Chapter 534 Counterattack! loser! (8)

  Spirit dew spray can not only effectively remove pesticide residues on the surface of fruits and vegetables, but also penetrate into the skin of fruits and vegetables, making the taste of vegetables better than before.

  But it is limited to cucumbers, tomatoes, or leafy vegetables such as lettuce with thin skins, and thick-skinned vegetables such as gourds, pumpkins, winter melons, and lettuces can only eliminate pesticide residues, but not much effect on taste.

   Therefore, when buying goods today, Xu Yin encouraged Ms. Xu to buy more cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and water spinach, reducing the wholesale volume of thick-skinned vegetables.

  Thick-skinned vegetables such as pumpkins, winter melons, and gourds, you can grow them yourself if you want to eat them.

  The old ladies bought their favorite vegetables and happily went home to make dinner.

  Xu Wanping put the money into the box, and sighed: "Is the quality of the vegetables that have been brought in in the past two days really so good? Why do you buy them at three to five catties? I don't think the purchase price has increased!"

   "Miss Boss!"

  At this time, a few more customers came, all young office workers who bought cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce from her yesterday.

   "Miss Boss, I want a handful of lettuce, four tomatoes, and two cucumbers."

   "Miss Boss, I want a handful of water spinach and two cucumbers."

   "Help me weigh two tomatoes and a handful of spinach."

   "I want four cucumbers and four tomatoes."

   "Okay, okay! Come one by one!"

  Xu Wanping temporarily put aside the things she hadn't figured out, and concentrated on greeting customers.

  Xu Yin stood beside her, handing her mother a plastic bag, finding some change, and occasionally spraying the baby vegetables on the stall and feeding them some spiritual dew.

  Everyone has a herd mentality. Seeing Xu Wanping's vegetable stand is full of people buying, passers-by will stop to see if there is anything they want to buy, and if there is, they will squat down to pick.

   Juicy leafy vegetables, bright red tomatoes, fresh thorny cucumbers, plump green sweet beans...Compared with other vegetable stalls, it seems that Xu Wanping's dishes are indeed better in appearance and stronger in flavor.

  The business just started.

  The stall next door also sells vegetables. The owner of the stall is a woman in her sixties, surnamed Liu. Seeing that Xu Wanping arrived more than a quarter of an hour later than usual, but the business is better than usual, she couldn't help but lean over and ask:

   "Xiao Xu, where did you wholesale your vegetables for the past two days? They look so good and they sell so fast."

  When this aunt first came to the night market to set up a stall, she saw that Xu Wanping's vegetable stall was doing well, so she deliberately placed it next to her. It was obviously a nearby wholesale vegetable, and she pretended to grow it herself. For this reason, she stole many customers from Xu Wanping.

  Xu Wanping was so angry that she couldn't sleep for several nights. Even though the time had passed for a long time, she didn't want to talk to the other party, so she said simply: "It's still the same place."

  Aunt Liu curled her lips angrily when she saw that she refused to elaborate, cursed a lot of obscenities in her heart, and finally thought: Isn’t it the Chengnan Wholesale Market, and it’s not like I can’t find it.

  She put up two baskets of vegetables, and today they sold out a whole hour later than Xu Wanping. In the past, she always closed the stalls earlier than Xu Wanping, so I feel aggrieved thinking about it.

When I got home, I woke up my son who played games vigorously at night and slept until dark during the day: "Amin, get up and eat, don't stay up late and play games today, go to bed early, and tomorrow morning at three or four in the morning, you will drive Mom to the wholesale market in the south of the city for shopping." vegetable."

  Her son is thirty years old this year, but he hasn't made a decision yet. I didn't get a job, my partner blew again, and I stayed at home playing games all day long. If her son is promising, why would she come out to set up stalls at this age and compete with those younger ones for business?

  However, after she said so, her son was still lazy on the bed and refused to get up: "Why do you travel so far? You buy goods nearby and sell them at the night market. Isn't it good?"

"It can't be sold now!" Aunt Liu said angrily, "Many people go to the old bitch's vegetable stand next door to buy. The goods she bought from the south of the city are really good. Let's go to the south of the city too. Otherwise, my vegetables will be sold in the future. There is no business at the stall, and they are all snatched by the stinky bitch!"

  Aunt Liu’s son is very reluctant, but thinking that he has no job and is being supported by his parents, he can help his mother go to the wholesale market to buy some goods, which saves her from saying that he only eats and does not work.

  How can it be possible for a person who is used to playing games to suddenly stop the game and go to bed early and get up early?

  Aunt Liu was woken up by the alarm clock, and got up to call her son, who was still playing games in front of the computer.

   "Wait a while, wait a while, wait for me to play this well."

  Aunt Liu had no choice but to do other things first, and came to urge him again at 3:30.

   "Don't rush! It will be ready soon!"

   Aunt Liu is helpless, but neither she nor her wife can drive, and they can only rely on their son for long distances.

   This one didn't go out until the early four o'clock.

  In that room, Xu Yin and Xu Wanping came out from the wholesale market.

  The entrance and exit are different openings, so they did not touch each other.

   Aunt Liu didn't see Xu Wanping in the wholesale market, so she asked each wholesaler: "There is a fair and thin woman in her thirties, did she buy it from your family?"

  The wholesalers were too busy, so no one cared about her problem. In the end, the two had no choice but to pick one at random, and brought out a few bags of vegetables.

   "It's not in vain, the price is indeed cheaper than the wholesale stores in the city." Aunt Liu said with a smile.

  Her son yawned, and said impatiently: "For the price difference, it's better to wholesale near home, and the round-trip gas fee is not enough."

   Aunt Liu saw that her son was quite angry, so she twitched the corner of her mouth and said nothing more.

  Xu Wanping listened to her daughter this time, and only bought cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and spinach, each in a big bag, so the purchase price was cheaper.

  In the past, in order to have more types of vegetables on the stall to attract customers, they either bought unpacked vegetables or combined with other vendors. The price of unpacked vegetables was slightly more expensive than the whole package.

But in the past two days, the cucumbers, tomatoes and leafy vegetables on her vegetable stand are particularly popular. The sales of winter melon, gourd, and loofah are so-so. I simply listen to my daughter and only sell these few best-selling vegetables. Winter melons are so heavy. It's not very easy to sell, so I just won't enter it.

  I want to eat it, but my daughter told me to plant it.

  But Xu Wanping was very skeptical: "Yinyin, can you grow? Our family has never grown vegetables by ourselves, and we have never raised a few pots of flowers and plants."

  For so many years, the family has planted a pot of green onions and a pot of cactus.

  Growing green onions is not all for eating at home, I occasionally give a handful to old customers who frequent her vegetable stall to maintain the relationship;

  The cactus was planted because my daughter suffered from mumps when she was in the fifth grade. I heard from neighbors that the cactus meat was wrapped in gauze and applied to the cheeks, which was very effective in reducing swelling.

  So she spent ten yuan to buy a pot of cactus, but her cheeks were still very swollen after applying it twice, it didn't work at all, and she finally went to the hospital. The remaining half of the cactus has survived tenaciously until now. But that's because cacti can live without maintenance, and the flowers will wither long ago when they are repotted.

   "In the past, you didn't even like to water the onions, but you really know how to take care of them after planting vegetables?" Xu Wanping didn't believe that her daughter could grow vegetables so much, but don't waste these seeds.

  Xu Yin sent her to the morning market where the stalls were set up, and waved her hand: "Don't worry, Mom, I will take good care of them!"

  (end of this chapter)

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