Chapter 535 Counterattack! loser! (9)

  Back home, Xu Yin took out a **** from the system warehouse, and dug the ground in the yard deeply.

  Because it is an old building built in the late 1980s, the ground in the yard is not paved with bricks, and the walkway leading to the gate of the yard is only embedded with a few pebbles, which is convenient for her vegetable planting plan.

  She thought, since the farm is going to be brought into the campus, at least people must know that she can grow vegetables. Otherwise, like Ms. Xu, I have deep doubts about whether she can grow vegetables and whether the vegetables grown can be eaten. How can I carry out this task?

  So I planted it at home first, and planted fresh and delicious vegetables all over the yard and walls, and earned the title of "little expert in farming". After school started to grow vegetables on campus, no one doubted her ability, right?

  The key is—is there any place on campus for her to grow vegetables?

  Every time I think of this, I can't help but get a headache.

   This task may not seem difficult, but it is really not easy to operate.

  School is a place for teaching and educating people. Who will grow vegetables for you? Although it is a vocational high school, and it is still a third-rate vocational high school with the lowest admission score in the city, it does not offer a major in planting.

   Brain pain! There is no such thing as an easy task in a small world.

  System, you come out! We must chat!

  The dog system is as silent as ever.

Xu Yin dug the soil, cleared away the weeds and small stones, worried that the soil was not fertile enough, so mixed in some Mimi Taoyuan star soil, and then took advantage of the cooler weather in the morning, watered the ground with water mixed with spirit dew, After watering, sow vegetable seeds.

  A few vegetables that need to be erected are planted against the wall, such as loofah, bitter gourd, and long cowpea. If you can’t finish eating long cowpea, you can soak capers.

  Her mother sells cucumbers and tomatoes in wholesale every day. Spray some spiritual dew mist on them. The taste is quite good, so I don’t plant them anymore, but I plant a few small colorful tomatoes, which can be used as vegetables and salads as well as fruits.

  In the two ridges of land a little far from the courtyard wall, pumpkins and potatoes were planted in one ridge, and eggplant and edamame were planted in the other ridge.

The pumpkins are selected from the excellent species of the golden wheel pumpkin grown in the 1970s. The tender pumpkin tastes like sweet chestnuts, and the powder is glutinous; , Pumpkin buns are also very fragrant.

  The potatoes are Jiaohe small potatoes, which are glutinous and fragrant, and taste great when stewed or baked.

   Edamame is planted in this season. If you plant it now, you can eat it at the end of August and early September. You can’t finish eating fresh edamame. You can also grow old edamame and dry it. In winter, you can grind soy milk.

Eggplant is one of Xu Yin’s favorite vegetables, and there are many ways to do it: steam it, put some chopped green onion and drizzle with sesame oil, it’s very appetizing in summer; stir-fry eggplant with soy sauce, ground three delicacies are quick and ready to serve with rice; in addition, there are eggplants, eggplant cakes, Fried eggplant box... In short, one eggplant can make several meals.

   Sucking...Suddenly I want to eat eggplant.

  But today, Ms. Xu didn't buy eggplants, so Xu Yin looked through the system warehouse, found a few small worlds, and there were everything in the system warehouses, including several varieties of eggplants.

  She took a few thin vine eggplants, which are suitable for steaming and eating with oil.

   I took another round eggplant, two potatoes, and a green pepper, and planned to make a ground three delicacies.

  Eggplant feast at noon!

  After thinking about the dishes for noon, Xu Yin continued to squat in the ground, making use of the soil in every corner, and scattered and planted some shallots, leeks, and peppers that did not occupy much land.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   "Xu Yin? Is Xu Yin at home?"

  Xu Yin got up, washed her hands with the faucet in the yard, and went to open the door.

   "Xu Yin, I'm here to play with you!" Lu Yunran followed Xu Yin into the room with a few books under her arms, "You welcome me?"

   "..." You have said everything, what else can I say?

"My mother has been very kind to me these two days. She said that I have worked hard in junior high school for three years. It would be nice to give me a few days off before I go to high school, but she is worried that I will go to other places. Only you here she agrees. I come."

  Xu Yin was a little speechless: "Relax and you still bring books?"

   "Hey, I'm used to it!"


   "Xu Yin, what are you doing at home?"

   "Grow vegetables."

   "..." Lu Yunran thought she heard it wrong, "What do you think you are doing?"

  Xu Yin pointed to the yard that formed a row of rows: "I planted some vegetables."

   "You are so capable! You can even grow vegetables." Lu Yunran excitedly ran to the yard, looked around curiously, but now she didn't see anything, "I just planted it today? How long will it take to eat it?"

   "It will take more than a month at the earliest."

  She mixed Taoyuan star soil and poured water containing spiritual dew, which can advance a lot of time, but it will not be too outrageous.

   "What did you plant? Are there any tomatoes?"

  Lu Yunran's favorite vegetables are tomatoes, tomato scrambled eggs, tomato salad, and even pickled fish with tomato flavor.

   "No big tomatoes were planted, but a few small tomatoes were planted."

   As Xu Yin said, she went into the room and took out two big tomatoes, washed them in front of the tap, and handed one to Lu Yunran.

   "The big tomato sold by my mother is quite delicious, so I won't grow it myself."

  Lu Yunran took a bite of the tomato, her eyes lit up: "Well... this tomato is really delicious!"

She took a sip of the juice and swallowed it contentedly before she said: "My mother also said that there is no good food in the farmer's market. She bought it in the supermarket, but I think the tomatoes she bought in the supermarket are not as delicious as this. Several times The first time I bought it, the skin looked red, the inside was still raw, or it tasted tasteless. My dad said that the melons sold in the market are not sweet, the vegetables are not fragrant, and the fruit is tasteless. I want to eat what they used to eat Unless you go to the countryside to grow your own fruits and vegetables with a strong flavor. But the tomato sold by Xu Yin’s family is really delicious! May I ask how many catties you bought?”

   "Success! It was originally for sale."

   Just like that, when Lu Yunran left, she took four large tomatoes, two cucumbers, a handful of lettuce, and a catty of water spinach.

  He went home happily and said that he would let her mother make it for lunch.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  What the **** are you doing here?

   "Hey wait—you left your book behind!"

   "It's okay! I'll come to play with you tomorrow!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  When Lu Yunran got home, she brought the food to Mother Lu.

   "Mom, I bought some vegetables at Xu Yin's house. The tomatoes her mother sells are delicious. I ate a raw one at her house. It's very similar to the old tomato my father said."

Seeing that her daughter came back on time, mother Lu didn't say anything, but brought back a bagful of vegetables. Seeing that the people were much more cheerful, her heart fell back to the original place after hanging for a long time, and she felt more and more that it was the right decision to agree to her daughter's going to play with Xu Yin .

She has been introspecting for the past two days, especially after listening to the old man on the opposite floor talk about the situation that day, she was so afraid that she didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights, for fear that her daughter's depression would not be relieved, and she would not be able to think about what to do upstairs stupid thing.

  So these two days, Lu's mother didn't even go to work, and took all the remaining annual leave for this year at once, and stayed at home with her daughter, but she didn't dare to urge her to study.

   Compared with "alive", 985, 211, and world famous schools seem to be unimportant.

  (end of this chapter)

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