  Sikong Jin's appearance is rare in the world.

  In addition to his unrivaled martial arts, let the housekeeper choose, needless to say, he must choose Sikong Daxia.

   Helplessly, Daxia Sikong didn't reply for a long time, and he didn't know if the matter with the girl would be successful...

  At this moment, the joy and joy intertwined with horns and suonas sounded from outside the mansion, from far to near.

   "The butler! The butler!" Xu Xing ran in excitedly, "Sikong is here! Sikong came to the door with his sixty-four dowry!"


  Not only the butler was dumbfounded by the news, even Xu Yin, who was always calm, sprayed tea.

   "Dowry? That guy said it himself?"

"That's not it!" Hongqian pursed her lips and smiled, and told the girl what she had heard, "Xu Xing said that the hero Sikong was at the gate of the mansion, and he told the butler in front of many people that he was in a hurry and many things were too late If you buy it, it will be folded into silver bills, so on the surface, you will only collect sixty-four bills, and I hope the girl will not dislike it... Hehe, girl, I didn't expect that my uncle is not only good at kung fu, but also very interesting."

  Xu Yin glanced at the servant girl speechlessly, did she change her mind? What a quick take!

   "Go! Take a look!"

  At this moment, she was a little excited and extremely curious, what kind of dowry did he get together?

  So he changed into his clothes and went out to the front yard excitedly.

   "How decent is this!"

  Liao Guangtian was so angry that his lungs would explode when he saw that the good news was interrupted by a jade-faced boy from nowhere. Before the housekeeper said anything, he jumped out to stop him:

"Liao has never seen a son-in-law who brought a dowry into the woman's family. Isn't this a fool! Butler Xu, this kind of greasy-faced young man must have come to tease your master on purpose. There is no sincerity at all." No! Don't fall for it!"

  The housekeeper glanced at him speechlessly, and said to himself that the old man is old, but he is not old and dim-sighted.

  If Daxia Sikong is an oil-headed noodle, what is the nephew you brought? The greasy dough that rolled and rolled in the oil pan?

  Besides, people bring sixty-four dowries into the family, if this is not sincerity, how can it be considered sincerity? Like your nephew, it is sincere to enter the woman's house with nothing and only one person?

  Liao Guangtian became more anxious when he saw that the housekeeper was silent. He snapped the paper fan and pointed at Sikong Jin, who had a face like a crown jade and eyes like bright stars: "Where is your house?"

  Sikong Jin was tall and tall, smiled faintly, and raised his hand. The trumpet and suona fell silent, and he pointed to one of the bridesmaids behind him: "Baihua Villa."

  What Baihua Villa!

   Never heard of it.

  Liao Guangtian immediately understood: It must be nonsense, the dowry looks good, it's a full sixty-four lifts, who knows if it's empty, to support the facade.

  Then raised his chin contemptuously, and deliberately said to the butler in a voice that everyone around the audience could hear:

   "This Baihua Villa, Liao has never heard of it. Has Steward Xu ever heard of it?"

  The butler opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, because he had never heard of a Baihua Villa with a radius of a hundred miles. But if you just say "I haven't heard of it", will it make Sikong lose face?

Sikong Jin also brought a folding fan, opened it with a snap, fanned the wind freely, and said with a light smile: "The butler will be surprised if he hears about it, because this is the Zhuangzi that the young master just bought, and because the girl in the house likes flowers and plants, So I chose this name according to what I liked, and gave it to the girl."

   "..." Liao Guangtian's jaw almost dislocated in surprise, "What are you talking about? Your dowry falls directly on the head of the girl from the Xu family?"

  Sikong Jin raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it possible? Not only Baihua Villa, but also a bunch of shops and farms. After all, we all belong to Ms. Xu, so naturally these belongings should be named after Ms. Xu."


  The scene suddenly became quiet.

   The people who eat melons can't move their melons anymore. They all stare wide-eyed and open their mouths, thinking that this kid is not mentally ill, right? With all this wealth, why do you need to marry? What kind of wife do you want to marry but you can't marry? Take the property and enter the bride's family, are you afraid that the coffin of the ancestors will not be able to hold it down?

   Prodigal! This is the real prodigal son!

   From now on, I will stop beating and scolding the unfilial son/grandson at home. Compared with this kid, what kind of prodigal is he who lives a prodigal life by eating, drinking, whoring, gambling?

   "Hey! Make way!"

   "Old man, borrow a light!"

  Another team came over, and behind the happy team was a long procession of ceremony bearers, which seemed to be a family-offering team.

   "Which one is also hosting a wedding?"

"I do not know!"

   "I haven't heard of any girl getting married here, or any boy marrying a daughter-in-law!"

   The people who eat melons whispered to each other.

  The sending-off team stopped when they passed the gate of the Xu Mansion, and a group of seven or eight people who rode tall horses in front jumped off their horses, stepped forward together, and congratulated Sikong Jin with fists:

   "I heard that the young master is married, and the genius doctor Gu came to congratulate the young master!"

   "Blood Fiend Pavilion Congratulations Young Master!"

   "Xiaoyao Villa, Mr. Congratulations!"

   "Master Hexi from the Ghost Doctor School!"


   The jaws of the people who eat melons are so surprised that they can hardly close their jaws.

  Damn it! What is the origin of this kid!

  So many people came to congratulate him? What is the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, the School of Ghost Doctors, Xiaoyao Mountain Villa... It sounds like a very mysterious sect in the Jianghu.

   Seeing that there are many congratulatory gifts, you can't see the end at a glance.

   It is said that a lady from a high family has ten miles of red makeup when she gets married, but this married woman also has a ten miles dowry, tsk... crazy!

  Liao Guangtian also realized at this time: This oil-headed noodle boy who was robbing him of "business" seemed to be from the martial arts, and he had a strong background. Otherwise, these famous families would send special gifts to congratulate him?

  He claims to be a man who can bend and stretch, so he plans to slip away if he can't compare.

   Unexpectedly, just as he was about to walk away, Sikong Jin blocked the way with a folding fan: "There is something that needs to be explained by Liao Ji."

   "What do you mean by your words?" Liao Guangtian asked, his heart skipped a beat.

   Could it be that this kid knows something?

  However, as an old and cunning man, he has already thought out all the ways out, so he is not afraid.

  Si Kongjin was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he raised his hand, and two people came up behind him, one of them was Liao Ji's big shopkeeper.

   Fearing that the shopkeeper would push him to top the bag, the shopkeeper was heartbroken, thinking that he would die together, so he shouted:

   "My boss! Help me, my boss! The little one dared to guarantee with his head that he never told anyone that the boss asked the little one to hire someone to steal the Xu family's perfume formula..."

  Melon eaters: "..."

   Damn it! Today's melons are really big and plentiful, and I can't finish them.

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