The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 523: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (45)

  Xu Yin had come a long time ago, but it was inconvenient to show up, so she hid behind the gate of the mansion, listening to the movement outside.

  When she heard the congratulations from Miracle Doctor Gu, Ghost Doctor Men and others, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she couldn't hold back anymore. Could it be that she guessed wrong?

   This guy is actually not low-key at all, on the contrary he is a very pushy person? Engage in such a big battle!

   Hearing that the shopkeeper of Liao Ji, a bald man, confessed to his boss, he turned out to be the mastermind behind the case, and the corner of his mouth almost couldn't be taken back.

   Today's melon, not to mention the people who eat melons, she, the person in the eye of the typhoon, was a little unexpected.

  Finally, Liao Ji's family and shopkeepers were taken away by the yamen servants who came after hearing the news.

  The case last time caused a lot of uproar, almost spreading throughout Los Angeles, but it turned out that Xu's colleague, Liao Ji, was behind it.

  Seeing that Xu's spice shop is doing a prosperous business, and Liao Ji's family is empty, he becomes malicious and intends to steal Xu's fragrance formula.

   No wonder no one buys Liao Ji’s stuff, he’s as daring as the owner’s!

  The people of Los Angeles, regardless of whether they knew the inside story or heard it, all boycotted Liaoji Spice.

On the contrary, Xu's, as the popularity of perfumes has gradually declined, and because of the recent hot weather, the number of customers who use fragrances has decreased significantly compared to years ago, but because of this, it has attracted a wave of new customers , Old customers are also active again.

  Xu's Spices won the goodwill of the people of Luo City again, and the business is booming.

  The girl's lifelong event has also been settled, and the future son-in-law is the hero Sikong whom he is extremely optimistic about. The old butler is relieved.

  After that day, no one in the surrounding area did not know that the only master of the Xu Mansion, the sixteen-year-old Miss Xu, hired a husband!

  The person who came to the door seemed to be a martial arts person. Not only did he have a lot of friends, and the congratulatory gifts went around several streets, he also brought a lot of money as a dowry.

  The common people relished talking after dinner: There have been many rich people in history who have recruited a son-in-law, but it is really rare to recruit a handsome and wealthy son-in-law like Xu's.

   As expected of the prosperous Xu Mansion, recruiting a son-in-law is a sure-fire business!

   "Girl, that's what people say outside! They say my girl is blessed, my uncle is handsome and suave, and he even brings his own dowry. The most important thing is that outsiders don't know, my uncle is still a peerless master! Hehe!"

The maids below, from that day on, all of them have become "young lords blowing", thinking that this aunt is good everywhere, looking at the whole of Los Angeles, I can't find anyone who can compete with my aunt, and their girls can't compete with her. Such a good match is simply a perfect match made in heaven!

   "Maybe it's the master and madam who protect the girl with the spirit in the sky."


  Xu Yin has already chosen to lie flat.

  That guy showed off so high-profilely, if she refused, wouldn't he flatten the Xu Mansion in a fit of anger?

  Even Qixingmen, a martial arts sect, can be said to be flat if it is flat. This man's force value is simply terrifying.

   But after hearing too much flattery from the maids, after thinking about it carefully, he is indeed an excellent husband-in-law candidate.

Anyway, I have to recruit a door-to-door son-in-law. If I don’t recruit, I’m afraid it will never be peaceful, and it’s not peaceful to recruit a frail scholar. After thinking about it this way, it’s really only a master like him who can restrain the outside world from attacking the Xu family. covet.

   Besides, the system can't make a mistake, the "Jin" sent to her has been her main palace so far.

   The old housekeeper chose an auspicious day for the marriage ceremony.

   Right now, Sikong Jin and his master live in Baihua Villa.

  After sobering up that day, Xiaoyao Weng learned that he had ordered a family for his apprentice, and even sent out the ancestral jade pendant that the apprentice had left with him. He was worried that the apprentice would be angry. These days, he was very honest and did not drink.

   But he saw that his apprentice seemed to care about the girl from the Xu Mansion, not only accepted the marriage, but also bought a hill behind the Wanhua Village under the Xu Mansion.

  The previous owner of this mountain was a local rich man, but his family property was ruined by his unfilial sons and grandchildren, so he sold the mountain in a hurry to pay off his debts.

Xiaoyao Weng saw some clues: "My dear disciple, tell me honestly, did you have a deep-rooted affection for that girl when you 'sold yourself' in Xu's mansion? Did the teacher's move this time, be it? Just what you want?"

  Si Kong Jin looked at him quietly: "What's the matter? Want to get drunk again? No one will clean up the mess for you next time."

  Xiaoyao Weng laughed: "It's right! It's right!"

  Si Kongjin has nothing to do with this old guy.

   But drinking is the old guy's only hobby, and he can't bear to deprive him of it.

  If the old guy hadn’t been drinking too much and accidentally slipped down the cliff and picked him up as a young man, maybe he would have been killed by wolf’s claws like his parents, and the grass on the grave would be taller now.

  So it is unreliable to dislike the old guy, but whenever there is any task, he will still work hard to complete it.

   "Aren't you out of money? Buying a mountain is so stingy, it's not as big as your own farm." Xiaoyao Weng threw a purse at his apprentice.

   Inside was a gold ticket with a denomination of 10,000 taels.

  Si Kong Jin raised his eyebrows and glanced at him.

   "What are you looking at! That's all!" Xiaoyao Weng subconsciously clutched his trouser waist, "It's useless to look again, the rest is Lao Tzu's coffin book!" I can't give you any more! "

  Si Kong Jin walked over and gave him a hug: "Thank you, Master!"

Xiaoyao Weng suddenly choked up a sob: "Stinky boy! I have grown so big before I knew it, and I have reached the age of marrying a wife and having children... Oh, I think when the old man picked you up, there was a little Douding, not as high as my knees, It’s not easy! All these years, because you have been running around with your teacher, and sometimes you have to avoid being hunted down, this ten thousand taels of gold will be used as a marriage for you... Hahahaha! Why are you so shameless! A girl has a dowry when she gets married, Of course the son-in-law has to have a dowry when he comes to the house hahahaha... This is the first time I see your black face as a teacher, ouch, my stomach hurts from laughing hahahaha..."

  Sikong Jin: "..."

  The emotion that came to my heart just now disappeared suddenly.

  An unreliable master is always unreliable.

   Having said that, with the tens of thousands of taels of gold sponsored by Master, it saves him from going back to Qianji Pavilion to get the gold, silver and jewelry accumulated from previous missions, pawning them for silver.

  Seeing that Xu Yin likes to buy land, buy hills, grow trees and plant flowers, she found a tooth shop, bought a batch of villas and land, and found a few prosperous shops. Even if she doesn’t do anything in the future, the rent is good.

  The title deeds of these properties were sent to Xu Yin by the custodian on the same day.

  Xu Yin was holding a thick stack of land deeds, a little bit unable to accept it, so she thought about what kind of gift to give back to him.

Just in time, the epiphyllum that had been raised for three years bloomed, and her heart moved: she decided to make a unisex perfume that is made of epiphyllum as the main ingredient and that can be used by both men and women. under the name.

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